Exam 1 Study Guide PDF

Title Exam 1 Study Guide
Author jenny oster
Course Criminology
Institution Sam Houston State University
Pages 12
File Size 201.7 KB
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Exam 1 Study Guide - Dr. Toman...


[CRIJ 2362 Dr. Toman]

[Exam 1 Study Guide] Question 1: Crime rates across the United States are similar -

True False

Question 2: Which school sought to collect data in order to scientifically study criminals? -

Self-Control Classical Chicago Positivist New York

Question 3: Heidi had a mother who abused her as a child. When she went to school, she did poorly academically and was often treated poorly by teachers. She is now 31 years old and in trouble. Which theory would take all of the information provided into account when determining why Heidi has engaged in criminal behavior? -

Routine activities theory Biosocial criminology Infant criminology Developmental criminology Rational choice theory

Question 4: Which school emphasized the role of the rational human being who weighed costs and benefits? -

Classical New York Positivist Self-Control



Question 5: _____ is a study in which individuals are asked whether they have been victimized. -

Universal Crime Report Uniform Crime Report National Crime Report National Crime Victimization Survey Bureau of Victimization Survey

Question 6: Wyatt has been burglarized by someone who is homeless. He then begins to think poverty is the cause of crime. This is an example of how Wyatt’s _____ have/has shaped the way he has come to think about crime. -

Social experiences Peers Personal biases Stereotypes Media consumption

Question 7: Theories of ____ could be used to explain crimes committed by CEOs and politicians -

Blue-collar crime Choice Elitists White-collar crime Professionals

Question 8: As theories of crime change, so do criminal justice policies. -


True False

Question 9: Which of the following is not considered one of the mainstream theories of criminology -

Labeling Theory Differential Association Theory Anomie-Strain Theory Control Theory All of the above

Question 10: Which FBI publication lists the numbers of various crimes that are known to police departments? -

Uniform Crime Report National Crime Report Universal Crime Report Uniform Crime Report Bureau of Federal Justice Report Self-report surveys

Question 11: Individuals with high self-control are more likely to be victimized -

True False

Question 12: Hirschi claims that youths who get good grades have a lot to lose by committing crime. Which social bond is he describing? -

Conformity Belief Involvement Attachment Commitment

Question 13: According to Gottfredson and Hirschi, what is the restraint that allows people to resist crime? 3

Parents Internal morals Self-control


Prison Social bonding

Question 14: Which of the following is considered Hirschi’s first theory? -

Social bond theory General theory of crime Self bond theory Strain theory Conflict theory

Question 15: According to Hirschi, what is the key issue that needs to be explained from a control perspective? -

What physiological traits predispose some individuals to commit crime What belief systems motivate individuals to commit crime What psychological traits make certain individuals more likely to commit crime Why some individuals are more motivated to offend than others Why people, who are all motivated to seek immediate gratification in the easiest way possible, refrain from doing so

Question 16: What two major paradigms was Hirschi trying to challenge when he first proposed social bond theory? -

Positivism and rational choice theory Social disorganization theory and conflict theory Social disorganization theory and differential association theory Labeling theory and strain theory Differential association theory and strain theory

Question 17: According to Gottfredson and Hirschi, how is selfcontrol instilled in people? -


The quality of parenting during a child’s adolescent years The quality of parenting during a child’s adult years An individual’s personality traits The quality of parenting during a child’s early years

Question 18: Control theorists ask the question “why don’t they do it?” rather than “why do they do it?” -

True False

Question 19: Which of the following is a policy implication of control theories? -

School programs Re-entry programs Parent-child attachment programs All the above

Question 20: Which of the following is not a control factor for Hirsch? -

Involvement Belief Attachment Conformity Commitment

Question 21: Burgess delineated six zones of city development -

True False

Question 22: The term ______ refers to the learning of criminal behavior through interacting with others -


differential association conflict social disorganization social bond

Question 23: Burgess and other Chicago sociologists believed that disorganization was the source of a range of social pathologies, including crime -

True False

Question 24: An intervention that moves an offender out of the area they were living prior to exposing the individual to prosocial models and reinforcement is based on ______ -

social disorganization theory the code of the street strain theory differential association theory

Question 25: ______ concluded that Chicago’s development and organization were not random or idiosyncratic, but rather patterned, and could be understood in terms of basic social processes -

Park Binet Bonger Marx

Question 26: The ______ school of criminology argued that one aspect of American society, the city, contained potent criminogenic forces -


Los Angeles New York Boston



Question 27: Andy noticed young people in the neighborhood bullying another kid. He approached them and asked them to stop, intervening in the situation. Andy practiced ______ control -

Informal Formal Communal Familial

Question 28: ______ is defined as social cohesion among neighbors combined with their willingness to intervene on behalf of the common good -

Collective efficacy Neighborhood watch Definition Collective association

Question 29: According to Anderson, a ______ shapes how disrespected parties should react -

code of the street collective obligation moral obligation

Question 30: According to Akers, ______, or the positive and negative consequences of a behavior, influences if the behavior will be repeated. -

social reinforcements imitation punishments definitions

Question 31: Which criminological school wanted scientific proof of the causes of crime? -




Classical Biological Neoclassical All the above

Question 32: What is the term used by Lombroso to describe criminals as throwbacks to an earlier form of evolutionary life? -

Retrospective Animalistic Neanderthals Criminaloids Atavistic

Question 33: Julie burglarized a home and stole a television, jewelry, and a gun. According to Garofalo, Julie lacks ___ -

Power Pity Perception Probity Reason

Question 34: Which of the following is one of the first naturalistic explanations in criminological theory? -

Hippocrates’ dictum that the brain is the organ of the mind Darwin’s theory of evolution Darwin’s natural selection Darwin’s dictum that the brain is the organ of the mind

Question 35: According to Beccaria, which of the following was the aim of a good system of legislation? 8

The use of difficult to understand laws The harsh punishment of offenders The ability to make examples out of offenders The prevention of crime The creation of vast amount of laws

Question 36: During the era of spiritualism, which of the following was NOT a method constructed for dealing with those accused of committing a crime? -

Trial by battle Trial by ordeal Trial by jury Compurgation All of these are correct

Question 37: Tenants of the classical school can be seen currently in the United States by ______ -

Discriminatory patterns in criminal justice sentencing The idea that there should be equal treatment before the law The role that religion plays in our society The desire to distinguish criminals and noncriminal by their physical characteristics The call for evidence-based research to inform policy

Question 38: Rachel murdered a young man. According to Garofalo, how should Rachel be punished? -

Rachel should go to prison. Rachel should be killed. Rachel should be banished Rachel should be fined Rachel should be rehabilitated

Question 39: Food stamps would be a program supported by social Darwinists. -

True False

Question 40: According to Lombroso, criminals represent a peculiar physical type distinctively different from that of non-criminals -





Question 41: U.S. social institutions are arranged to be subservient to and supportive of the economy -

True False

Question 42: Which of the following strategies would a strain theorist say would best reduce crime? -

Change the structure of welfare Expand economic opportunity Increase the working age Decrease minimum wage

Question 43: Paulina lives within her means, but no longer has the desire to acquire monetary success, instead defining success as being a good mother. Which of Merton’s adaptations has Paulina adopted? -

Ritualism Retreatist Conformity Innovation

Question 44: Merton delineated five modes of deviant adaptation -

True False

Question 45: According to Agnew, if Monika is under strain, she will engage in some crime. -

True False

Question 46: According to Agnew, when anger creates pressure for corrective action, an individual is experiencing a _____ emotion



Positive Cognitive Guilt Pleasurable Negative

Question 47: According to Merton, which of the following is the ultimate retreat? -

Living in the streets Being arrested Suicide Using drugs Refusing to work

Question 48: In societies where the vitality and support for noneconomic institutions, such as the family, are more pronounced, crime rates are ______. -

Similar Higher Lower

Question 49: Julie works long hours as a professor, with the goal to become tenured and earn a big salary. Which of Merton’s adaptations has Julie adopted? -


Retreatism Ritualism Criminality Conformity

Question 50: According to Messner and Rosenfeld, the fact that work dominates our lives means that the institutional balance is tilted toward ______. -


Environment Family Economy Educational system...

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