ePortfolio Community and Population Health for Leadership and Professional Image C493 PDF

Title ePortfolio Community and Population Health for Leadership and Professional Image C493
Course Leadership and Professional Image
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 2
File Size 61.5 KB
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Community and Population Health for Leadership and Professional Image C493 for the ePortfolio at WGU for the academic year 2019/2020....


Portfolio Community and Population Health Every society experiences distinct medical dangers and issues. Presently, the entire world is encountering a virus that has shut down economies, placed lives and careers in limbo with the quarantine, and left many pondering their futures. I put life on hold to complete my education and thankfully have not experienced working during this time. During my Community and Population course and research of my South Georgia community health statistics, I learned of numerous health conditions that afflict this rural society. With the information I collected, I formulated a plan for the community to defend against the spread of HIV/AIDS through educational resources. I recognize through my research that my small, agricultural section of the world is not unlike urban sprawls in many ways. The most significant influence of WGU's BSN curriculum is the experience and knowledge gained in researching my community and learning of its disparities through my work in Professional Roles and Values. I have lived in this area all of my life and thought I knew a great deal regarding my locality. Sadly, my eyes opened up to part of the community I knew nothing of during my studies. My research has brought to light the different lifestyles, public, and collective infrastructures established that impact individuals' wellbeing and have aided in restructuring my portrayal of the nursing profession. Our society's population base is diverse and guides the individual model for each circumstance. My Task 1 for C228 Community Health and Population Focused Nursing exhibits my competence to concentrate on my community's health. The essay conveys that I can adequately establish societal dangers employing environmental health and statistical data to identify problematic health issues. Using this information, we can formulate nursing diagnoses and plans of care for individuals in the community. My essay confirms the meaning of society and the inhabitants' wellbeing. Through thorough research of the simulated reality, I adapted my interventions to the individuals within that populace, which illustrates my flexibility to work with humans or simulations. The virtual simulation of Sentinel City prepared me for my field experience through data analysis and preparation of assessing my community. I derived from the simulation ways to apply societal data from my community and found a high prevalence of IV drug use, a precursor to HIV. This discovery came about by watching the local sheriff's department drug squad fly a drone over our property, searching for a known drug dealer who escaped during a traffic stop on the highway in front of our property. I interviewed one of the deputies to learn how common IV drug use is in our rural part of South Georgia. I discovered that much of the drug use is with the school-aged population and developed a plan to educate them about drug use leading to HIV. Through statistical research of my community in multiple databases I learned how common IV drug use is within our rural community. Also through this research I discovered that within my rural community the connection of IV drug use being the cause of a high prevalence of HIV infections. I also

learned there is a lack of education in the local school systems and I believe education is the key to prevention of the IV drug use that leads to HIV. The training and executing of community assessments in the computer generated town of Sentinel City prepared me to delve into issues within my community. It enabled me to analyze and apply the data I compiled and attribute these findings to my rural society. Using my knowledge from C228 I was able to uncover statistical data linking IV drug use to HIV infections in my rural area. Through my research I determined that data for my rural South Georgia community is difficult to locate. I was also able to discern that the school system is the best way to incorporate a learning system in the prevention of HIV infections by abstaining from IV drug use. I acquired valuable information from the American Museum of Natural History while completing the certification. It gave me improved insight into various approaches used by researchers with treatment methods for multiple illnesses. I was fascinated by how genetics impact how our bodies react to the treatment of diseases. Having an autoimmune disease myself, it all makes sense. I will continue to research my patients' illnesses and apply the information from this certification in their care plans....

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