Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - Pro Profs Quiz PDF

Title Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - Pro Profs Quiz
Author Ally Love
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Institution Radford University
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Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology 49 Questions

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If you are practicing to become a medical (https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/topic/medical) practitioner you need to have a proper understanding (https://www.proprofs.com/quizschool/topic/understanding) on human (https://www.proprofs.com/quizschool/topic/human) anatomy (https://www.proprofs.com/quizschool/topic/anatomy) and physiology (https://www.proprofs.com/quizschool/topic/physiology). Over this year you have been studying to ensure you pass the nals and as they draw even closer it is important to ensure you are ready. Take this practice test and see what you are in for when you get to the exam.

Questions and Answers




Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

1. What is known as the study of the structure of body parts and how they relate to

one another? A. Physiology B. Anatomy C. Biology D. Pharmacology 2. Physiology is the study of the structure of the body and does not relate to the

function of the body parts. A. True B. False 3. Systemic, regional, microscopic, and macroscopic are all subdivisions of

anatomy. A. True B. False 4. Cardiovascular physiology refers to the physiology of the lungs, heart, and blood

vessels. (https://www.proprofs.com/discuss/q/1120247/cardiovascularphysiology-refers-to-the-of-lungs-heart-and-b) Discuss (https://www.proprofs.com/discuss/q/1120247/cardiovascular-physiology-refers-to-the-of-lungs-heartand-b)

A. True B. False 5. The simplest level of structural organization is what?

A. Cells B. Chemical C. Tissue D. Organ




Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

6. Which of the following are true?

A. Responsiveness or irratibitlty is a response to the lyphatic system to pain. B. Movement may refer to the movement of foodstuffs through the intestines C. Maintaining boundaries includes the integumentary system that provides protection. D. All of the above E. B & C 7. Endocrine system regulates groth, reproduction, and nutrient using hormones.

A. True B. False 8. Respiratory system involves keeping the blodd supplied with nutrients and

invloves gas exchange. A. True B. False 9. The digestive system includes liver, oral cavity, and esophagus.

A. True B. False 10.Urinary system includes liver, kidney, and bladder.

A. True B. False 11.Water makes up about 60 - 80 % of the human body weight.

A. True B. False 12.About 20% of the air we breathe is oxygen; we cannot survive long-term without

oxygen; and oxidative chemical reactions require oxygen. A. True B. False https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=exam-1-anatomy-physiology



Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

13.Homeostasis refers to the balanced state the body continuously strives to

maintain due to constant change in the environment. A. True B. False 14.The control center determines the set point which is the range at which a variable

is to be maintained. A. True B. False 15.Negative feedback refers to the output, which shuts down the original effect to

reduce intensity of the mechanism from moving forward. Thus it moves in the opposite direction to maintain homeostasis. A. True B. False 16.Terms that refer to the backside of the body include

A. Ventral: Dorsal B. Ventral: Proximal C. Distal:Superficial D. Dorsal:Posterior 17.Terms referring to away from the body surface; more internal

A. Ventral:Dorsal B. Distal:intermediate C. Deep:internal D. Distal:medial




Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

18.Anything that occupies space and has mass is

A. Matter B. Cells C. Energy D. Solids 19.Protons make up the entire mass of the atom and hold a positive charge.

A. True B. False 20.The nucleus encompasses electrons, protons and neutrons.

A. True B. False 21.Energy can be kinetic or potential and may include these forms: mechanical,

electrical, radiant, and electromagnetic. A. True B. False 22.What elementsbesides H and N make up the bulk of living matter.?

A. Boron B. Oxygen C. Carbon D. A and b E. B and c 23.The energy used to transmit messages from one part of the body to another?

A. Chemical B. Electromagnetic C. Electrical D. Mechanical




Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

24.What other elements besides O, H, C, N compose biological molecules?

A. Fe B. P C. S D. A and b E. B and c 25.Which of the following weak bond involve the interaction of a hydrogen with an

oxygen or nitrogen? A. Covalent bonds B. Hydrogen bonds C. Hydroxyl bonds D. Ionic bonds 26.Which of the following is NOT true of water as a solvent?

A. Ionic compounds will readily dissolve in water B. Lipids will readily dissove in water C. The more polar the compuond, the more easily it is soluble in water D. The hydrogens and oxygens in water molecules are involved in hydrogen bonding with polar molecules.

27.Which of the following decribe the formation of peptide bonds between amino

acids? A. Hydrolosis reaction B. Glcosidic reaction C. Dehydration reaction D. Hydrophobic reaction




Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

28.Monosaccharides, dissacharides, and polysaccharides are

A. Proteins B. Nucleic acids C. Carbohydrates D. Lipids 29.The bonds between hydrogen and oxygen within a water molecule are described

as A. Hydrogen bonds B. Ionic bonds C. Polar covalent bonds D. Non-polar covalent bonds 30.The bonds between carbon and hydrogen in methane are described as

A. Hydrogen bonds B. Ionic bonds C. Polar covalent bonds D. Non-polar covalent bonds 31.Which of the following is not true of ionic bonds between sodium and chloride

ions in biological systems? A. They form relatively weak bonds B. They do not form in biological systems C. They are important weak forces between biological molecules D. Ionic bonding is weakened by the presence of water molecules 32.Proteins that act as a catalyst in speeding up reactions are called

A. Nucleic acids B. Vitamins C. Enzymes D. Carbohydrates




Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

33.The plane that divides the body into posterior and anterior parts is called the

A. Oblique plane B. Midsaggital plane C. Transverse plane D. Frontal plane E. Saggital plane 34.Which choice below is NOT one of the three components of homeostatic control

systems? A. The effector B. Receptor (senses the change) C. Stimulus (cause of the initial change ) D. The control center 35.Which of the following is NOT a necessary human life function?

A. Movement B. Excretion C. Metabolism D. Responsiveness E. Intelligence 36.Which of the following is the single most abundant chemical compound in the

body? (https://www.proprofs.com/discuss/q/1393181/which-of-the-following-issingle-most-abundant-chemical-comp) Discuss (https://www.proprofs.com/discuss/q/1393181/which-of-the-following-is-single-most-abundantchemical-comp)

A. Nitrogen B. Water C. Potassium D. Oxygen E. Soduim




Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

37.Which of the following are not included in the axial part of the body?

A. The neck B. The trunk C. The upper limbs D. The head 38.The midsaggital plane (https://www.proprofs.com/discuss/q/1094181/the-

midsaggital-plane) Discuss (https://www.proprofs.com/discuss/q/1094181/the-midsaggital-plane)

A. Divides the body in two equal but non-identical left and right parts along the midline. B. Divides the body into an upper and lower portion in the horizontal plane C. Divides the body into left and rigt parts that are parallel to the midline D. Cuts the body diagonally between the horizontal and vertical planes. 39.Which of the following organs lies in the dorsal cavity?

A. The stomach B. The lungs C. The kidney D. The spinal cord 40.PH is a concentration unit used to measure the concentration of

A. Anions in a solution B. Hydroxyl ions in a solution C. Cations in a solution D. Hydrogen ions in a solution




Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

41.Which of the following statements best describes the uid mosaic model of the

plasma membrane? A. A protein bilayer sandwiching a layer of lipids B. A lipid bilayer with protein molecules dispersed within it C. A single layer of proteins surrounding a single layer of lipids D. A single layer of proteins with lipid molecules dispersed within it E. A single layer of lipids surrounding a layer of proteins 42.Lysosomes perform which of the following cellular functions?

A. Formation of microtubules B. Generate energy C. Protein synthesis D. Intracellular digestion E. Lipid synthesis 43.Which of the following cell organelles are responsible for generating the energy

the cell uses to perform work? A. Centriole B. Mitochondrion C. Cytoskeleton D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum E. Golgi apparatus 44.Which of the following cell organelles possesses oxidase enzymes that function

in neutralizing harmful free radicals? A. Transport vesicle B. Peroxisome C. Centriole D. Lysosome E. Mitochondrion




Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

45.Which of the following cell organelles sorts, processes, and packages proteins as

well as the membranes of transport vesicles? A. Rough endoplasmic reticulum B. Lysosome C. Golgi apparatus D. Peroxisome E. Mitochondrion 46.Which of the following transport mechanisms involves the movement of water?

A. Fascilitated transport B. Osmosis C. Filtration D. Diffusion E. Secondary active transport 47.The type of endocytosis where large extracellular particles bind to cell receptors

on the cells's surface, cytoplasmic extensions form around the particle and engulf the extracellular debris contained in a vesicle A. Endocytosis B. Pinocytosis C. Transcytosis D. Phagocytosis E. Exocytosis 48.Mitosis is the process of nuclear division process occuring in reproductive

organs that reduces the chromosomal to half. A. True B. False 49.Transcription is the process where tRNA is the messenger that proceeds to

ribosomes on the smooth endoplasmic reticulum to synthesize proteins. A. True B. False https://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=exam-1-anatomy-physiology



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Exam 1 Anatomy And Physiology - ProProfs Quiz

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