ENG2310 Falocco Quizzes 1-10 PDF

Title ENG2310 Falocco Quizzes 1-10
Author Warren Lumley
Course British Literature before 1785
Institution Texas State University
Pages 24
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LIT 2310 Quizzes QUIZ 1 1. Medieval literature written in england was by no means entirely, nor indeed mostly written in _______. -English 2. We refer to the Millennium following the collapse of the roman empire, the fifth century CE as one period, _______. -The Middle Ages 3. At the end of this long, expansive time falls the period what we still sometimes call the ______. Can literally mean ‘rebirth’. -Renaissance 4. In all of Ireland and in much of britain, those three historic languages belong to one of two groups of insular _______ languages. -Celtic 5. The languages of the ________ group still spoken today are all descended from old Irish. -Gaelic 6. When _________ spread throughout the Roman empire, it spread in Britain as well. -Christianity 7. There are few words of British origin in _________, the language of the Germanic invaders. (more or less, the language Beowulf was written in) -OLD English

8. The Northumbria historian _________ wrote his ecclesiastical history of the English people in 725. -Bede 9. In the 790s came the first wave of invasions by the various Scandenavian peoples known to history as _________. -Vikings 10. The __________ conquest of England in 1066 was the next in the long series of invasions and migrations.(The Battle of Hastings?) -NORMAN conquest 11. Williams victory brought England under the rule of a __________ speaking king. (what language did the king speak after 1066?) -French 12. _________ martyrdom created the canterbury shrine hat was the destination of Chauncer’s pilgrims. -Becket’s 13. Geoffrey of Monmouths’s History, completed around 1139, offers an account of the history of the realm going back to the mythical Trojan founder, __________. -Brutus 14. Under the fourth Lateran council, it was considered important to keep the _______ removed from the common people. (lead to the schism between protestantism and catholicism) -The Bible 15. In 1290, Edward I expelled all ________ from England.

-Jews 16. In the wake of a plague, there was not surprisingly, a severe _______ shortage. -Labor 17. Of the “morality play”: plays in this genre depict in __________ form the struggles of the universal human figure. -Allegorical 18. The book describes the civil wars between the lancastrian and yorkist factions known to us as the wars of the __________. (they ended in 1485, the beginning of the english renaissance) -Wars of the ROSES 19. One way in which old and middle english are dramatically different from modern English is in sounding all ___________. -Consonants

QUIZ 2 1. Beowulf appears to be a reflex of an ancient and _________ plot. -Universal 2. The action of the poem is set in a somewhat vague, heroic Geardagum, or ________ days. -Bygone 3. Beowulf is a secular Christian poem about _________. -Pagans

4. Of Scyld Scefing’s followers laid down their dear lord, dispenser of rings, in the bosom of ________. -Ship 5. Of Grendal: “this miserable man/ lived for a time in the land of _________. -land of Giants 6. Beowulf said to his troops- “we are men of the _________ nation.”(what country is Beowulf from?) -Geatish nation 7. Hrothgar: his own father was called __________. (who is Beowulf’s father?) -Ecgtheow 8. Hrothgar- of his dead followers, _____________ has swept them away into Grendel’s terror. -Wyrd 9. Of Hrothgar? After the peace the poet says- the war chief wish to seek ___________, his queens bedchamber. (what is the name of Hrothgar’s queen?) -Wealhtheow 10. Beowulf says of Grendel- “I will not kill him with _________. -a SWORD

11. Of Grendal- “bloody minded, swollen with rage, he swung open the hall’s ________. (the literary device of personification) -Mouth

12. Of Grendel’s first victim of the night- “soon he had completely _________ that dead man.” -Devoured 13. That was an unhappy journey that the harm doer (Grendel) took to _________. (where this section of the poem takes place) -Heorot 14. During the fight - From the floor there flew/ many a _________-bench. - Mead 15. Many an earl in Beowulf’s troop drew his _______. -old blade 16. However, they did not know that no __________ could even touch that evil sinner. -Sword 17. Beowulf fights this long fight with Grendel and after the fight, Gredel was forced to ___________. -flee 18. Refers to beowulf - he who had come afar had _________, wise and stout hearted, the hall of Hrothgar. -Cleansed 19. Says of beowulf - the man of the _________ had fulfilled his boast. -Geats

20. That was a clear sign that the battle brave one laid down the hand _________. (what is it that Beowulf has at the end of this battle with Grendel that establishes victory?) -Grendel’s claw

QUIZ 3 1) Grendel retreats “defeated by force to a pool of ________________.”

a) despair

b) defeat

c) blood



2) At Heorot, Hrothgar “beheld the steep roof/ plated with gold, and Grendel’s ___________.” a) hand

b) triumph

c) defeat

d) corpse

3) Of Unferth, “The son of __________________ was more silent/ in boasting words. a) Ectheow

b) Ecglaf

c) Hygd


Hrothgar 4) Hrothgar gives Beowulf “a golden war-______________ as a reward for victory.” a) standard

b) eager

c) anthem

d) chariot

5) “An avenger still/lived on after that enemy for a long time/ after that grim battle – Grendel’s ___________.”

a) father

b) brother

d) mother

c) evil twin

6) Hrothgar says, “Sorrow is renewed/ for the Danish people. _______________ is dead.”

a) Unferth

b) Wealtheow

c) Aeschere

d) Hydg

7) Hrothgar says, “It is not far hence/ -measured in miles – that the __________ stands.” a) castle

b) mead hall

d) mere

c) fortress

8) When they arrive at this place, “They saw in the water many kinds of ____________.”

a) fish

b) mermaids

c) serpents

d) algae

9) Of weapon give to Beowulf by Unferth, “that hilted sword was named _________________.” a) Hrunting

b) Naeling

c) Excalibur

d) Excelsior

10) Beowulf says he will let Unferth have “my wave-patterned sword,/ ______-edged, splendid.”

a) smooth

b) rough

c) jagged

d) hard

11) When Beowulf dives in water, “It was a space of a(n) _______________/before he could perceive the bottom.”

a) minute

b) hour

d) day

c) afternoon

12) Of Grendel’s mother: “Then the worthy man saw that ________________.”

a) warrior

b) demon

c) water-witch

d) beautiful woman

13) Of second sword Beowulf uses, it was “good, adorned, the work of _______________.”

a) craftsmen

b) blacksmiths

c) ancient men

d) giants

14) Of Grendel, “His corpse bust open/ when he was dealt a blow after death,/ a hard sword-stroke, and his ______________ chopped off.”



b) arm

c) leg

d) manly member

15) Of Beowulf’s sword after fight, “it was a great wonder/ that it ______________ entirely.”

a) blazed

b) smoked

c) melted

d) shattered

16) Hrothgar tells Beowulf of the selfish Heremod, “Learn from him,/ understand ____________.”

a) goodness

b) humility

c) loyalty

d) virtue

17) Beowulf says he and his men “wish to say that we desire/ to seek _______________.”

a) our home

b) our families

c) rest



18) Hygelac’s queen is described as “______________ very young,/ wise, wellmannered.” a) Hygd

b) Wealtheow

c) Thryth

d) Guinevere

19) Her virtue is contrasted with “_____________ pride,/ famous folk-queen, and her terrible crimes. a) Hygd

b) Wealtheow

c) Thryth

d) Guinevere

20) Of his battle with Grendel’s mother, Beowulf says, “the sea foamed with _____________.” b) blood

a) rage

c) anguish

d) joy

QUIZ 4 1. Of Beowulf’s kingship; he held it well/ for _______ winters. -Fifty 2. This happy time ends when in the dark nights a _________ began his reign. (Beowulfs final enemy) -


3. This loathsome foe would repay with fire/ his precious _________. -drinking-cup

4. Beowulf battles? A protector of warriors, a wonderous ________.(what weapon does he use on his final enemy?) -war-shield 5. The long-good nobleman had to endure the end of his loaned days- and so did ______. -the worm 6. It was not the __________ of hand to hand combat when Hygelac was slain. -least 7. Beowulf survives until he had to take his stand against _______. -the serpent 8. Of Beowulf before his final conflict; his heart was grieving, restless, ripe for _______. -Death

9. Beowulf-- “I was _________ years old when the prince of treasures/ friend to his people took me away from my father. -Seven 10. After Hrethel’s death, there was strife between _______ and Geats. -Swedes 11. Beowulf claims “I will yet an _______ folk guardian seek out a feud and do a glorious deed. -Old 12. Beowulf says “it is not proper for any man except _______” to battle the new foe.

-Me alone 13. The ______ defended well the life and limb of the famous lord for less time than he might have liked. -Shield 14. Most of the men Beowulf brings with him _______ into the woods when the fighting began. -Fled 15. “He was called _______, Weohstan’s son.” -Wiglaf 16. This warrior(the answer to #15) says of Beowulf-- “now the day has come that our noble lord has needed the support of good ________.” -Warriors

17. During the fight, _________ shattered- the sword of Beowulf weakened at battle. -Naegling 18. Of the final triumph- but that for the prince was his _______.” -Last 19. Wiglaf orders that they should bring from afar the wood of the _____ to that good one -Pyre. 20. Wiglaf orders-- “Now the ______ must devore Beowulf’s body.” -Flames

QUIZ 5 1. The ________ painters Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Edward Burn Jones are perhaps the best known of a great many visual artists strongly influenced by Malory’s work. -Pre-Raphaelite 2. Malory was undoubtedly involved in Englands great internal conflict, the wars of the ________. -Roses 3. Another english poem the alliterative…. Conquering of the emperor of ________. -Rome

4. The single occupation of Malory’s… was fulfilling the requirements of ________, a code of conduct that governs the lives of royal and noble men. -Chivalry 5. Malory’s imaginative world has been called _______, a world whare a mans most important relationships are with other men. -Homosocial 6. To cure Uther’s love sickness, Sir Ulfins says- I shall seek _______ and he shall do you remedy. -Merlin 7. Arthur’s half sister Morgan… learns so much that she was a great clerk of ________. -necromancy

8. After Arthur’s birth, he was delivered onto Merlin and so born forth on to serve _______. -Sir Ector 9. Christmas in London, all the lords went to behold the _______ in the stone, how Arthur is revealed as the proper king of england. -Sword 10. When he returns home and finds that all were out to see the jousting, then was Arthur _______. -King 11. When arthur tells his stories, Sir Ector says- “I understand ye must be _____ of this land.” -King 12. Agravian- “we know all that Sir Lancelot _______ your queen.” -Holdeth 13. When he finds out about Guinevere adultery, Arthur says- “much more am I sorry for my good _____’s loss than for the loss of my fair queen. -Good Knight’s 14. The night before his final battle, Arthur dreamed that the ______ turned upside down. -Wheel 15. Gawain tells Arthur- “for and ye fight as tomorn with Sir Mordred, as ye both have assigned, doubt ye not shall be ________.” -Slain

16. A meeting of troops between Arthur’s and Mordrid’s armies erupts into battle when one knight drew his sword to slay the _______. -Adder 17. During the battle- Sir Mordrid did his _______ that day and put himself in great peril. -Devoir

18. Arthur tells Sir Benadir- “take down your _______ my good sword and go with it to younger waterside. -Excalibur 19. When Sir Bedivere throws his sword in the lake, there came a _______ above the water and took it and clutched it. -Arm and Hand 20. (Arthur’s final destination where he says he's going at the end of the book, which is a mythical place like the ENglish version of Atlantis)- As Arthur sails away he says- “I must into the veil of ________ to heal my grevious wounds.” -Avilion QUIZ 6 1. Chaucer was one of the first poets to composed his work in __________. -English 2. In Italy 1372, Chaucer probably acquired his knowledge of the works of Dante, Petrarch, and _________. -Boccaccio

3. Many of Chaucer’s characters show themselves to be more interested in _______ than spiritual quest. -carnal 4. The elevated tone of the knights tale stands in marked contrast to the ________ of the miller's tale. -bawdiness 5. In 1399 Richard II was overthrown by Henry Bolingbroke, or Henry the _________. -Henry IV 6. The pilgrims go to Canterbury/ “the hooly blisful _______ for to seke.” -Martir 7. Of the Prioresse, “Frenssh of _______ was to hire unknowe.” -Parys 8. A monk is described as “a _______ man, to been an abbot able.” -manly 9. Of the fere, “he knew the ________ wel in al the toun.” -taverns 10. All the money the clerk gets, “On ________ he it spente.” -bookes and on lernynge 11. “Nowher so bisy a man as he ther nas;/ and yit he seemed _______ than he was.” -bisier 12. Of the Frankelain, “For he was __________ owen sone.”

-Epicurus 13. Of the doctor visit, “ful redy hadde he hise _______ to sende hym drogges and his letuaries” -Apothecaries

14. Of the Wif of Bathe: “________ at chirche dore she hadde fyve.” -Housbondes 15. Of the person, “he was a shepherde and noght a _________.” -mercenarie 16. The stories the miller tells are “moost of synne and _______.” -harlotries 17. The Reve “was a wel good wrighte, a _________.” -carpenter 18. Of the Somonour, “of his _______, children were aferd.” -visage 19. Chaucer writes these nobles that “assembled was this compaignye in _______.” (in what part of london?) -Southwerk 20. Of the lottery to determine who should tell the first tale, “the suit is this the cocktail to the __________.” -the Knight QUIZ 7 1. “The Miller tells his tale...of the _________ of an old carpenter.”

-cuckholding 2. Of Alison: “of ______ yeer she was of age.” -eighteteene

3. Nicholas to Alison: “________, love me all at ones.” -Lem man 4. Alison- “Myn housbounde is so ful of ________/That but ye wayte and be privee.” -jalousie 5. “He playeth ________ upon a scaffold hye.” -Herodes 6. Nicholas- “alas, shall all this _________be lost…” -world 7. Nicholas to John- “I have yfound in myn ________ the notice of upcoming disaster.” -astrologye 8. Nicholas- “as greet as grace as _______ hadde.” -Noe 9. “To clymben by the ronges and the stalkes/into the ______.” -tubbes 10. “Whitouten words mo they goon to _________” -bedde 11. “But first he cheweth greyn of _________/ to smellen sweete.” -lycorys

12. “At the wyndow out she put hir ________.” -hole

13. “Thoughte it was amys/for wel he wiste a woman hath no __________” -berd 14. “He shoulde kisse his ________.” -ers 15. When absolan falls out in the dark- “speak sweet byrd, I know not where thou art, this nicholas unknowe led flee a __________” -fart 16. “Help! _______! ________! Help for goddess herte!” -water, water 17. “Allas, now cometh Nowelis _________.” -Flood 18. “Thus _________ was the carpenteres wif.” -swyved 19. “And Absolon hath kist hir ___________ eye.” -nether 20. “And Nicholas is ________ in the towte.” -scalded QUIZ 8 1. Between 1600 and 18th century -Early Modern Period

2. Thomas More introduced __________ science to English literature. -Petrarchan

3. _________ provided further proof of the Copernican theory that the cosmos do not revolve around the Earth. -Galileo 4. “Microcosm of individual human was made up of four __________.” -Humors 5. Henry’s break with Rome was caused by his desire to end his _________. -marriage 6. Henry’s eldest daughter earned the nickname __________ when she authorized the execution of various protestant leaders. -Bloody Mary 7. When did Queen Elizabeth I come to rule? -1558 8. Common literary motif throughout the period is the assumption by protagonist of a _________ disguise. -cross-gendered 9. The problem of determining early modern racial attitudes is further complicated by shifts in the meaning of the word ________. -race 10. Of Elizabeth at her death in _________, the crown passed to her distant cousin James VI of scotland.

-1603 11. The book refers to “the death of James and the accession of his son Charles I in __________.” -1625 12. Of Charles I- “within a year he in effect shut down _________.” -Parliament 13. The book refers to the execution of King Charles in January _________. (year) -1649 14. A period of chaos was finally ended in the restoration of the monarchy in _________. (year) -1660 15. As the author of ‘The Defense of Poesy’(1583), ________ produced the first extended work of literary theory and criticism in English. -Sidney 16. English verse took a ________ to consist of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. -iamb 17. Who wrote “The Faerie Queen”? -Edmund Spenser 18. Of Elizabethan drama- for this “theater in the round”, little or no attempt was made to provide ______ sets or backdrops. -realistic

19. “Overall, the tone of _______ drama is darker than that of the Elizabethan stage.” -Jacobean 20. Ben _____- who wrote Poetaster. -Ben Jonson QUIZ 9 1. Sonnet is “a lyric poem in ___________ lines.” -14 2. In Petrarchan sonnet “the rhyme scheme is usually abba ______ cde cde.” -abba 3. Shakespearean sonnets consist of three quatrains(set of four lines) each rhyming _______, ______, ________, and then a couplet rhyming g, g. -abab, cdcd, efef 4. Wyatt “was twice ______ in the tower of London.” -imprisoned 5. “Whoso list to hunt “thought to mean longing for ________, Henry’s future wife. -Anne Boleyen 6. ‘Noli me tanger, for ______ I am. -Caesar’s 7. Surrey was ________ between 1537 and 1539. -imprisoned

8. We call this the Shakespearean or English form, but it was _______ who invented it.

-Surrey 9. Sir Philip Sidney remains not only a famous writer, but an example of the complete Renaissance ____________. -courtier 10. While in Paris, Sidney witnessed the horrifying Saint ________’s Day massacre. -Bartholomew 11. Sidney’s assessment of the english play ________ is the first sustained critical discussion of a literary work in English. -Gorboduc 12. The book describes “Sidney’s longest work, “The Countess of Pembroke’s Acadia” as “a _______ romance.” -pastoral 13. Sidney speaker on Sonnet 47 says “beauty but _______ is.” -beauty 14. Shakespeare “was baptized in Stratford-upon-Avon on 26 April ______.” -1564 15. It was conventional for those not….for their writings as SHakespeare evidently did with the Earl of ______. -Southampton

16. The first publication of Shakespeare’s collected works did not occur until ______.” -1623

17. Shakespeare died on 23 April _______, age 52. -1616 18. Shakespeare’s speaker tells the subject of Sonnet 20 that Nature has “_______ thee out for women’s pleasure.” -pricked 19. The speaker of sonnet 130 claims “by _________’s eyes are nothing like the sun.” -mistress 20. In the example of Atlanta classes, or Ona Homonym, the speaker of Sonnet 138 includes of his...

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