Englisch argumentative essay the dsa PDF

Title Englisch argumentative essay the dsa
Course Pädagogische Psychologie
Institution Fachhochschule Bielefeld
Pages 4
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Argumenta3ve Essay


Silas Schwab TG13c School Year 2020/21 Kolping Akademie Fellbach December 21, 2020



Structure Thesis statement „USA – A divided country?“ Introduc3on – PoliIcal debates about leaving the USA (e.g. California or Texas) – Why there is such a discussion? – Is the USA a true union of states and people or a divided country with different parts? Main Part Geographical dimension – USA is almost as large as the EU and has many Ime zones – With this size come new difficulIes – Many beliefs and opinions from people who originate from different places – Different climates and landscapes (South: Endless desserts, North: Enormous mountains) Poli3cal dimension – Each regional government of the fi\y states in the USA has far reaching powers (but there is sIll a federal government) – The USA is more divided (Can react be]er and much quicker) – Germany: Many different poliIcal parIes, USA: Only two big parIes (Democrats (Dems) and Republicans (GOP)) – Two-party system highlights poliIcal divide Cultural dimension – USA sIll experiences a vast amount of travelers, immigrants, workers and students coming and living in the States – Clash of cultures: Huge chance, but can also create problems: – SegregaIon (in the 60’s and sIll) – Create problems, like the same living standards, high crime rate (because no work) – COVID-19 pandemic we see many more problems – Increased fatality rate for African-Americans (because no health insurance) Economical and social dimension – System of capitalism (Demand sets price) – USA has o\en the Image as the “wealthiest naIon on earth” – But the gap between the rich and the poor increase – Example: Amazon – Workers can barely pay their bills – Founder (Jeff Bezos) has billions on his bank account Conclusion – USA is a fragile union that is on the verge of becoming a divided country – Only loosely hold together by the federal government – To prevent division – All states must see the differences as a new opportunity – People must treat each other with mutual tolerance and respect – Current perspecIve under republican Donald Trump – Wide gap between rich and poor – Strongly entrenched racism problem – Police violence – Outdated electoral system – Growing class society – USA becomes more and more DSA 2



Argumenta3ve Essay In the recent years we have seen a few poliIcal debates about the idea of some states e.g. California or Texas leaving the United States of America. Regarding to this, two important quesIons that should be taken into consideraIon are why there is such a discussion and whether the USA is a true union of states and people or a divided country with different parts? To answer this, the following argumentaIve essay will analyze and discuss the current situaIon of the USA from geographical, poliIcal, cultural, economical and social dimensions. The essay will end with a conclusion. When we look at this topic from a geographically point of view we noIce the true size of such an enormous country. When comparing the covered area, the USA is almost as large as the European Union. But while the EU is subdivided in many different countries, the US is one country. There are regions that are a few Ime zones ahead of other regions more to the west. But with this size come new difficulIes. There are many beliefs and opinions from people who originate from different places. Another division that comes with the size is the different climates and landscapes. While the southern states have endless desserts, the north has enormous mountains covered with snow. In the poliIcal dimension we noIce that each regional government of the fi\y states in the USA has far reaching powers. Unlike the regional government of the states in e.g. Germany. While there, sIll, is a federal government in the US the country itself is more divided. Therefore the USA can react be]er and much quicker to the ciIzens and upcoming problems. But when we conInue to compare the poliIcal system with Germany, we noIce that the USA is divided in another part. While there are many different poliIcal parIes in Germany, there are only two big parIes in the US. Most of Americans either vote the Democrats or the Republicans. So in this sector with this two-party system there is a clear poliIcal division only between those two parIes. Culturally the US sIll experiences a vast amount of travelers, immigrants, workers or students coming and living in the States. While this clash of cultures can be a huge chance, it can also create problems. The 60`s and the Ime of segregaIon is not that long ago. And sIll the US has to fight against segregaIon. There are sIll whole neighborhoods of people with the same origin. These concentrated neighborhoods create problems, like e.g. the same living standards or in some instances a high crime rate because there is no work. In recent events like the COVID-19 pandemic we see many more problems emerging, like the increased fatality rate for African-Americans because many have no health insurance. My last point is the economical and social structure. The USA has the system of capitalism. The demand sets the price. While the USA o\en Imes has the image as the “wealthiest naIon on earth”, the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing. This division of wealth can not only be seen in the whole country but also at a much smaller scale. While the employees at Amazon can barely pay their bills, the founder Jeff Bezos has billions on his bank account and was just recently declared as the wealthiest person alive.




As a conclusion, one can definitely say that the USA is a fragile union that is on the verge of becoming a divided country and is currently only loosely hold together by the federal government. To prevent division, all states must see the different landscapes, the different opinions and the different cultures as a new opportunity. Nevertheless, it is only an opportunity as long as people treat each other with mutual tolerance and respect. From the current perspecIve, the USA under the republican Donald Trump has a wide gap between rich and poor, a strongly entrenched racism problem and police violence, as well as an outdated electoral system and a growing class society. So we see a divided country that is currently failing to take their opportunity and increasingly dri\ing apart. USA becomes more and more DSA.


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