exam 1 study guide PDF

Title exam 1 study guide
Author Rohita Rangu
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution University of Washington
Pages 5
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PSYCHOLOGY 101: FALL 2019 EXAM #1 STUDY GUIDE  Disclaimer: This study guide is a compilation of major concepts from lecture, and should not be used exclusively to review for the exam. Further, it is advised to refer to the textbook and your own notes from class for additional explanations, as this is fair game for the test. Good luck!  Chapter 1 Concepts: Psychology Introspection Positive Psychology Basic vs. Applied Research Perspectives Cognitive Perspective vs. Nature vs. Nurture Debate Psychodynamic Modern cognitive Mind-Body Interactions Perspective vs. Modern perspective Mind-Body Dualism vs. Psychodynamic Theory Gestalt Psychology Monism Psychoanalysis Sociocultural Perspective Empiricism vs. Nativism Free association Culture & Norms Phrenology Behavioral Perspective Individualism vs. Psychophysics Behaviorism Collectivism Darwin’s Theory of Classical Condition Muller-Lyer Illusion Evolution Behavior Modification Biological Perspective Structuralism vs. Humanistic Perspective Behavioral Neuroscience Functionalism Self-actualization Interaction  Questions: 1. What is Psychology’s Scientific Approach? What are some of its key characteristics? Why is Psychology not a common sense? 2. What are the major goals of Psychology? 3. What is the main difference between functionalism and structuralism? What perspectives are inspired by these early schools of thought? 4. Psychodynamic perspective, as the father of all other theories, emphasizes on internal and unconscious psychological forces. Describe the main components of psychoanalysis, and how it has influenced the field of psychology? What is the modern psychodynamic theory, and how it differs from its original theory? 5. What are the key characteristics of these perspectives (Psychodynamic, Behavioral, Humanistic, Cognitive, Sociocultiral, Biological )? Know how each of these perspective rises. What major theories or ideas are given by each perspective? 6. Describe the three general levels of analysis. Why it is important for us to integrate different perspectives and levels?         

Chapter 2 Methods in Psychology Concepts: - Ethics and Obligation of researchers - Historical events: Little Alberts, Nuremberg Trials, APA code of ethics (5 general principles), and Tuskegee “Bad Blood” - Risk-benefit Ratio - Hindsight (After the Fact) - Empiricism - Theory - Hypothesis - Descriptive Research: Naturalistic Observation, Case study, Survey research, population, sample - Correlation: variable, correlational design, directionality and magnitude of correlation coefficient, third variable problem, third variable correlation - Experimental Research: independent variable, dependent variable, experimental group, control group, random assignment, confounds, cause-and effect - Pitfall of Experimental Design: placebo effect, nocebo effect, experimenter expectancy effect, demand characteristics, double-blind observation - Descriptive Statistics: central tendency, mean, median, mode, dispersion, range, standard deviation - Inferential Statistics: statistical significance, practical significance - Meta-Analysis - Evaluating Psychology in the Media: sharpening, leveling, pseudosymmetry  Questions: 1. What are the ethical guidelines researchers are bound to follow in psychological research? Also, can you come up with some instances when these constraints were not obeyed? With each example, think about the rules that were not upheld. 2. Explain the scientific method step by step (5 steps totally). In your explanation, incorporate a description of each phase. 3. What are three main methods in scientific research? What are the differences between design of them? Give an example for each of them. And, what are the strengths and weaknesses for each of them? 4. Why  is it  sometimes significant that both the researcher and the participant are not aware of an experiment’s true purpose? What is this observation called, and what can this bias lead to unless controlled for? 5. What  is  the difference between descriptivestatistics and inference statistics? What are the definitions of the mean, median, and mode? Also, calculate each one with the help of these numbers (10, 14, 33, 45, 65, 72, 80). 6.  What does directionality and magnitude of correlation coefficient represent? Find the correlation that is the strongest and the weakest. Also, state whether or not they have a positive or negative relationship. (-0.80, 0.07, 0.92, -0.15)      

Chapter 3 Neuroscience and Behavior Concepts: - Nervous System - Neuron: Cell Body, Dendrite, Axon, Myelin sheath, Synapse - Glial cells - Types of neurons: Sensory Neurons vs. Motor Neurons vs. Interneurons - “Three steps” for activation of nerve impulses (resting potential, action potential) - Cell membrane - Electrical Activity: Depolarization, All-or-none Law, Refractory period - Neurons’ communication: Neurotransmitters, Synaptic Space - The synapse bind site: excitatory vs. inhibitory - Major Neurotransmitters: Acetylcholine (ACH), Dopamine (DA), GABA, Glutamate, Norepinephrine (NE), Serotonin, Endorphins - Agonist vs. Antagonist - Central Nervous System (CNS): Brain, Spinal Cord - Peripheral Nervous System(PNS): Somatic vs. Autonomic, Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic - Homeostasis - Brain subdivisions: Hindbrain, Midbrain, Forebrain - Hindbrain: Cerebellum, Brain stem (Medulla & Pons) - Midbrain: Reticular formation - Forebrain: Cerebrum, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Limbic System (Amygdala & Hippocampus), Cerebral cortex (Fissures) - Studying the brain: Neuropsychological tests, Destruction and stimulation techniques, Electrical Recording - Brain Imaging Techniques: CT Scans, PET scans, MRIs, fMRIs, DTI, TMS - Wernicke’s Area vs. Broca’s Area, Aphasia - Lateralization - Corpus callosum - Right vs. Left Hemisphere - The split brain  Questions: 1. Draw two neurons connecting with each other. Label parts. How do they interact? 2. Define Myelin Sheath. What is its’ role in neural electrical activities? Give an example of when it is damaged 3. What are the three major types of neurons? What are their roles? 4. Explain the three steps in the activation of nerve pulses. Know the number for resting potential and action potential. 5. What is the role of each major neurotransmitter? What happens when there is too much or too little of them? What are the ones that relate, under what conditions? 6. Sketch out the structure for CNS and PNS. Describe their differences and define each of their subdivisions. 7. Describe each of the major subdivisions of the brain. How are they further subdivided? 8. What are the different brain imaging techniques? How do they function? What are their pros and cons? 9. What is the role of frontal lobes? How does the past case study on damaging brain help us learn about our brain? Give an example?

Chapter 4 Sensation and Perception Concepts: Sensation & Perception - Sensation vs. Perception - Transduction vs. Psychophysics - Absolute threshold - Stimulus detection: detection criterion (and how it is affected), signal detection theory - Difference threshold, Weber’s law - Subliminal stimulus - Sensory adoption - Cross-modal processing, McGurt effect Vision - Brightness, Hue - How light enters eyes: Iris, Pupil, Cornea, Lens, shape of eyes (nearsighted vs. farsighted, hyperopia) - Retina, Fovea, Rods vs Cones, Ganglion cells, blind point - Visual pathway - Simple cells vs. Complex cells - How do we see colors: Young-Helmholtz Trichromatic Theory, Opponent-Process Theory, Dual-Process Theory, Color-deficient vision Perception - Bottom-up processing vs Top-down processing, importance of context - Attention, Inattentional blindness, Factors that affect attention (simulus vs personal) - Gestalt principles, Figure-ground relations, Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization - Perceptual schema, Perceptual set, Perceptual constancies - Monocular depth cues, Binocular depth cues - Perception of movement, Stroboscopic movement - Illusion - Critical Period  Questions: 1. What is the difference between sensation and perception? Where does each process occur? What happens to our sensation when a stimulus is ongoing? Why does this happen? 2. What is the study/measurement of how we convert physical stimuli into nerve impulses (transduction)? 3. Define the absolute threshold and describe its significance in research. 4. What accounts for differences in people’s stimulus detection? How can these differences change depending on context (participants or situations)? 5. Define the difference threshold and describe how Weber’s Law relates to it. 6. Is it possible for a stimulus to be sensed, but not consciously perceived? What can happen? 7. How does a subliminal stimulus work? Can you think of an example in your everyday life where you might have experienced one of these? 8. Sketch out the sensory system within the cortex. What are the cross-modal connections, and  what  role  do  they  play in this  organization? How are they related to cross-modal processing and the McGurk effect?

Vision: 1. What is light? 2. Describe the parts of the eye, and trace the process of where light is taken in, focused, and changed into neural activity. 3. What are the two kinds of cortical cells? 4. What theories have been made to address the visual pathway? 5. What are the different kinds of color-blindness, and what do they mean within the visual pathway? Perception: 1. What is the difference between bottom-up processing and top-down processing? How each of these affect how we perceive? Give example. 2. What characteristics/factors affect attention? 3. Describe the Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization. 4. What is the difference between a perceptual schema and a perceptual set? 5. What are the function of monocular depth cues and binocular depth cues? Are there any differences? If so, explain what these are, and give a definition of each subdivision.     ...

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