Ethics assignment 2 PDF

Title Ethics assignment 2
Author Trung Thăng
Course Ethics & Governance
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 5
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 2020, the planet struggled as a consequence of a global-wide pandemic. Businesses have been impacted, like the tourism industry, with the most hurt aviation, and ocean travelling by cruise liners was no different, either. Many of the cruise liners infected were unable to locate a port, so governments worried that citizens might carry the infections on the board. From the view of a member from CorpCo's board, this report was then entrusted with a mandate to present feedback upon the event of Greg Mortimer Cruise Ship. Through this report, the content would talk about the role of institutional schemes and moral language in the decision-making phase in this event? Why will unethical choices be avoided? Through ethical management, standards and preparation to avoid comparable issues, the article would end up making a suggestion based on the review of the selected case for CSR decision-making. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Coronavirus 2019 disease (Covid-19) first reached Wuhan Area, Hubei Province, Central China by the end of 2019. It then expanded to 72 nations, culminating in a significant number of fatalities, and 10,000 reported cases across the world. It has represented a significant danger to public health since then (Li et al., 2020). Countries also locked down all external borders and prevented all forms of journeys to discourage additional transmission of infections. 1.1 Issues and Stances Almost sixty percent of the passengers on the Greg Mortimer Ship were positively screened for Covid-19 on 8 April (Goñi 2020). On 15 March the Greg Mortimer Cruise Ship left to fly to Antarctica and South Georgia amid a decision by the community to avoid US operations two days earlier the medical authorities around the world had repeatedly alerted that cruise liners were highly risky for travel throughout this disease outbreak. The indications of Covid-19 were found within a week at shore, but Argentina had locked its harbor, and Greg Mortimer now have to head to Uruguay. Prior to providing medical declaration forms, Dr Mauricio Usme obtained a letter from the major shareholder of the travel agency Aurora Expeditions, Glenn Haifer, who controlled 51,5% of the ship, which manipulated him to alter his responses (Alexander 2020). This added to the discussion of whether Aurora Expeditions's company is legal or immoral, since one board sought to distort the facts. He told his employee not just that he would be fired if he could not obey his orders. In this situation, I believe like the conduct of one of the boards of directors and the decisions they have reached since this case study are both legal and immoral. 1.2 Methodology Various ideas would be employed to expand and describe the stance more in this committee article. Any of the ideas will involve the philosophy of clients, features of an ethical business and moral decision-making. Last but not least, the report would also present a few suggestions to avoid such an unfortunate occurrence. 2.0 The Unethical issues of Greg Mortimer Cruise Ship 2.1 Stakeholder Theory

A stakeholder is a person or community who will influence the result of a company. Stakeholders can be internal or external an association. Additionally, stakeholders could be listed into 2 different groups as primary and secondary (Freeman, Harrison and Zyglidopoulos, 2018). In the following table, these group of stakeholders are classified on the basis of the situation of the Cruise Ship of Greg Mortimer. Table 1 Since stakeholders are human being, they have feelings, wants, aspirations and interest. Freeman (2011) suggests that any party or person can impact or be influenced by the accomplishment of the function within an organization. Figure 1 This indicates that stakeholders will attempt to affect decision-making in line with their interests and desires (Wagner Mainardes, Alves and Raposo, 2011). Thus it is critical for the company to demonstrate honesty while handling stakeholders. They must therefore look after their stakeholders' well-being and respect company's stakeholders. Finally free, useful dialog between both primary and secondary stakeholders are vital (Wagner Mainardes, Alves and Raposo, 2011). The concept of stakeholder theory is to discuss company ethics, morals and principles as it handles ventures involving stakeholders, it also acknowledges that companies are accountable to persons and institutions other than their stakeholders (Radin 1999). Due to the misunderstanding of the circumstance of enabling the cruise to proceed, in this instance, it demonstrates that you took an illegal choice when you could not understand the implications. Glenn Haifer, part owner of Aurora Expeditions, has attempted, in his wish, to manipulate Dr Mauricio Usme, the shipdoctor, by altering the original reality. It also indicates that he took an immoral decision which contributed to this tragic event. All and all, their actions contradict the universal norm and are inherently immoral. 2.2 Stakeholder Salience The stakeholder salience theory indicated that strength, credibility and imperative characterize stakeholder salience (Mitchell et al., 1997). Control applies to the entity being able to manipulate it to achieve its desired effects, or the stakeholder being able to force its will on a person or an organization. Legitimity implies a "generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity within a socially constructed system of standards, values, convictions and definitions are desirable, proper or appropriate" (p. 886). Emergency relates to the perceived complexity or burden on the company of the stakeholder's expectations and the urgent need for intervention. (Mitchell et al. 1997) Figure 2 On the basis of the Stakeholder Salience Concept, Aurora Expeditions', Glenn Haifer, staff (Dr Mauricio Usme) as well as the passengers affected were the key stakeholders. 2.2.1 Aurora Expeditions’ and Glenn Haifer

Aurora Expeditions' would have to maintain the company's status and not losing any income because one traveler could pay up to $50,000 per ticket. So, they wouldn't want to sacrifice all this money. 2.2.2 Employees (e.g. Dr Mauricio Usme) Dr. Usme have a fair responsibility to tell the truth and an immediate speech as a medical staff. Here, Dr. Mauricio Usme encountered a problem as he was going to be shot if he didn't pursue what Glenn Haifer told him to do to exploit the health statement type. However, for the purposes of integrity and justice, Dr. Mauricio Usme also continued to apply the initial health declaration method. It was also planned to preserve the credibility of the organization to prove that Aurora Expeditions is real and trustworthy. 2.2.3 Affected Passengers In this situation, the affected traveler has an urgent speech. Yet they have no authority to control the judgment of the organization as an outsider. They had two options to lose their life if they continued to travel or not to receive compensation if they wanted to postpone their journey. 2.3 Unethical Organisation Moral value allows the company to identify integrity, reliability and equity expectations in an organization (Arcement 2015). These 7 qualities can have an ethical organization - trust, efficient collaboration, transparency, impartial and justice, dignity, openness and principles. (Staps 2020). 2020. As part of the travel business, there are a broad variety of measures and regulations to be observed under the WHO, IAATO (International Association of Antarctica Tour Operations), CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) and CMI Leisure by Aurora Expeditions. (Health and Welfare | Expeditions AuroraTM 2020). 2.3.1 Lack of openness and trust Through transparency and confidence, a company will win public confidence (John 2018). When questioned regarding the misuse of the types of health declarations, the spokesperson for Aurora Expeditions stated, "We strongly disagree, but understand that legal action has begun among various other parties, that it would be inappropriate for us to comment further." ('We're scared so much: Cruise ship's crew in limbo amid pandemic, 2020) 2.3.2 Lack of Integrity A solid ethical executive team company would improve the potential to draw buyers and consumers. Leaders with honesty would further improve companies (Williams n.d.). In Cruise Passenger's interview with a traveler named Mr. Philips, a site for Australian-based cruise updates and comments, a few minutes before boards were boarded, a manager at Aurora Expeditions kept trying to comfort concerned tourists and said, "Antarctica is the safest places on earth" (Lynch, 2020) (Lynch, 2020). A further update from Australia was also sent to the Sydney Morning Herald with a sms from a Perth traveller stating that they challenged Aurora Expeditions on cancellation of the trip only 3 days before the voyage. They proceeded to interrogate Aurora Expedition who, after many alerts from health authorities, would no doubt be liable for postponing the journey. However a spokeswoman for Aurora Expeditions informs them

the organization has taken maximum care on passenger safety that if they chose to cancel their flight, their usual terms of service refer and the refunds or compensation can't be reimbursed (Houston, 2020). Owing to all those comments by the members of Greg Mortimer, they could infer that Aurora Expeditions has not thought of the implications of the voyage. They attempted to "trick" the tourists that it was healthy to being on the ship and assured them if they had to postpone the voyage, that given a disease outbreak they would not be reimbursed. 2.4 Unethical Decision Making Ethical decision-making requires 4 phases: recognition, moral conscience, moral judgement, moral purpose and moral actions (Staples 2020). However, experts also encounter ethical problems and dilemmas while coping with a case or customer, which may cause them to take an immoral action. The absence of restrictions is another justification for taking an immoral decision (Williams 2017). If an unethical action is reached, it can cause the boarding group immoral or moral harm (Overall 2016). Moral understanding is a comprehension of moral values and the capacity to compile information, recognize ethical problems and recognize the parties concerned (Jones & Ryan 1998). The results of having Greg Mortimer carry on sailing, which ultimately led about 60% of people on board ship to test positive for the virus, were evidently not noticed by Aurora Expeditions. Not only did they hurt others which threatened the lives of the travelers and the ship's crews. This indicates that Aurora Expeditions had no moral knowledge since, despite warning from the health authorities, they did not know the implications. Moral judgement is characterized as permanent components of an organization's activities. The acts of others and themselves are determined to be good or evil, right and wrong, just and unfair. The aim of Aurora Expeditions is to help them as they do not want to risk a great deal of profit. Take actions that will favor them more centered on their self-interest. This ultimately transforms into dishonest behavior that contributes to unethical practices. 2.0 CONCLUSION Ethical decision management is also essential to any company to ensure clear and open availability of knowledge to staff and the public. If a wrong move is reached, that can lead to a flood of unfortunate incidents. It is also necessary for companies to recognize the principles of an ethical company at all times. Aurora Expeditions is an immoral company because of its corruption, by having Greg Mortimer's cruise ship travel in violation of the industry's agreement to suspend all activities in the USA and by the medical authorities repeated warning that cruise ships are extremely risky in the case of an epidemic. They even did something nonethical in attempting to "trick" travelers that it was healthy to sail except in the times of a disease outbreak and that cruise ships were more apt to carry viruses. It further indicates the lack of credibility of Aurora Expeditions. Not only is it a hazard to and manipulate other owners to alter the truths of the initial health declaration form, it often constitutes a form of unethical conduct. Aurora Expeditions is an immoral organization, since the managers and employees of the cruise ship Greg Mortimer have unethical motives and unbearable actions, contributing to unethical choices.

3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Would it be better if Aurora Expeditions did it diversely? In principle, to behave morally, a manager must identify a moral dilemma, make a moral decision, offer priority to moral issues and create a moral objective and eventually act on moral concerns (Selart and Johansen, 2010). Aurora Expeditions must have met with the CDC regulations (Centers for Diseases Control and prevention). CDC recommends that all travelers can postpone all cruise journeys, since Covid-19 spreads quickly between persons in an enclosed area like the near communities on board vessels. Older adults and individuals with serious problems should therefore consider getting aboard a cruise ship so they are more prone to get sick. Aurora Expeditions could have also performed some measures to avert such an occurrence if travel is unavoidable and passengers do want to join the ship. Aurora Expeditions should first have brought the signs of Covid-19 to its passengers' notice. At the entrance of both cruise ships, even certain places on the cruise ship where huge crowds of people clustered in an indoor environment, there could have been a heat indicator. If passengers are identified at especially high temperatures, they can stop the individual from entering instantly. The note should also be conveyed on the ship continuously in order to warn tourists to retain a two-meter gap and to use the mask always in public. Where necessary, self-service buffets can be stopped while eating. If not, schedule cruise ship staff to carry food with gloves and goggles onto a passenger plate to discourage cross-contamination. If travellers experience Covid-19 signs, they must be quarantined in particular region where they will have no contact with any individuals. At the end, once more drugs are aboard, they don't only need to focus on one medical team, when there are now alerts that this virus is occurring....

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