Exam 2 Study Guide PDF

Title Exam 2 Study Guide
Course Introduction to Church Ministries
Institution Liberty University
Pages 7
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CHMN 201 Exam #2 Study Guide 50 Questions, Multiple Choice and True/False

Following (Dr. Willmington) -

Be familiar with the definition of leadership. -


Motivating a group towards a vision

Be familiar with the 3 stages of leadership and their corresponding scripture references. -

God leads me •


I Lead me •



Be familiar with the major excuse that Moses (and God) did not mention -


Mark 10:32-45, John 13

Know what precedes leadership -


Prov 25:28, 1 Cor 9:24-27

I lead other •


1 Chron 29:11, Is 9:6, Phil 2:9

Moses killed an Egyptian

Know the aspects included in your calling. (Where, what, to who, when…) -


Be familiar with the class discussion and class notes on Exodus 3-4. -

Followship precedes leadership. Obedience Roadblocks= "excuses": Moses: Who am I?, God: I will go before you Moses: What if the people of Israel ask what your name is?, God: I am who I am Moses: They will not believe me or listen, God: I will bring show miracles, Moses: I am slow of speech, God: Moses: Please send someone else, God


Be familiar with the two main roles of spiritual leaders.


Servants- serve God and people Shepherds- lead and feed God's people


Know what Dr. Willmington calls excuses -



Know the different areas of self-leadership -

What needs to be led


What is out of control

Be familiar with the qualifications of leadership (1 Timothy 3) -



Obedience roadblocks

must be above reproach the husband of one wife sober-minded self-controlled respectable hospitable able to teach not a drunkard not violent but gentle not quarrelsome not a lover of money

Be familiar with the different factors of an occupational ministry calling -

Desire – is there a strong drawing in you? Do you enjoy ministry


Leading – does God seem to be pressing the call on your heart?


Opportunity – do the doors seem to open to career ministry for you?


Recognition – do other Christians easily see it in your life?


Gifting – has God given you the spiritual gifts/abilities to do the job?


Success – do you see spiritual fruit when you minister

Know what an Opus Gloria is


Glorious Work


Life mission

Philosophy of Ministry (Dr. Geukgeuzian) -

Be familiar with the spiritual & physical guidelines of a Philosophy of Ministry. -


Know what comes from a church’s strategy -



Implementation of programs

Know the benefits of having a Philosophy of Ministry. -


Keep the church & its leadership true to scripture. Present a clear understanding of the purpose for “having church.” Presents unique characteristics of a particular local church.

It forces us to be biblical . It makes practical sense. It assists us in ministry efficiency It assists us in being more effective It reinforces faithfulness among leadership.

Know the rules to remember when forming a Philosophy of Ministry. -

Do not get away from your motivation as to why you are doing what you are doing.


Reinforce your Mission statement, but Reexamine your vision regularly.


Be honest with yourself – know your limitations.

Know the contrast between Mission and Vision. MISSION


A definition

A picture

Used in planning

Used for communication







From the head

From the heart

Focus on narrower

Focus on broader

Clarifies -

Know the distinctives of a mission statement, vision statement, core values, and strategy statement. -

Mission Statement • • • •


• • • • • -

It is the foundation for the planning process. It must be achievable Uniquely defines the purpose of a particular congregation. It should only be one or two sentences.

Vision Statement •

It must be a clear and challenging picture of the future, as its leadership believes it CAN & MUST be! It is formed by Predicting spiritual and community development. It recognizes God’s desire to bless His people. It is the key to giving. Reflects God’s specific and unique assignment for this church. It empowers the church.

Core Values • • •


They are convictions about how a church operates, NOT doctrinal statements about what it believes. They are the four to seven key statement that distinguish a church. Core Values guide actions.

Know the questions to ask when forming a mission statement, vision statement, and core values -

Mission Statement


What are we supposed to be doing, according to the bible?  Great Commandment and the great commission • Can the Mission Statement be understood? • Is the Mission Statement clear, simple, and easy to understand? • Is it unique and specific to this church? • What Scriptures could support your statement? • Is it memorable & motivating? Vision Statement •

Guest Lectures (Matt Riggins) -


What is Global Partner’s mission?


Be able to explain Global Partner’s rational in not including the name of Jesus anywhere on their website.

Church Unique (Part 2 – Chapters 5-10) -

Chapter 5 -

Know the role that the past AND the future plays in Clarifying vision •




Leader talks about the future’s clarity that is based on the clarity of past and present

Know the reasons for lack of collaboration and synergy •

Lack of trust

Personal ego

Lack of strategic clarity

Know the four Clarity Gaps •

Between leaders perception and reality

Between what leader is saying and what leader is thinking

Between leaders words and how followers receive those words

Between followers understanding and the words they use to convey their understanding

Chapter 6 -

Be able to finish the sentence: “Clarifying vision is always about...” •


What God is already doing

Know the common thread that weaves the four imperatives together •

Frame it first 

State your vision framework before you frame you vision statement

Listen till you Glisten 

Discern the future by seeing more clarify what you already have

Team the Horses 

Work outside in 



Discover an angel by inviting a stranger

Be familiar with the three things done to enhance collaboration •

Free participants to wear different hats in transparent dialogue

Develop a healthy respect for personalities and temperaments different than our own

Chapter 7 -

Know the ultimate source of clarity •



God’s perspective as revealed through scripture

Know the three responsibilities of mankind •

Reflecting his god’s capacity

Relate and Rule

Join God in rescuing

Know what must come first when articulating a missional vision •


Go farther by pulling together

Pursuit of God

Chapter 8 -


Know the three things a Whispering Legacy will do •

Motivate us

Sharped us

Humble Us

Be familiar with the different “Vision Artifacts” •

Uncover the creation story

 •

Of the church and the people in it

Collect hidden gems of vision vocab 

Find the hall of fame memorabilia

• -

Chapter 9 -

Know what the Kingdom Concept is and what is included in it. •

The big idea that will glorify God 

Local Predicament  What are the needs and opportunities where God has placed us

Collective Potential  What are the unique resources and capabilities that God brings together in us

Apostolic Esprit  What particular focus most energizes and animates our leadership


Be familiar with the definition and concept of the “Great Permission” •


Know the definition of Apostolic Esprit •


Being free to live as God has created and called you to do in your unique setting

Area of focus that arouses an energetic style in it's leaders

Chapter 10 -

Know what the Kingdom Concept does to “egoless clarity” •

It challenges this idea making one decide if they are present for personal goals or for the sake of the mission...

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