Exam #1 Chapters 1 - 6 Study guide psych PDF

Title Exam #1 Chapters 1 - 6 Study guide psych
Author De Mar
Course Psychology
Institution Folsom Lake College
Pages 10
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Exam #1 Chapters 1 - 6 Study guide questions for psychology 300-1-6...


Study Guide for Exam #2: Chapters 7 - 12 Chapter 7 1) Multitasking is an example of 2)

Compared with sensory memory, short-term memory

3) Dan is on a tour with his wife in Turkey. While sightseeing, Dan answers all the questions his wife has about the monuments and the places they see. In this scenario, Dan is most likely using his ________ to answer his wife's questions. 4) Jeremy visits a new coffee shop. Even though the arrangement of seats and counters at this coffee shop is different from every other coffee shop he has been to, he automatically knows that he must stand in line in front of the counter and get his sugar and cream from the counter on the side. In this scenario, Jeremy has a(n) ________ for how coffee shops work. 5) Deidre has a list of medicines she needs to buy from a drugstore. She quickly goes through the list and, believing she has memorized it, leaves the list behind when she steps out of her home. When she reaches the drugstore, however, she can only recall the names of the first few and the last few medicines on the list. Deidre's inability to recall the names of the medicines in the middle of the list is an example of 6) Aaron was solving a crossword puzzle. The clue for a seven-letter word said, "prose literature, not based on facts." Aaron was confident that he knew the word but kept coming up with other words such as "faction," "friction," and "fraction." After saying these few words out loud, Aaron suddenly remembered the correct word "fiction." In this scenario, Aaron experienced the 7) Kyle was one of the eyewitnesses of a robbery that took place in a convenience store. He was called in to the police headquarters to identify the suspect in a lineup. Which of the following is most likely to elicit the most accurate response from Kyle? 8) Detective Dan is the primary detective in a case of homicide. In which of the following ways can he use the process of context-dependent memory to his advantage? Chapter 8 9) Recognizing problems involves

10) Veronica has to cook dinner for 30 people this Saturday. Moreover, her apartment is a mess and she has nothing suitable to wear for the party. Hence, she decides to do her laundry on Thursday night, buy the groceries on Friday, clean the apartment on Saturday morning, and cook dinner by Saturday evening. This process of defining intermediate problems is known as

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11) Lolita uses her kitchen knife to cut vegetables. She always uses her knife for either slicing bread or chopping meat. Despite these uses, Lolita also occasionally uses the knife to unscrew nails from her kitchen equipment. This alternate way of using the knife shows that Lolita has overcome 12) Harry intends to pursue a career in the armed forces. However, his mother prevents him from applying for a position in the armed forces. She fears that she will lose her son just like she lost her husband who died during his time in the armed forces. Hence, it can be concluded that Harry's mother has used 13) The tendency to ignore information about general principles in favor of very specific but vivid information is known as 14) If a test is supposed to measure intelligence but measures some other characteristic such as anxiety, the test has 15) According to Noam Chomsky, the fact that children all over the world acquire language at the same time indicates that 16)

By definition, people who are gifted have

Chapter 9 17) According to developmental psychologists, nurture refers to 18) Oscar, a 4-month-old baby, is a participant in a preferential looking experiment. Researchers show Oscar two photographs: a photo of his mother and a photo of a female stranger. The photographs are presented repeatedly in differing locations, and the amount of time Oscar spends looking at the photographs is recorded. What will the researchers conclude if Oscar shows a reliable preference for the photograph of his mother over that of the stranger? 19) A teacher shows a first-grade student a map and tells her, "You live here, in Atlanta, Georgia." The child emphatically disagrees, declaring, "No, I live in Atlanta. I can't live in Georgia too because I can't live in two places at the same time!" This child is likely in Piaget's ________ stage of development. 20)

Infant attachment is defined as the close emotional bond between an infant and

21) According to Erikson, during the later years of life of an adult, evaluating his or her life is characteristic of the ________ stage. 22) According to Jeffrey Arnett, an emerging adult who considers himself neither an adolescent nor a full-fledged adult is associated with the ________ feature of emerging adulthood.

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23) The period of rapid skeletal and sexual maturation that takes place at the beginning of adolescence is called 24) Rafael's parents are unaware of Rafael's ambitions and goals. They never pay attention to his academic inclinations nor express interest in his personal or social life. They constantly try to fulfill their own personal needs. Rafael's parents are most likely Chapter 10 25) The feeling of hunger that urges a person to open the refrigerator for food best represents a(n) 26) Paige is a good golfer but has no interest in the upcoming golf tournament. Mary is fairly good at golf; she is somewhat excited but is not overly anxious about the tournament. Sara has only recently learned to play golf but has very high expectations and is really nervous about the tournament. Jenna is also a beginner, but she does not expect to play well. According to the Yerkes–Dodson law, who among the following will perform the best at the golf tournament? 27)

A key aspect of self-regulation is

28) Paris thinks her friend Nicole may be suffering from an undiagnosed case of anorexia nervosa. She shares her concerns with Nicole, but Nicole insists that anorexia nervosa is a trivial issue. Which of the following is the most serious consequence of anorexia nervosa? 29) In the context of self-determination theory, who among the following is most likely to experience the highest level of well-being? 30)

The broaden-and-build model of emotion was proposed to describe the


The ________ of an emotion refers to whether it feels pleasant or unpleasant.

32) Sarah has a tendency to delay acting on things that require immediate attention. Even though she knows the importance of completing her projects on time, she always intentionally delays working on them and only begins working on them at the last minute. Sarah’s behavior is an example of Chapter 11 33) Saanvi is as good as her brother at math. However, her family thinks that she should study English or French in college, while her brother should study engineering. According to her family, math may get too tough for her. Saanvi's family's belief exemplifies 34)

Transgender individuals usually experience gender dysphoria because

35) A mental framework for understanding what is considered appropriate behavior for males and females in their culture is called a

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36) Sergio, a research psychologist, bases his research on the question, "If young girls begin to mimic and display qualities that are primarily associated with men, will they be accepted by their peers and family members or will they be rejected by them?" Sergio is most likely conducting the research study based on the 37)

The direction of an individual's erotic interests is the individual's

38) Jack kisses his girlfriend, Sarah, for the first time. The muscle tension she feels in her genital area is a characteristic of the ________ phase of the human sexual response pattern. 39)

Which of the following is true of comprehensive sex education?


Who among the following has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a virus?

41) Erica is a heterosexual adult who likes to engage in sexual practices involving bondage, humiliation, and physical violence with adult males. She experiences sexual pleasure when she is beaten or made to suffer in other ways. Erica most likely suffers from Chapter 12 42) According to the Freudian structure of personality, which of the following statements is true of the id? 43) Every time Antony, a 30-year-old architect, experiences stress at work, he goes home to his parents to find comfort. In the context of Freud's psychoanalytic theory, this scenario best illustrates the defense mechanism of 44) Teresa loves socializing in college and participates in almost all extracurricular and social activities. However, back home, she is reserved and prefers spending time alone. In the context of Jung's analytical theory, which of the following is represented in the scenario? 45) Christina's parents are very strict about her academic performance. When she performs well, they shower her with love; when she does poorly, they are unfriendly and distant. Christina soon learns that the only way she can receive their love is by performing well academically. In the context of Carl Rogers's humanistic psychology approach, which of the following concepts is illustrated in this scenario? 46)

Which of the following is true of the Rorschach test?


Walter Mischel's view of situationism implies that


The trait approach to personality has been faulted for

49) A self-report test that presents many questionnaire items to two groups that are known to be different is called ________ test.

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50) According to Carl Rogers' humanistic approach to personality, which of the following statements is true? SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. Chapter 11 51) Differentiate between the abstinence-only approach to sex education and comprehensive sex education. Discuss why the comprehensive program is better. Chapter 12 52) Describe self-efficacy as a personality characteristic that is related to good health and overall life satisfaction.

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Answer Key Test name: Exam #2 Sp2021

1) B 2) A 3) C 4) C 5) C 6) A 7) C 8) C 9) A 10) A 11) A

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12) B 13) D 14) C 15) A 16) A 17) D 18) A 19) B 20) C 21) D 22) D 23) C 24) D 25) C

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26) B 27) A 28) A 29) B 30) B 31) C 32) B 33) B 34) B 35) C 36) A 37) D 38) C 39) B

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40) C 41) B 42) B 43) B 44) D 45) B 46) A 47) B 48) C 49) D 50) D

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51) Abstinence-only programs emphasize that any sexual behavior outside of marriage is harmful at any age. In such programs, instructors can only present contraceptives and condoms only in terms of their failure rates. Comprehensive sex education involves providing students with comprehensive knowledge about sexual behavior, birth control, and the use of condoms in protecting against sexually transmitted diseases, while encouraging them to delay sexual activity and practice abstinence. 52) Students' answers will vary. Self-efficacy is related to success in a wide variety of positive life changes, including achieving weight loss, exercising regularly, quitting smoking, reducing substance abuse, and practicing safe sex. Evidence shows a strong link between self-efficacy and cardiovascular functioning following heart failure. Individuals high in self-efficacy are not only less likely to suffer a second hospitalization due to heart failure but also likely to live longer. If there is a problem to be fixed, self-efficacy—having a can-do attitude—is related to finding a solution.

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