Essay on Jon Benet - 93 PDF

Title Essay on Jon Benet - 93
Course English Composition
Institution University of Alabama
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JonBenet Ramsey Case As I was growing up my parents always told me that I was their most valuable possession. My mother always told me that she would not know what to do if we died before her because parents are suppose to die before their kids. Being murder is an awful way to die and in my opinion one of the worst ways to die. A way to cope with the fact that someone killed someone you know is by knowing the person who did it is behind bars. Although some cases will always be unsolved. The Murder of JonBenet has shocked and changed the nation and is still talked about regularly. The Murder of JonBenet has been unsolved for 21 years now and has been known as one of the hardest cases to solve. The case can be broken up by three different major characteristics how JonBenet was killed, how this case is more abstract than other cases, and all different individuals that were investigated. JonBenet was a six year old that was very involved with beauty pageants. She was a beautiful six year old and was going to have an amazing life. The parents were socialites in Boulder Colorado. On December 26th 1996, Jonbenet Ramsey was murdered in her house early one morning. Her parents woke up to a ransom note for $118,000 (Puffer-Rothenberg, 2016). The husband and Dad of JonBenet and his friend Fleet White were asked to search the house and found her body in a small basement room with a blow to the head and was strangled with a cord around her neck and tightened with a garrote, is a weapon that is used to strangle someone normally has something attached to it to strangle someone and wire attached to it (PufferRothenberg, 2016). This case is known for being a more unique murder case that has happened in history. As the Ramsey Family did not try to pursue a case outside of what the police were doing. As there was a broken basement window but the house was too complicated for an intruder to walk through in the dark unless the person knew the house. The ransom note was

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thought to be Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet Ramsey’s mom according to the Salem Press Encyclopedia (Puffer-Rothenberg, 2016). In the discovery channel documentary showed the similarities between the ransom note and Patsy’s handwriting although they were never able to put her on trial for the ransom note (Zaslav, 2016). Salem Press also reported that garrote was made out of a paint brush handle out of one of Patsy old art Brushes (Puffer-Rothenberg, 2016). According to Nicki Swift Story an online magazine like Cosmopolitan reports that the “crime scene was Compromised” odds are making it harder to find out who killed her (Edwards, 2016). The Police first lead was the parents but could never find a motive to why they would commit the crime. The brother Burke had attacked Jonbenet with a year before her death, he also seemed unaware and cheerful during his police interview. Burke also had scratological issues, an obession with feces, Nicki Swift reports that he would “spread feces around the house, including in JonBenét's bedroom.”(Edwards, 2016) Today the JonBenet Ramsey Murder is still unsolved. The case is known as being a very interesting case for several different reasons. The Police had made so many mistakes during the time of trying to find JonBenet. According to both the Discovery Channel documentary on JonBenet and Nicki Swift that the police asked Mr. Ramsey and His Friend to search the house and he found JonBenet in the basement dead. Mr. Ramsey then picked up JonBenet and brought her upstairs and the police confirmed that she was dead. (Edwards, 2016)(Zaslav, 2016) The reason why this is do different is because wouldn’t the Ramsey search their house before calling the police, why would the police ask the father to search the house, and finally why would the first place Mr. Ramsey go and look be the place JonBenet was. Another unique thing is that Patsy Ramsey started calling her friends inviting them over after calling her the police. This was different because Patsy made the whole thing very public. Although when the case was being investigated the family refused to talk to the

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police about the case. According to Nicki Swift the family's mansion was not in the best area of town with a hundred break ins in the last couple months and 38 sex offenders within two miles of the Ramsey house.(Edwards, 2016) This is different because the family was wealth why wouldn’t they buy a house in a better area for safety. According to Nicki Swift, Discovery, and The Salem Press Encyclopedia states that the cause of death has always been weird because she was strangled but their is a trauma to the back of her head that easily could have knocked her unconscious also matched a flashlight the Ramsey’s own and that spots on her back could either be from a toy truck Burke Ramsey played with or a stun gun (Puffer-Rothenberg, 2016) (Edwards, 2016). The Ransom note was weirdly maternalistic and looks like the author attempt to act like english was not the native language. Also it was very long and the ransom money was almost exact to Mr. Ramsey’s bonus for that year. This is unique because why would a ransom note be so long and why would someone try to act like english is not their first language. One thing that many people believe is that whoever wrote the ransom note had to be close to the Ramsey’s for knowing the bonus that Mr. Ramsey had just received. The JonBenet case was known as a weird case because the police had never really dealt with a murder case before, It was all over the tabloids and the national news, and the family did some very weird things with the case. The case had evidence but not enough that will make it obvious to know exactly who could have done it. The police and most people believe that it was the parents. The police heavily went after the parents. The police mostly believed that it was parents because of how the garotte is made out of one of Patsy’s paint brush handles. According to the discovery channel documentary there was undigested pineapple in her stomach and there was a bowl of pineapple on the table with JonBenet, Patsy, and Burke fingerprints all over the bowl (Zaslav, 2016).

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Patsy’s handwriting was almost identical to the ransom note. Also, a major thing is how was it possible that the first room that Mr. Ramsey would go to would be the exact room that JonBenet would be murdered in. As the case went on the tabloids believed that it was Burke Ramsey because he had attacked JonBenet a year before the murder. He also would hide his poop places and he also was in the basement the night of the murder playing with some toys. In the Nicki swift article it states that “Burke also couldn’t stop smiling in his Dr. Phil interview”(Edwards 2016) Then in 2006 John Mark Karr, a substitute teacher, confessed to killing JonBenet, although a witness put him in Alabama at the time of the murder according to Salem Press Encyclopedia. (Puffer-Rothenberg, 2016) According to Nicki Swift there is still “50 to 60” more suspects, justing showing how hard this case is to solve. (Edwards, 2016) As everyone has different opinions and beliefs on who killed JonBenet similar to the OJ Simpson case, I personally believe that it was the brother,(TONE) but hopefully one day someone will solve the case so that the family can have rest and the nation can stop wondering. The case can be broken up by three different major characteristics what happened, the differences between a normal case and this one and all the different suspects. This case has changed a generation and hopefully one day it will be solved.

Work Cited

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Zaslav, David. “JonBenét: An American Murder Mystery.” Discovery Channel Australia, Discovery Channel , 30 Oct. 2016, Accessed 24 Feb. 2017. Puffer-Rothenberg, Maureen. "Ramsey Murder Case." Salem Press Encyclopedia, January. EBSCOhost, April 2016 url= Edwards, Blake. “The Most Bizarre Things about the JonBenet Ramsey Case.”, Nicki Swift, 2016, Accessed 24 Feb. 2017....

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