Title EXAM 3 PSC
Course Int To Amer Gov: Struc & Funct
Institution Stephen F. Austin State University
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CHAPTER 15 During George Washington’s administration, there were ________ cabinet positions. A. four B. five C. six D. seven The “spoils system” allocated political appointments on the basis of ________. A. merit B. background C. party loyalty D. specialized education Two recent periods of large-scale bureaucratic expansion were ________. A. the 1930s and the 1960s B. the 1920s and the 1980s C. the 1910s and the 1990s D. the 1930s and the 1950s Briefly explain the underlying reason for the emergence of the spoils system. Government employment in which workers are hired on party loyalty. The Civil Service Commission was created by the ________. A. Pendleton Act of 1883 B. Lloyd–La Follette Act of 1912 C. Hatch Act of 1939 D. Political Activities Act of 1939 The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 created the Office of Personnel Management and the ________. A. Civil Service Commission B. Merit Systems Protection Board C. “spoils system” D. General Schedule Briefly explain the benefits and drawbacks of a merit system. A benefit of the merit system is that it helps to ensure the most qualified applicants are given the position. A drawback is that the bureaucracy is less responsive to the will of elected leaders than under patronage. Which describes the ideal bureaucracy according to Max Weber? A. an apolitical, hierarchically organized agency B. an organization that competes with other bureaucracies for funding C. a wasteful, poorly organized agency D. an agency that shows clear electoral responsiveness Which of the following models of bureaucracy best accounts for the way bureaucracies tend to push Congress for more funding each year? A. the Weberian model B. the acquisitive model C. the monopolistic model D. the ideal model

An example of a government corporation is ________. A. NASA B. the State Department C. Amtrak D. the CIA Briefly explain why government might create a government corporation. Congress tends to create government corporations to perform services that respond to market forces but are too important to the public to be allowed to fail. The Freedom of Information Act of 1966 helps citizens exercise oversight over the bureaucracy by ________. A. empowering Congress B. opening government records to citizen scrutiny C. requiring annual evaluations by the president D. forcing agencies to hold public meetings When reformers speak of bureaucratic privatization, they mean all the following processes except ________. A. divestiture B. government grants C. whistleblowing D. third-party financing Briefly explain the advantages of negotiated rulemaking. Neutral advisors knows as convenors put together a committee of those who have vested interests in the proposed rules. The convenors then set about devising procedures for reaching a consensus on the proposed rules. The committee uses these procedures to govern the process through which the committee members discuss the various merits and demerits of the proposals. With the help of neutral mediators, the committee eventually reaches a general consensus of the rules. What concerns might arise when Congress delegates decision-making authority to unelected leaders, sometimes called the fourth branch of government? Going away from democracy and they aren’t held accountable In what ways might the patronage system be made more efficient? By requiring appointments to meet certain criteria. Does the use of bureaucratic oversight staff by Congress and by the OMB constitute unnecessary duplication? Why or why not? Which model of bureaucracy best explains the way the government currently operates? Why? The acquisitive model explains the best competitive nature of government today. As resources dwindle, certain government agencies fight others to survive and advance their agendas. Do you think Congress and the president have done enough to protect bureaucratic whistleblowers? Why or why not?

Chapter 16 Which of the following is not an example of a public policy outcome? A. the creation of a program to combat drug trafficking B. the passage of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) C. the passage of tax cuts during the George W. Bush administration D. none of the above; all are public policy outcomes Public policy ________. A. is more of a theory than a reality B. is typically made by one branch of government acting alone C. requires multiple actors and branches to carry out D. focuses on only a few special individuals What are some of the challenges to getting a new public policy considered and passed as law? Approval of a new policy requires government to recognize that a problem needs solving, and the approval of the elected branches of government. This process can take a long time. Toll goods differ from public goods in that ________. A. they provide special access to some and not all B. they require the payment of a fee up front C. they provide a service for only the wealthy D. they are free and available to all Which type of policy directly benefits the most citizens? A. regulatory policy B. distributive policy C. redistributive policy D. self-regulatory policy Of the types of goods introduced in this section, which do you feel is the most important to the public generally and why? Which public policies are most important and why? When lawmakers pass legislation protecting workers, instituting wage-and-hour laws and providing enforcement for wage-and-hour laws, this is a public policy decision. The policy is to protect the rights of workers with the society. Social Security and Medicare are notable for their assistance to which group? A. the poor B. young families starting out C. those in urban areas D. the elderly Setting aside Social Security and Medicare, other entitlement programs in the U.S. government ________. A. constitute over half the budget B. constitute well under one-quarter of the budget C. are paid for by the states with no cost to the Federal government D. none of the above What societal ills are social welfare programs designed to address? Need-based programs exist to provide at least a minimal standard of living for those in dire straits

and to provide opportunities to improve their fate in life. In the short term, they allow mere survival, while in the long term, they can help the individual and society. Which stage of the public policy process includes identification of problems in need of fixing? A. agenda setting B. enactment C. implementation D. evaluation Policy analysts seek ________. A. evidence B. their chosen outputs C. influence D. money In the implementation phase of the policy process, is it better to use a top-down approach or a bottom-up approach on Federal policies? Why Bottom up; more local, smaller scale A deficit is ________. A. the overall amount owed by government for past borrowing B. the annual budget shortfall between revenues and expenditures C. the cancellation of an entitlement program D. all the above Entitlement (or mandatory) spending is ________. A. formula-based spending that goes to individual citizens B. a program of contracts to aerospace companies C. focused on children D. concentrated on education When times are tough economically, what can the government do to get the economy moving again? A Keynesian approach would recommend deficit spending to stimulate the economy. Supply-side economists would advocate cutting taxes to get more money flowing in the economy. What might indicate that a government is passing the policies the country needs? We are safe, economy is strong, low-unemployment, not at war If you had to define the poverty line, what would you expect people to be able to afford just above that line? For those below that line, what programs should the government offer to improve quality of life? A little bit above basic needs. A way to provide a job What is the proper role of the government in regulating the private sector so people are protected from unfair or dangerous business practices? Why? To be in the background just there in case something goes wrong because the private sector is the part of the economy that is not under direct government control and it should stay that way. Is it realistic to expect the U.S. government to balance its budget? Why or why not? No, ir is not realistic to expect the U.S. government to balance its budget. It would require program

reforms, a commitment to fiscal discipline, and an improved economy. What in your view is the most important policy issue facing the United States? Why is it important and which specific problems need to be solved? Foreign policy because that can lead into National Security. Get allies in check in the fight with ISIS What are some suggested solutions to the anticipated Social Security shortfall? Why haven’t these solutions tended to gain support? Privatizing Social Security, raising taxes on the wealthy; because wealthy have more influence, long process Whose role is more important in a democracy, the policy advocate’s or the policy analyst’s? Why? Policy analysts, because collecting information and researching promotes what is the prefers course of action. A good policy stems from sought out experts and their knowledge. Which stage of the policy progress is the most important and why? Agenda setting, policy formation, policy implementation, evaluation. Agenda setting because that is the start of it all. The most serious felony is Capital murder A person convicted of a third felony can be sentenced to life imprisonment based on The three strikes provision If a person cannot provide bail on their own the accused can possibly be released On personal recognizance Three primary policy makers are Congress, supreme court, and president Which of the following is a source of often unanticipated costs faced by county governments? Capital murder trials What title was Medicaid established under? Title XIX of the Social Security Act What does Aid to families with Dependent children provide? Aid 2 kids living with parents who live under the poverty line Where does Texas rank nationally on the number of people on death row? First Where does Texas rank nationally on conviction rates? Seventh

Slogans like “Just say No” & “Don’t Mess with Texas” are what kind of policy implementation? Hortatory Which of the following makes the decision to grant parole? The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles Techniques for policy implementation characterized as “stick or carrot” are called Authoritative and incentive What is the process for granting clemency in Texas? Governor follows the TX Board of Pardons & Paroles decision Who are the main contributors in agenda setting? The president, congress, the people, and the media Money that is provided by the defendant to ensure his or her appearance in court Bail What is assigned council? A judge appointed lawyer What is public defender? A lawyer paid by the government on salary Entitlement programs are Provided regardless of need Who appoints officers and department heads of government bureaucracies? The president Political appointments based on loyalty and political campaign support is called Spoils system Who are two presidents that promoted greater welfare programs in the US? Franklin D. Roosevelt & Lyndon B. Johnson Entitlement programs are Given to everyone regardless of need An example of means-tested program is Medicaid Two current issues with Social Security are Decreased revenues & increased expenditures What is the fourth branch of government?

The bureaucracy Three core issues in environmental policy today are Reducing emissions, energy independence, renewable tech Texas has what kind of tax system? Regressive The federal income tax is A progressive tax system Social security and Medicare benefits which group most The elderly What is the Texas general sales tax 6.25% What is the largest source of revenue for Texas? The general sales tax What is the largest source of revenue for the US government? The federal income taxes What is NOT a controversy leading 2 questioning the integrity of Texas criminal justice system The University of Texas corruption scandal What calls for wealthy districts to transfer funds to poorer districts The Robin Hood plan Three issues facing Texas education are Funding, desegregation, and educational excellence Why are Texas counties important? They provide the main form of government in rural areas Home-rule charters provide for all of the following EXCEPT Requiring cities to have a population under 5000 What are important responsibilities of the Texas Water Department Board? All of these are true What type of government is called hidden government because people often do NOT know it exists? Special districts What is the combined office of county and district attorneys? Office of the Criminal District Attorney...

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