Essay 4 - Technology Makes Our Life Easier or Make us Dependent? PDF

Title Essay 4 - Technology Makes Our Life Easier or Make us Dependent?
Author Umer Ali
Course Intermediate Composition For Esl Students
Institution Queensborough Community College
Pages 3
File Size 69.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Technology Makes Our Life Easier or Make us Dependent?...


Umer Ali BE-203 Essay # 4 Draft # 1 Prof. J. Carroll Technology Makes Our Life Easier or Make us Dependent? Theaut horDr .Bel l eBi r c hfi el d,As s oc i at ePr of es s orofTec hnol ogyt al k sabout “ Per s onalTec hnol ogyati t sBes torNot ?”i nt hi sar t i c l e.Shes ai dy esi ti sati t sbes t bec aus et ec hnol ogymak esourl i f eeas i er .I thel psusi nmanyi s s ues .I ts ol v esal otof pr obl ems whi ch a per s on c an’ tfi x eas i l y .I ti sf as t erand r el i abl e.I tgi v es us an oppor t uni t yt o ex pl or et he wor l d.Tec hnol ogy i t s el fi s a gi f tf or human bei ngs . Tec hnol ogyhasbeenpopul arf r om t hous andsofy ear .Ther ei sanex pl os i v er ev ol ut i on i nt ec hnol ogyi nl as t50y ear s .I tpl ay sawonder f ulr ol ei nourdai l yl i f e.Nowaday s ,i ti s i mpos s i bl et oi magi net hel i f ewi t houtt ec hnol ogyandi ti sget t i ngbet t erandbet t erday by day .I ti sbel i ev edt hatt echnol ogy ,wi t hi t sev er i nc r eas i ngpower ,hasdr amat i c al l y al t er edt hewaypeopl el i v e. I nt hi s21stc ent ur y ,engi neer shav ei nv ent edmanydi ffer entt ec hnol ogydev i c es whi c hmadeourl i v eseas yandwhi c hi smor er el i abl e.I nJ une2005,Chi naLaborWat c h ( CL W)publ i s hed an i nv es t i gat i v er epor t ,c onduc t ed i n Shenz hen,Chi na,us i ng c el l phone,MSN,f ac ebookar eal lf av or abl emet hodsofi nt er ac t i onswi t hot her s .Upt o40% oft he par t i c i pant si nt he s ur v eypr ef er r edus i ngmoder nt ec hnol ogi c aldev i c eswhen t r y i ngt ogeti nt ouc hwi t hs omeone,andt hes es t at i s t i c swentupt o60% amongy ounger par t i c i pant s .I tal s ogi v esusas i gni fi c antpus ht ot hedev el opment si nourl i v es .Ther e ar eal otofadv ant agesr egar di ngt ec hnol ogys uc has ,mak i ngt hi ngspos s i bl e.I nmy

poi ntofv i ewIt hi nkt hatmoder nt ec hnol ogymak esl i f emor ec onv eni entf ort wor eas ons . Thefi r s tr eas oni swi t ht ec hnol ogypeopl ec anr eadmor eandeduc at et hem s el v esi na v er ys i mpl eway .Thes ec ondr eas oni swi t ht ec hnol ogypeopl ec anc ommuni c at ewi t h eac hot heral lt het i mear oundt hewor l d. Fur t her mor e,i tal s ohel psi nt r av el l i ngpur pos es .Ther eusedt obeat i mewhen t r av el l i ngwasat edi oust askandmaki ngar r angement sf ort hesame,ev enmor es o. Butwi t ht heappl i cat i onoft echnol ogy ,t hi shasbeenbr oughtdownt oal ev elt hati s eas i l ymanageabl e.I fwehav et ogos omewher ewedon’ tneedamapanymor e.We j us tneed t o putt he addr es s ,and nav i gat i on t el l s us t he bes tr out et or eac h our des t i nat i on,i tal s ogi v esusf as tandeas i es tr out et oourdes t i nat i on,i tal s ot el lusi ft her e i sanyt r afficorac c i denti n ourr out e.Bef or et hatwe don’ tk now ex ac t l yaboutour des t i nat i onandwehav et os eet hemapagai nandagai nandev ent houghi tt ak est oo l ongt or eac ht her e,wenotev ens ur et hati si tcor r ec tornot . Addi t i onal l y ,Vi r t ualcl as sr oomshav er eal l ys t ar t edki cki ngi ni nabi gway .No mor el ong hour s ofj ustsi t t i ng ar ound i nt he cl assr ooms f or bor i ng t opi cs . Technol ogyhasmadei tpos si bl et obeapar tofavi r t ualenv i r onment .Now wecan domul t i t askwhi l ewel ear ni ng.I ts av esy oubot ht i meandsomeeffor t .I fwedon’ t wantt o si ti n ac l asswe can t ak e ourl ect ur esonl i ne ori fwe di dn’ tunder st and anyt hi ngwecanj ustgoonl i neandl ookf ori t . Ihav eaper sonalexper i ence,oncemeandmyf ami l ywentoutf orv acat i ons t oLosAngel es .Onedaywegot obeac handwhenwec omebackt oourr oom our r oom i sopened.Whenwecomei nsi det her oom wes eet hatourt hi ngsar emi s si ng. Someonet ookourl apt opsandcamer as .Whenwet al kt ot hehot elmanagerhes ai d

t hatt heydon’ thav eanycamer asi nt hel obby ,s ohec an’ thel pusi nanyt hi ng.That ’ s whywecansayt hatt echnol ogyi ski ndofi mpor t antf orpr i v acyands ecur i t y . Ont heot herhand,i tal s ohel psi not hert hi ngsl i k ei nsoci alnet wor ki ngwe canshar et hi ngswi t hourspec i alonesonwhat ’ sgoi ngoni nourl i f e.I nf act ,i tal s o hel psusi nbus i nessangl e,upt odat ewor l dev ent s ,t ool sandmachi nesandabout uni ver seal s o. Al t oget her ,wecansayt hatt echnol ogymak esourl i f eeasi eri nmanyway s. Weshoul ds ayt hati ti sv er yi mpor t antf orusbecausei tmakesourl i f eeas y .Fi nal l y , Iwoul dl i k et os ay t echnol ogy has been t he gr eat esthel pi n uncov er i ng t he my s t er i es.I nmyconcl us i on,t echnol ogyt odayi sasi mpor t antt ousasbr eat hi ngf or bei ngal i v e.I thasc hangedt hewaywet hi nkandactc l ear l y .I ti st hemos ti mpor t ant par tofmoder ndayl i vi ng....

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