Evaluating Nonverbal Communication Short Paper PDF

Title Evaluating Nonverbal Communication Short Paper
Author Anonymous User
Course Business Communication
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 2
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The show that I chose was The Big Bang Theory. There is a scene from season four episode 13 called The Love Car Displacement. The scene is a three-minute clip of the main characters from the show at a science and society conference. Sheldon is the only one who acts normal for once as he is normally the one who is the abnormal one of the shows. The conference turned out being a huge mess that centered about Bernadette and Howard’s relationship in front of the audience. When I watched the scene without sound, I saw multiple cues that people were responding by body language that they were not having a good conversation during the conference. When I did watch with sound, it confirmed what I was seeing but I was unsure of what exactly they were talking about. Body language is one of the leading ways to read a person and their thoughts, before ever hearing any words. Rajesh was the only one who seemed relaxed, but with sound it comes to be the result of the drink he was having during the conference. The facial expressions were hinting that there was tension between Howard and Bernadette. As they were trying to be preserved to be talking about science, they were using metaphors from the science field to insult each other. I did miss the cues from Leonard because Penny was in the audience. I also missed his resistance towards Rajesh even though Rajesh was uncaring about any of the situations. I understood Sheldon’s confusion and embarrassment from the outburst of the rest of his friends during the conference. I also understood Howard and Bernadette and Howards feelings without even knowing exactly what they were saying. I did, however, miss Amy and Leonard’s feelings without sound. At the place that I work currently, we have a showroom separate from our finance office by a huge glass window. When we have customers in the showroom and we are standing in the finance office we can see people’s communication non-verbally. There are times I watch some of

my co-workers and how they act with their customers. There was a time I did feel as though a customer was getting to be overbearing with one of my co-workers and I was concerned that a volatile situation was about to happen. It seemed to me that the customer was very upset at my co-worker as he was leaning across the table pointing directly at her. Destiny is new to the sales team, and I was involved with training her. I involved my manager and asked him to watch the situation. The customer’s body language was tense, and his facial expression was angry. I was concerned that he was putting her in a bad situation. So, I decided to insert myself into the conversation and walked out to sit down with them. What I had missed was Destiny’s expressions because she was sitting with her back towards us. When I sat down she was smiling, and it turned out he was just telling her a story of something that happened to him at the last dealership he was at. The actions he was showing was what a salesperson did to him at the other dealership. With myself not knowing both sides of emotion, I was misunderstanding the situation without knowing what was being talked about. We always talk about perception in our meetings. It is always a very big thing to keep in mind in this field because people perceive different nonverbal cues in many ways.


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