Essay - Jung Typography Test PDF

Title Essay - Jung Typography Test
Author Alexandria Carter
Course General Psychology
Institution Rowan College of South Jersey
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Alexandria Martin Professor Jolly PSY 101 – 51 13 June 2020

After taking the Jung Typology Test (JTT), I discovered that my four letter temperament is ENFP (extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving). The results indicated that I am more extroverted than introverted at a score of twenty-five percent. There was a slight preference of intuition over sensing at sixteen percent. There was also a moderate preference of feeling over thinking at twenty-five percent and a slight preference of perceiving over judging at twelve percent. I feel that ENFP is an accurate portrayal of my personality type. After further research, I discovered that there are many famous ENFP’s in the United States. These celebrities include Theodore Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss), Sandra Bullock, Robin Williams, Bob Dylan, Bill Cosby, Robert Downey Jr., and Will Smith. I found it really fascinating that I could have so much in common with the actors, authors, and musicians on the list. I have never seen anything as simple “black and white,” but rather many shades of grey. I see things as a complete, cosmic whole. As stated on the Human Metrics website, I feel that I am “outgoing and warm, and genuinely like people.” I love meeting new people and getting to know things about them. I have always felt that it is easier for me to connect with someone when I get to know personal things about them. For example, I work in a relatively small department within nursing administration for Jefferson Health. I tend to work with the same group of people for twelve hours at a time, several days a week. I find that I can relate to my coworkers more if I learn personal things, like the names of the spouses and children, what area they are from, what made them choose a career in nursing, what their specialty was prior to coming to nursing administration, and more. It makes me feel that I understand them on a deeper level and creates a more friendship-type basis for me to get to know them. According to the Jung Typology Test, I would ideally be suited for a wide variety of careers. These careers include acting, dancing, human resources, insurance sales, real estate, travel agent, flight attendant, psychologist, photographer, writer, teacher, nutritionist, and nurse. It made me oddly happy to find my chosen career path on the list of careers I would be wellsuited for with my personality. However, I was advised to avoid careers as a bank teller, financial manager, judge, engineering, police officer, or pathologist. I was also interested to learn that ENFP’s report above average job satisfaction, but that female ENFP’s experience one of the largest wage gaps and earn approximately seventy-two percent of what male ENFP’s earn. After taking the Jung Typology Test, I decided to explore the Human Metrics website a little further and discovered the Jung Marriage Test, which I elected to take for fun. I had my fiancé take the Jung Typology Test to find out that we have similar personality types. After discovering that my four letter temperament is ENFP (extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving), he found out that his four letter temperament is INFP (introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving). The results indicated that he is more introverted than extroverted with a score

of thirty-four percent. He also had a moderate preference of intuition over sensing at thirty-one percent, a moderate preference of feeling over thinking at twenty-eight percent, and a slight preference of perceiving over judging at twelve percent. The free version of the Jung Marriage Test established that we are very likely to have a “stable and satisfying long term relationship.” I felt that the Jung Marriage Test results made sense after recalling a sense of our hobbies and how our relationship has been so far. Although we both spending some days in the house and some days exploring the world, I can understand why I am considered extroverted and he is considered to be introverted. For example, during the summer my fiancé tends to spend more days playing video games, hanging out at home with one or two close friends, or we heading to my parents’ house to swim. But I prefer to be near people, especially during the summer. I like to spend the warmer months by also going to the beach, going to concerts, or taking a day trip somewhere. The Kiersey temperament sorter established that I am also an idealist. It describes people in this category as imaginative, relational, kind-hearted, authentic, intuitive, romantic, and empathetic. The Kiersey temperament website also stated that approximately fifteen percent of the world population makes up the idealist category. I feel that I am an enthusiastic, giving, trusting, kind-hearted person. I frequently use my imagination to dream up scenarios about what my future will be like- what college degrees I will obtain, which nursing specialty I will choose after graduation, getting married, buying a house, having children, and more. I find that I am friendly and cooperative, but things like conflict and confrontation upset me quickly. The Kiersey temperaments also break down into four categories. Under the idealist category there are the teachers, counselors, champions, and healers sub-categories. With a four letter temperament of ENFP, I landed in the champions sub-category. These are rather rare also, landing at about two or three percent of the world population, or eight percent of the population in the United States. Champions are considered to be passionate, exploring, enthusiastic, having excellent networking skills, authentic, and eclectic. I feel that I am passionate, authentic, and enthusiastic, but I have never thought of myself as someone that was explorative, good at networking, or eclectic. I am very passionate about a number of people and issues, and I have always felt my emotions in a big way. I am very expressive, have always considered myself to be a dreamer, and I always have a very cheery demeanor. I never realized that this was seen as an authentic expression. I feel that the world is connected, that you can always find a better opportunity if you want it enough, and I have always felt that it is important to have a wide range of people you know....

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