Carl Jung homework PDF

Title Carl Jung homework
Author Angela Przybysz
Course Statistics In Psychology
Institution College of Staten Island CUNY
Pages 5
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Carl Jung homework...


HW on Carl Jung

Psy 226 [23170]

Case study 3 Application questions

Using Jung’s theoretical concepts and stages, asses Robert’s personality by answering the following questions.

1. What is Robert’s attitude according to Jungian theory? Provide evidence for your answer.

Robert’s attitude according to the Jungian theory is extraversion. Robert seeks happiness and pleasure by helping others. Robert finds this joy and pleasure from the outside objects such as in this case people. It is important to understand that he values others more than himself. This I because it makes him feel like he is helping them in a way that others cannot do. (He has a gift)

2. What is Robert’s superior function according to Jungian theory? Provide evidence for your answer.

Robert’s superior function according to the Jungian theory Sensing. This is because of Jung’s idea of sensing, which states “The initial, concrete experiencing of phenomena without the use of reason or evaluation.” {Not because he can sense the dead} Robert believed that his medical

condition of having seizures was a sign of him having the sense to contact the dead however, in actuality he jumped to his own conclusions believing in this thought.

3. What are archetypes? In what level of consciousness are they contained, according to Jung’s theory? What archetype has Robert been influenced by? Provide evidence for your answer? How does it influence his behavior?

Archetypes are themes that exist in all cultures, they are rooted within the entire psyche. According to Jung it is primarily in the consciousness and the collective unconsciousness. Robert has likely been influenced primarily by “The Self.” This is because the self-archetype is characterized by realizing a destiny through a process called individuation. Individuation is when a person becomes the definite / unique. Robert sees himself as a psychic. He strongly believes that that was a gift instilled on him and must use it to help others. It is his gift, his ability, and his self that he must use to help others in his life. The archetype that controls Robert’s life is the self.

4. At what stage is Robert presently, according to Jungian theory? What types of events should he be experiencing at this stage? Is there evidence for these experiences in the case study? Explain.

Robert is 56 years old. This means that he is in the Middle Life stage. {Referring to Jung} Currently Robert reached self-realization in the sense that, in his mind, he knows and understands what he is supposed to do with his life. He does not fear death. His job

as a medium. Robert would be classified as being in the stage of Old Age due to the fact that he is near the age of 60. (Categorized by self-realization)

Case study 4 Application Questions

Using Jung’s theoretical concepts and stages, asses Mark’s personality by answering the following questions.

1. What is Mark’s attitude according to Jungian theory? Provide evidence for your answer.

Mark’s attitude according to the Jungian theory is an extrovert person. The defining characteristics of an extrovert are one becoming energized when surrounded by lots of people and one who loves to socialize and be the center of attention. Mark has a stimulating job and gets many thrills from the danger and hero worship he is provided every day. He always knew he would be in a service occupation where he would work with people. He was quick to move out of his parents and provide toward his adult life. He avoided the police academy when he feared the monotonous paperwork over the face to face contact of firefighting.

2. What is Mark’s superior function according to Jungian theory? Provide evidence for your answer.

Mark’s superior function is sensing. Sensing implies that the person experiences the world in a formerly concrete ways without thinking or using reason. Sensing is about experiencing the world using such senses as pleasure. Mark brings out his psychological mode as he works as non-thinking, having such characteristic as automatic functioning. With no fear, mark feels alive while at work. This is true considering the fact that in Mark, the intuiting function seems to be underdeveloped, having an inferior role to play. Mark rarely depends on the gut instinct in his daily behavior. The intuiting in this case refers to the interpretation given to the world in ways beyond our awareness or working consciousness.

3. According to Jung’s theory what archetypes has Mark been influenced by? How do you know this? How does it influence his behavior? Is Mark aware of its influence? Explain.

Mark is likely influenced the most by the archetype of Persona. This is because Mark has always wanted to be a hero type character in real life. We know this because when reading we learn that he always played superhero games where he was the hero character. Meaning that when he grew up, the persona archetype caused him to become a real-life hero as a firefighter. Mark is aware of

this influence because the persona archetype is located in the person’s consciousness. Mark states that he is aware of his status as a “hero-type character” and that the appreciation of others makes him feel good and accomplished about himself.

4. At what stage is Mark presently, according to Jung’s theory? Specify sub stage, if appropriate. What types of events should be occurring at this stage?

Even though Mark is 28 years old, his actions suggest he is still in the Childhood stage of development. There are 2 sub stages of the childhood stage – Mark likely falls into the monarchic stage of childhood development. This is because while Mark is always thrill-seeking, he shows the development of logical and abstract thinking (made clear by his ability to think strategically about different fire situations), and his actions do not reflect those of someone who has entered the adult stages or even the youth stage. He seems to have no desire of finding a sexual partner or even starting a family (characteristics of youth stage), and he has not developed any introverted tendencies as a result of realizing his own mortality (characteristic of middle age adulthood). It is as if he has fixated in the childhood stage of development.

5. At what stage, in Jungian theory, was Mark when he was pretending to be a super hero? Specify sub stage if appropriate.

The stage in the Jungian theory in which Mark was in when he was pretending to be a super hero was in the archaic sub stage of the childhood stage, which is characterized by sporadic consciousness{Constant pretending}...

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