Engels TP1 V5 - dssdsd PDF

Title Engels TP1 V5 - dssdsd
Author Floor Maathuis
Course Neuropsichiatra
Institution Anhanguera Educational
Pages 3
File Size 229 KB
File Type PDF
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WASP Reporter V5 Assignment 44 Definitions Agitation State of emotional disturbance To bray To make a loud, harsh, disagreeable sound Bigot A person who is utterly intolerable of people who are different in anyway Entitled Having an attitude or rudeness and arrogance, especially when making demands To exasperate To annoy to the extreme Excruciating Mentally agonizing To gag To retch or choke Innocuous Not harmful To inoculate To stimulate resistance to a disease Intervening Happening between events or periods Intermittent Stopping and beginning again Noxious Harmful or injurious to health or well-being Proliferation Rapid and often excessive increase Relentless Unstopping To seethe To be excessively angry Susceptible Capable of being affected To vie To strive in competition Assignment 47 Idiomatic expressions Do you know what really drives me up the wall? Do you know what really gets in my hair? Do you know what really gets me up in dander? Do you know what really gets my arms up? Do you know what really gets my knickers in a twist? Do you know what really grinds my gears? Do you know what really is a bee in my bonnet? Do you know what really makes me blow a gasket? Do you know what really makes me fly off the handle? Do you know what really makes me foam at the mouth? Do you know what really makes my blood boil? Do you know what really rattles my cage? Do you know what really ruffles my feathers?

Assignment 50 Meaning Alarming Character To design To embody Evidence To experience To imitate Lazy Memory Opinionated Oxygen Perspective To publish Punch Purchase Psychology Rainforest Rhinoceros To study Transfusion Tune

Alamerend Personage Ontwerpen Belichamen Bewijs Ervaren Imiteren Lui Herinnering Vooringenomen Zuurstof Perspectief Publiceren Stompen Aankoop Psychologie Regenwoud Neushoorn Studeren Transfusie Deuntje

Assignment 53 Antonyms Ruthless (=meedogenloos) Morphing (=veranderen) Destructive (= vernietigend) Exaggerated (=overdrijven) Profoundly (=diepgaand) Improvise (=improviseren) Covertly (=bekerend) Similar (=vergelijkbare) Suppression (=onderdrukking) Reduce (=verminderen) Respond (=reageren) Jibe with (=gelijkwaardig) Consistent (=vast plan) Drastic (=stevig ingrijpend) Transient (=voorbijgaand) Desirable (=gewenselijk)

Gentle (=zachtaardig) Preservation (=instandhouding) Harmless (=onschadelijk) Realistic (=realistisch) Partially Prepare (=voorbereiden) Openly Different (=verschillend) Release (=uitgave) Increase (=verhogen) Remain silent (=stil blijven) Contradict (=tegenspreken) Irregular (=onregelmatig) Insignificant (=weinig waarde) Permanent Repulsive (=afstotelijk)

Assignment 54 If Then Maar And Since However While Either Yet Although So As soon as Until Because When

Als Dan But En Sinds Echter Terwijl Ofwel Toch Hoewel Zo Zodra Hoewel Omdat Wanneer

Assignment 59 Meanings Apparel Clothing, especially outerwear To capitalize To take the chance to gain advantage from To consign Resell products you own and have used through a consignment shop Conspicuous Attracting notice or attention Craftmanship The quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry Fabric Cloth produced by weaving or kitting textile fibres Garment An item of clothing To incinerate To destroy by burning Insurmountable Too great to be overcome Maritime Connected with the sea, especially in relation to seaborne trade or naval matters Mill A factory fitted with machinery for a particular manufacturing process Recoup Regain To source To obtain from a particular source Traction The extent to which an idea, product, et cetera gains popularity or acceptance Versatile Able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities Virgin Not yet, or only once, spun or woven...

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