Essay \"Broadmeadows & Docklands\" - grade B PDF

Title Essay \"Broadmeadows & Docklands\" - grade B
Course Urban Environments
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Broadmeadows & Docklands


Urban Environments ENVS10007 Essay Broadmeadows & Docklands

Name: Rose Ong Student ID: 914898 Tutor: Marjan Tutorial Day/Time: Thursday 2.15PM

In the recent decades, Broadmeadows and Docklands have been transformed significantly due to certain socioeconomic and ecological factors. Broadmeadows, originally an affordable living area for the working class, became a car-manufacturing site in the later years – causing population in the district to increase due to open job opportunities (Christiansen, 2008). However, Broadmeadows experienced high levels of disadvantage from the 1970s due to the car industry declining rapidly (Christiansen, 2008). Whereas Docklands, which on the contrary, has always been an area of continuous economic activity and development due to its location astride the Yarra River and the Victoria Dock (Dunstan, 2008). As one of Melbourne’s greatest assets as a waterfront city, Docklands continue to grow in its valuable infrastructure and commercial development (Dunstan, 2008). Clearly, the two localities differ in terms social and ecological aspects such as population mobility and environmental impacts. Significant changes can also be implemented on Broadmeadows in order to improve its environment. This essay will be about the difference between the two localities in terms of population mobility, ecological impacts, and how planning Broadmeadows can improve its urban environment will be further emphasized. A significant aspect of the difference in socio-economic processes in Broadmeadows and Docklands is the population mobility. Post WWII in 1942, Australia struggled with a restrained population and therefore had to expand the immigration numbers by eliminating the White Australian Policy (Tafti, 2015). As a result of WWII, Broadmeadows was one of the areas where migrants were attracted to its pull factors such as its affordability as its far from the CBD, and car-manufacturing job opportunities, inducing a better livelihood, hence the diverse ethnic groups in the area where English and Lebanon migrants are the majority (See Appendix). The international migration was also caused by push factors mainly the lack of opportunities at home and poor education and health services (Tafti, 2015). Therefore, the working class in Broadmeadows usually consisted of low-skilled employees due to its far location from the CBD, and the affordability of the housing there. In the late 1970s, the Fraser federal government granted access for refugees from South East Asia and other non-European countries such as Malaysia which became significant countries of origin in Australia, and Melbourne in particular had an increase in the diversity of ethnic groups. Docklands is an example as one of the areas today from that result (See Appendix) and as its close to the CBD, it is also more appealing to other migrants who work or study in the CBD. Docklands is an example of an area that had undergone gentrification as living spaces were renovated to more modern homes where high concentrations of individuals with high qualifications, education and professions, reside (Foster, 2004). Gentrification was then spread to inner suburbs which were resided by low-income families (Foster, 2004), where a part of Broadmeadows did undergo the process as some homes are more modernized now and public transport is more advanced compared to before. Moreover, the transport networks play a significant role in shaping the physical and social characteristics of Broadmeadows and Docklands. Broadmeadows and Docklands show a large difference in terms of transportation (See Appendix, table 1 & 6) where public transport in Docklands is more accessible than in Broadmeadows, causing those in Broadmeadows to use more private transport than those in Docklands. This is because an organized and wellconnected transport system induces higher oil-free mobility such as walking, public transport use, and cycling (Stone

& Mees, 2010). Therefore, urban planners in respond to oil vulnerability tend to focus on the employment concentration of the area as well as other trip destinations before locally intensifying residential development (Stone & Mees, 2010). Clearly, due to the location of Broadmeadows, it is difficult to increase the concentration of oil-free transportation for residents to the CBD, causing the development of infrastructure in Broadmeadows to be low in comparison to Docklands where public transport and oil-free mobility is high. Therefore, job opportunities in Broadmeadows are usually less than in Docklands (See Appendix, table 5 & 9), and also less advanced as Broadmeadows is not as highly urbanized as Docklands. It is stated by Stone and Mees (2010) that current public transportation for trips to work is restrained mainly to jobs in CBD, causing suburban work travel through public transport to remain low. Public transport is mainly to provide mobility to disadvantaged individuals, lower traffic congestion, as well as using financial resources efficiently (Stone & Mees, 2010). It is evident that network planning results in economic efficiency and improved patronage (Stone & Mees, 2010). An excellent example is public transport in Toronto, where even though its rail system is smaller than Melbourne’s, its usage is two times higher than in Melbourne due to its network planning as its owned by only one public agency which offers travelers convenient access to bus services, in contrast to Melbourne where services are poorly connected due to unproductive competition between different operators (Stone & Mees, 2010). Indeed, an area can be significantly improved through public transport without changing the urban form (Stone & Mees, 2010). Another vital aspect of the difference between Broadmeadows and Docklands in terms of its ecological impacts include the urban heat island (UHI) effect and the urban stream syndrome. According to Grimm (2008), demands in material production due to human consumption affect land use, biodiversity, and hydro-systems from a local to regional perspective, as well as urban waste discharge which also alter local to regional biogeochemical cycles. The UHI effect is when most high and mid-latitude cities experience high air temperatures in comparison to the suburban areas especially at night due to the form of the building which distorts the natural energy balance, as paved surfaces and rooftops trap heat and decrease evaporation levels (Kennedy, Cuddihy & Engel-Yan, 2007). Characteristics of urban environments inclusive of land-cover pattern, increased impervious surfaces, reduced vegetation area, increased solar energy absorption of multistory buildings, increased number of high-rises which trap heat, are factors which contribute to the UHI formation (Grimm, 2008). Docklands has a higher level of impervious surfaces compared to Broadmeadows (See Appendix, table 3 & 8) due to its number of high-rise buildings (See Appendix), and hence experiences a significantly greater effect of UHI than Broadmeadows. Broadmeadows has low imperviousness due to the large area of private gardens in the area and low number of multistory buildings, and therefore experience very little of the UHI effect. The UHI effect can impact the energy flow of cities by increasing energy use. For instance, a 1ºC increase in Toronto on summer days, increases the peak electricity demand by roughly 1.6% (Kennedy, Cuddihy & Engel-Yan, 2007). Clearly, the UHI effect has a large impact on Docklands when compared to Broadmeadows, causing Docklands to have higher energy use during summer times in the evenings than Broadmeadows. Furthermore, increased impervious cover also affect urban streams significantly as it funnels pollutants which have been accumulated from roadways and buildings into streams (Grimm, 2008). The large impervious surface in

Docklands results in a high amount of stormwater run-off compared to Broadmeadows (See Appendix, table 3 & 8) which have a large area of vegetation. According to Walsh et al. (2005), the main driver of the urban stream syndrome is urban stormwater run-off which is delivered to streams. The main factors of the urban stream syndrome is a flashier hydrograph, heightened concentrations of contaminants and nutrients and distorted channel morphology, as well as low biotic diversity. For instance, streams of the Georgia region with increased catchment urbanization resulted in an increased rate of leaf breakdown and low retention of organic matter (Walsh et al., 2005). Docklands has high imperviousness due the majority of the type of buildings, which are mostly apartments, hence the low number of private gardens. Even though Docklands compensates the low number of private gardens owned by residents with large parks and vegetation areas, the vegetation area is still significantly lower than Broadmeadows. Walsh et al. (2005) also stated that in eastern Melbourne, streams are found to be in a fairly good condition when the total imperviousness (TI) is up to 12%, whereas TI higher than 12% result in the poor condition of streams. In other words, Docklands’ urban form has a higher environmental impact in comparison to Broadmeadows as the TI of Docklands is higher as it is highly urbanized compared to Broadmeadows. Furthermore, there are several factors which can be implemented in Broadmeadows through planning in order to improve its urban environment. The problems identified in Broadmeadows include inefficient transport, low residential capacity, low employment opportunities, and low health and education services. The values which can be incorporated into planning Broadmeadows include safety and fitness. Safety can be incorporated by increasing job opportunities in Broadmeadows, which decrease crime rates and increase job satisfaction. In order to do so, the transport network must be highly efficient as Broadmeadows is in a suburban area. Therefore, attractive service frequencies and more operating hours for different destinations, while maintaining occupancy rates (Stone & Mees, 2010) should be a way in improving the transport system in Broadmeadows. Another value, fitness, involves the adaptation of individuals with the surrounding environment while having a strong mutual interaction (Neuman, 2005), which individuals especially in Broadmeadows should consider cultivating as it could be useful in adapting to new structures or new land uses in order to eliminate NIMBY controversies, allowing residents to accept new facilities such as better healthcare services and education in order to produce higher-skilled job opportunities (Neuman, 2005). The residential density also be raised by using a percentage of the open space in the area by building high-rise apartments, as well as revitalizing old existing neighborhoods (Downs, 2005), while controlling its development in order to sustain and preserve its vegetation areas. The local government, local residents and private residents are responsible in the planning of Broadmeadows to make it a “better” urban environment. The term “better” can be defined through the values stated to transform the urban environment into an efficient, well-connected and wellfacilitated, yet sustainable area where residents appreciate and are content with their quality of living. In conclusion, Broadmeadows and Docklands show significant differences in terms of socio-economic processes and ecological impacts. Clearly, Docklands show a high amount of opportunities and well-connected transport network in comparison to Docklands, which attract a large diversity of ethnic groups and high-skilled working individuals. Broadmeadows has a number of ethnic groups as well, but for different reasons such as its

history. However, Docklands show a high environmental impact due to its infrastructure and its high density whereas Broadmeadows do not show any significant ecological impact from its infrastructure but instead from its energy use from transportation as Broadmeadows is not as well-connected to the CBD. Broadmeadows can be improved through careful planning by its responsible authorities in order to produce a better area based on values such as fitness and safety as well as sustainability, in order to increase opportunities and occupancy for a better livelihood.

References Christiansen, P. (2008). eMelbourne: The city past & present. Retrieved from Downs, A. (2005). Smart Growth: Why we discuss it more than we do it. Journal of the American Planning Association, 71(4), 367-378. Dunstan, D. (2008). eMelbourne: The city past & present. Retrieved from Foster, C. A. (2004). Australian cities: Continuity and change (3 ed.). South Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Grimm, N.B., Faeth, S. H., Golubiewski, N. E., Redman, C. L., Wu, J., Bai, X., & Briggs, J. M. (2008). Global change and the ecology of cities. Science, 319(5864), 756-760. Kennedy, C., Cuddihy, J., & Engel-Yan, J. (2007). The changing metabolism of cities. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11(2), 43-59. Massey, D. (1999). Cities interlinked. In D. Massey, J. Allen & S. Pile (Eds.), City worlds (pp.95-108). London and New York: Routledge. Neuman, M. (2005). The compact of city fallacy. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 25(1), 11-26. Stone J., & Mees, P. (2010). Planning public transport networks in the post-petroleum era. Australian Planner, 47(4), 263-271. Tafti, M. T. (2015). Social aspect of cities [PowerPoint slides]. University of Melbourne Urban Environment LMS: Walsh, C. J., Roy, A. H., Feminella, J. W., Cottingham, P. D., Groffman, P. M., & Morgan, R. P. (2005). The urban stream syndrome: current knowledge and the search for a cure. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 24(3), 706-723.

Appendix Broadmeadows – Physical profile Figure 1 shows the locations observed: 73 Waranga Crescent to 2 Waranga Crescent; 7 Goulburn Street to Camp Road; 51 Smiley Road to 1-13 Jacana Avenue; 1 Warnock Street to 32 Trethowan Street Density: Area population: 10,578 people; Area size: 8 hectares Therefore the population density of Broadmeadows is 13.16 hectares per person. The data of population size and area size obtained from Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011) and the measurement of population density is from the tutorial exercise of Module 2 – week 1.

Buildings:Figure 2: Houses along Smiley Road with a bus stop Source: Rose Ong (2015)

The buildings observed in Broadmeadows are mostly residential properties, whereas The data obtained on Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011b) below some are retails such as shops and restaurants. It is also shows that majority of the people in the area live with another person. It is also observed that most of the houses in observed that the average household has two or three Broadmeadows are single-storey houses with their own private gardens as shown in Figure 2. dwellers. Size per household: A total of 742 people occupy residents by themselves; 776 people occupy residents with one other person; 558 people occupy residents with two people; 448 people occupy residents with three people (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011 b). Figure 1: Section of Broadmeadows visited Source: Google Maps (2015)

Height of houses: 264 people in (semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc) one-storey houses and 84 people live in two or more storeys. (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011 b) Size/Area of average plot: Using Land Channel (interactive maps) of 4 different locations visited, average plot area is 535.5sqm. Average area of impervious (building, paving, garden, other features): 163.945sqm. Diversity of buildings (in terms of age, function & size): Mostly residential buildings, majority looks traditional due to the style of the houses (example: Waranga Cres), very few modern houses (as shown in Figure 3). From left to right: Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5. Source: Rose Ong (2015)

Figure 3: the type of houses at Waranga Cres (building structure) Figure 4: Sirius College (amenity) Public spaces: Sirius College (Figure 4) , Seabrook Reserve (Figure 5), petrol station, groceries stores, etc

Figure 5: Seabrook Reserve (amenity)

Infrastructure: Public transportation – bus stops could be seen at most streets (example: bust stop at Smiley Road in Figure 2), train station nearby. The main transportation options for residents and visitors in Broadmeadows is by car and train. A few cars per household could be seen parked at porches of most residentials, and a large number of people could be seen at the train station in Broadmeadows. Broadmeadows have changed since the development of residentials hence a significant amount of water fronts have been reduced due to urban developmemt.

Broadmeadows – Ecological profile The physical aspects of Broadmeadows shows an impact on its ecological footprint in terms of resource consumption. Energy flow (transportation): The average energy consumption per person for house to work commuting is 3.08MJ. Number of people who use car Number of people who use train Number of people who use tram Number of people who use bus Number of people who walk/cycle Total commuting population



Total energy consumption = Number of people x 3.7 (MJ) Total energy consumption = Number of people x 0.04 (MJ) Total energy consumption = Number of people x 0.15 (MJ) Total energy consumption = Number of people x 0.28 (MJ) Total energy consumption = Number of people x 0 (MJ) Total energy consumption

Energy consumption per person =

Total energy

consumption /total commuting population

195 3 55 81

5994 7.8 0.45 15.4 0 6017.65 3.08MJ/person

Table 1 shows Broadmeadows in terms of the amount of energy consumed for house to work commuting on average per person. The data about the number of people using car, public transportation or cycle or walk to work place comes from Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011b) and the average consumption of energy for house to work commuting per person comes from tutorial exercise of Module 2 – week 2.

Table 1 The impact of the average energy consumption for house to work commuting per person from the Table 1 produces 231.1g of CO2/person. Number of people who use car Number of people who use train Number of people who use tram Number of people who use bus Number of people who walk/cycle Total commuting population


Total energy consumption = Number of people x 286 (g) Total energy consumption = Number of people x 14 (g) Total energy consumption = Number of people x 52 (g) Total energy consumption = Number of people x 18 (g) Total energy consumption = Number of people x 0 (MJ) Total energy consumption

Energy consumption per person

= Total Energy consumption/

195 3 55 81 1954

total commuting population

Table 2 Water flow: Water waste and consumption Storm water runoff Average size of impervious areas Average size of plots Imperviousness Storm water flows per square meter Table 3

163.945sqm 535.5sqm 0.306 162.596mm/sqm

463320 2730 156

Table 2 shows Broadmeadows in terms of carbon dioxide emission from home to work commuting. The data about the number of people using car, public transportation or cycle or walk to work place comes from Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011b) and carbon dioxide emission per mode comes from tutorial exercise of Module 2 – week 2.

990 0 467196 239.1g /person

Figure 6 shows the collection of rainwater as a using empty pots in a residential in Broadmeadows It is assumed that the rainwater collected by the reseident is used as alternative water source fo watering the garden. Source: Rose Ong (2015)

Figure 6

Table 3 shows the storm water runoff per square meter in Broadmeadows. The data is measured using materials from tutorial exercise Module 2 – week 3. The average size of plots and impervious areas are calculated using the data obtained from Land Channel (Interactive Maps).

Water input per pers...

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