Exam #2 Study Guide PDF

Title Exam #2 Study Guide
Author jenny oster
Course Psychology
Institution Sam Houston State University
Pages 4
File Size 102.8 KB
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Exam #2 Study Guide...


Exam #2 – Study Guide Chapter 4 

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Know the definitions for and difference between sensation and perception (hint: where does each happen). o What is transduction and where does it occur in both vision and hearing? What is the absolute threshold? The Difference Threshold? o What is Weber’s Law? If you hold 2 jugs of water can you tell the difference Vision o What does each characteristic of a wave relate to in terms of your experience of color? o Know the following structures of the eye  Iris  Pupil  Lens  Retina  Fovea o What are the differences between rods and cones? o Know the two theories of color  In trichromatic color theory: wavelengths/colors are the three photopigments sensitive to?  In opponent-process theory: what are the three color pairing on cones? What does this tell you about the color of after images? o What are feature detectors? o What questions does the ventral visual pathway answer? The dorsal visual pathway?  What would someone be unable to determine if each of these were damaged? Audition o What does each characteristic of a wave relate to in terms of your experience of sound? o What are the differences between sound waves and light waves? Light can exist in a void while sound needs a medium o Know the following structures of the ear  Tympanic membrane  Ossicles – 3 bones that form a bridge b/w the eardrum and oval window (malleus, incus, staples; hammer, anvil, stirrup -> change intensity)  Cochlea – basilar membrane (curve),cilia (hiars)  Auditory nerve o Know the two theories of sound. What pitches do each of them explain well?  Frequency theory – the brain uses the frequency of hair firing to indicate pitch

Place theory – different pitches arise from different places on the basilar membrane The other senses o What are the four sensations detected in the skin?  Know the specialized receptor names for pain and temperature  Nociceptors: receptors for pain  Thermoreceptors: receptors for temperature  Be able to identify which receptors are active in a scenario o What is special about the olfaction sense, compared to the other senses? Does not use the thalamus o What is proprioception? Finger to nose with if you’re pulled over by a cop What is your vestibular system? Know each of the Gestalt laws and be able to pick out examples of them. Know the monocular and binocular (3D) cues to perception and be able to pick out examples of them. Know the three types of perceptual constancy and be able to pick out examples of them. 

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Chapter 6  

Know the types of nonassociative learning, and be able to identify an example of each Know the originators/discoverers of the following: o Classical conditioning o Operant conditioning o Observational learning Classical conditioning o Know the following terms and be able to identify each in a scenario  Unconditioned stimulus (US)  Unconditioned response (UR)  Neutral stimulus (NS)  Conditioned stimulus (CS)  Conditioned response (CR)  Generalization  Discrimination  Acquisition  Blocking Operant conditioning o What are the ABCs of operant conditioning? o What is the law of effect? o Know the following terms and be able to identify each in a scenario  Positive reinforcement  Negative reinforcement  Positive punishment  Negative punishment

 Fixed-ratio schedule  Variable-ratio schedule  Fixed-interval schedule  Variable-interval schedule  Shaping o What are primary reinforcers? Secondary reinforcers? o What is superstitious conditioning? Other types of learning o What is insight learning?  What is functional fixedness? o What is observational learning?  What are the 4 main processes of social learning theory? Factors that influence learning o What is the difference between vertical and horizontal transmission? Know an example of each. o What is neurogenesis?

Chapter 7  

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What are the three phases of memory and what order do they come in? Know the following terms and be able to pick out an example of each o Misinformation effect o Imagination inflation o Gist memory What is the difference between shallow encoding and deep encoding? Be able to identify which is being used in a scenario Multistore model of memory o Which stage/level is the longest in duration? Which is the shortest? The middle? Know the following types of memory, where they occur (i.e. short-term, long-term, sensory) and what they are responsible for (i.e. memory of personal experiences, memory of visual stimuli) o Iconic memory o Echoic memory o Explicit memory o Implicit memory  For this one it is good enough to know where it occurs (long-term) and know that priming and procedural memory (and what this is) are a part of this. o Episodic memory o Semantic memory Know the following memory aids and what type of memory they are used in o Chunking o Rehearsal

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What are the division (hint: audio and visual) of the central executive and what are they each responsible for? What type of memory are they functioning in? Know the recency effect and the primacy effect and be able to identify what each would help you recall. Know the different types of amnesia associated with long-term memory and what you would forget in each case. What is consolidation? Reconsolidation? What are the major changes that occur during long-term potentiation? What structure in the brain plays a critical role in emotional memory formation? What is free recall? Cued recall? What type of exam questions utilizes each of these? Know the following terms and be able to pick out each in a scenario o The encoding specificity principle o State-dependent retrieval o Mood-dependent retrieval What is the weapon focus effect? What are we most likely to recall under this effect? The least likely to recall?...

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