English – Phrasal verbs, movement, object, with pronoums PDF

Title English – Phrasal verbs, movement, object, with pronoums
Course Anglais
Institution Université du Littoral-Côte-d'Opale
Pages 2
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English – Phrasal verbs, movement, object, with pronoums licence 3...


English – Phrasal verbs, movement, object, with pronoums We often use verbs with these words : • on • off • over • back • in • about • out • around • up • forward • down • through • away • long We often use these verbs of movement. For example : • get on The bus was full. We couldn’t get on. • Drive off. She got into the car and drove off. • Come back Tom is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday. • Turn aroung When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned around. But often these words (on/off/up/down…) give a special meaning to a verb. For example : • Sorry I’m late. The car broke down. • Look out ! there’s a car coming. Sometimes a phrasal verb has an object. Usually there are 2 possible positions for the object. I turned off the light. Or I turned the light off. Here are there are some more examples : • Could you… ◦ fill out this form ? ◦ Fill this form out ? • It’s a warm… ◦ Take off your coat. ◦ Take you coat off. • The fire fighters soon arrived and… ◦ put out the fire. ◦ Put the fire out. • I thinkk I’ll… ◦ throw away these old newspapers. ◦ Throw these old newspapers away. • The police got into the house by… ◦ breaking down the door. ◦ Breaking the door down. Sometimes the object of a phrasal verb is a pronoun (it/them/me/you/him/us/her). These pronouns go before on/off/in/out/down… • They gave me a form and told me to fill out (not fill out it) • Anna’s asleep. Don’t wake her up (not wake up her) • « What should I do with these old newspapers ? » Throw them away ».

Sometimes we use a phrasal verb + preposition. For example : look forward to / keep up with / cut down on. The object always comes after the preposition : • Are you looking forward your vacation ? • You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep up with you. • Jack has cut down on smoking. He only smokes five cigarettes a day now. Exercise : 1. Be careful on that horse ! Don’t fall off ! 2. Sorry I’m late. The car broke down on the way here. 3. What time did the plane finally take off ? 4. There used to be a very good store on the corner, but it closed down a year ago. 5. « We have bought a new house. » « Oh, have you ? When are you moving in ? 6. Susie is eight years old. When she grows up, she wants to be a pilot. 7. I arranged to meet Jim at the club last night, but he didn’t turn up. 8. The weather’s horrible, isn’t it ? I hope it will clear up later. 9. We all know how wonderful you are. There’s no need to show off. 10. (on the telephone) I can’t hear you very well. Can you speak up a bit ? 11. The radio is a little loud. Can you turn it down, please ? 12. There was a $20 bill lying on the sidewald1, so I picked it up. 13. The children are asleep. Don’t wake them up ! 14. If you make a mistake, just cross it out. 15. I saw a jacket I like in the store, so I went in and tried it on me to see if it fit me. 16. There were a few words that I didn’t understand, so I looked them up in my dictionnary. 17. He had a beard for a long time, but he got tired of it. So he shaved it off. 18. A stone fell on my head and knocked me out. I was unconscious for half an hour.


Sidewalk = pavement = trottoir...

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