Exam 2 Correction PDF

Title Exam 2 Correction
Course Intro To Gender Studies
Institution Wichita State University
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Exam corrections- Includes exam questions and reasoning behind answers...


Nadia Chowdhury Exam 2 Correction SOC 306

Q1. What gender is Science? Maria Charles points out that the portrayal of female physicists in the media paint them as: -

I never paid attention to the gender deviant part of the paragraph, so I guessed the answer based on what I generally see things portrayed in media.

Q2. What gender is Science? Maria Charles states that while a large majority of Americans today believe women should have equal social and legal rights, they also believe men and women are -

I have absolutely no idea why I thought both genders are biologically similar.

Q3. What is androcentrism? -

I thought always thought androcentrism as a male domination so I chose the answer I chose. I probably would have chosen the correct answer if I took a closer look, since the correct answer actually defines male domination in a more accurate way.

Q5. Chapter 6: In the United States, the typical bathroom symbol indicating a men’s room is the same as the generic symbol for person (in crosswalk lights, for instance). This is an example of -

I picked androcentrism in a rush and didn’t consider giving the other two options a second thought at that time.

Q8. Chapter 6: One group of gay men in college formed a fraternity that allowed heterosexual men to be members, but excluded gay women from its activities. The chapter recalls this incident in order to demonstrate that -

I picked all the answers as correct because the idea I got from the gist of the chapter was that men are equal, whether they are gay or straight. But went through the readings thoroughly to see that men usually see benefits from membership in the category, “men”.

Q9. Chapter 6: Which statement regarding men following gender rules is most true? -

Gender policing is not the only subject that makes men follow gender rules. I followed up with the correct answer from the book too.

Q10. Chapter 6: Which of the following statements best describes the meaning of hegemony? -

I knew hegemony meant a male dominated society, so I went ahead and marked the first possible answer that looked correct to me.

Q11. Chapter 6: Which of the following is NOT true of an androcentric society? -

I have no idea why I thought that women embrace masculine characteristics in this case.

Q14. Chapter 7: According to philosopher Sandra Lee Bartky, feminine ways of using the body can be described as -

I used the general idea of the feminine ways of using body. I looked into it further later and learned it is described as, language subordination.

Q18. Chapter 7: Feminists argue that we are in the middle of a stalled gender revolution in which -

I don’t remember specifically why I chose the answer I chose, but now during the exam review, I do agree that women have stepped forward to a lot of male opportunities and taken over but men didn’t take the initiative towards women occupation yet.

Q21. Chapter 7: What defines the ideal woman in the contemporary United States? -

I don’t know why I picked my answer the one I did in the test but I remember talking about it in class that, women are seen as the ideal women if they are able to perform both masculine and feminine duties.

Q25. Gendering Violence: Masculinity and Power in Men's Accounts of Domestic Violence In the Anderson and Umberson reading, they found that male abusers used violence to punish female partners who failed to meet which of their following (unspoken) needs? -

Male unspoken needs is not only sexual needs. Physical and emotional needs persist as well.

Q27. Chapter 8: Victorian gender ideology held that women were -

I don’t remember why I chose the answer but I looked it up later and learned that women in the Victorian age were more fragile than men and less suited for work pay.

Q29. Chapter 8: The failure of efforts to install gender-neutral bathrooms in the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University is an illustration that indicates -

I thought the idea gender neutral bathrooms were not established was because it was inconvenient. I looked it a little more though and found that it wasn’t brought in because it didn’t have the enormous support that it needed.

Q30. Chapter 8: What is common to elementary schools, bathrooms, and bodybuilding? -

The fact that it affirms gender difference is a much direct response why. I don’t know why I marked my answer as the correct one.

Q31. Chapter 8: A study of pay in professional golfing concluded that the primary rationale for vast differences in prize money was -

I went through the reading again to find out that it was gender

Q36. Chapter 8: Which of the following is an example of an institution? -

Walmart is not an institution by definition, A health care is.

Q40. Chapter 5: What conditions make it more likely that a man will adopt a Breadwinner gender strategy?


A man will only adopt a breadwinner gender only when the wife loses her position in her career field and the man gets prmoted or works a higher position.

Q42. Chapter 5: What is one example of how gendered rules apply differently to men and women as they age? -

I don’t know why I marked the answer I marked.

Q44. Chapter 5: What is one reason why some lesbians and gay men choose not to conform to gender rules? -

When I looked it up, it focused more on the idea that same sex orientation would become more visible to the outside world than homosexuals feeling isolated from the society.

Q48. Chapter 5: In the United States, Asian American men became stereotyped as less masculine than white men as a result of what historical fact? -

I looked it to find that Chinese men were more likely to live with their wives and perform domestic tasks.

Q50. Gendering Violence: Masculinity and Power in Men's Accounts of Domestic Violence Batterers deny responsibility by explaining their violence as caused by: -

Batterers explain violence as all of the options given for an answer, I don’t remember why I marked only one of them....

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