PSC Exam 1 Study guide PDF

Title PSC Exam 1 Study guide
Course Introduction to American Politics
Institution College of Southern Nevada
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Introduction to American Politics - Political Science 101 Exam No. 1 - Study Guide 1. Define Government? Define politics? Government is a group that rules over a set of people. They create laws, enforce them, and look over their people. Politics is the ideas and things happening under a government. These things can include ideas about social issues, conflicts, and problem solving. 2. What is limited government? Limited government is when ideal that government authority should have as little power as possible. Early Americans didn’t trust government and liked the power they had gained. 3. What is democracy? What is constitutional democracy? What is direct democracy? Democracy is a type of government where people have the power. This can be through elected individuals or directly. Constitutional democracy is a government that has a constitution or that has specific frame work they follow as guidelines. A Direct democracy is when people directly decided on things not using representative to vote and decided for them.le 4. What is representative democracy? Opposite of direct dem. Representatives vote and make decisions for their people. 5. Explain what is a bicameral legislature? Having 2 parts to the law making body. An example would be our house of rep. and congress 6. What is social contract? A widely accepted theory or ideas about how to behave ethically or morally. 7 8.What is political culture? A widely accepted belief about how a government should rule in a society 9. 10. According to lecture, what are the major 5 areas where we learn the American political culture? 1. Liberty 2. Equality 3. Democracy 4. Civic duty 5. Individual responsibility

11. Define federalists. Define anti-federalists. Federalist- historically supported the constitution and its central power Anit-federalists don’t want to have a powerful central government 12. What is a system of checks and balances? Each branch of government hold power over the next so no one part has more power than another. 13. Explain separation of powers. The power in a government should be divided up. The us has congress, law making, president, the head, and juridical, to make rulings. 14.What is confederation? Define Bill of Rights? A confederation is a group of small areas(state) that come together under one government but still keep their own authority. 15. 16. How is an Amendment to the Constitution ratified? An amendment to the constitution is ratified(corrected or changed)

17. 18. What is Articles of Confederation? What is constitutionalism? The articles of confederation was the first constitution in the US. All the states were banding together. The articles kept the federal government power low but the individual territories power intact. Colonist were leery of government power after what had happened with Britain. Constitutionalism is a government that rules under a fundamental law, like the constitution in the US. 19. Discuss the case, McCullouch v. Maryland. The issue was is it constitutionally legal for the government to create a bank and then if Maryland was overriding that by taxing the bank in its state. But the underlining issue was a power struggle between states and the federal government. The supreme court decided it was ok for the fed govt. to create banks and that states couldn’t tax federal banks. Marshall was the judge. He brought about nationalism.

And the Constitution has implied points. “the power to tax involves the power to destroy.” States could no longer create laws that inhibit federal institutions. 20. What is political ideology? Politic Ideology set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should follow 21. What is political socialization? Are the ways people get their political ideas from families, media, peers, schools, religions, work and legal systems. 22. What is the difference between conservatism, liberalism?

23. According to lecture, what is the American Dream? the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved. 24. What is Commerce Clause? The power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes." 25.What is the New Deal? Created by Franklin Roosevelt. 3 R’s Relief Recovery and Reform. He created some new programs. The first part 1933-1934. Restructuring the economy. 2nd 1935-38 improve the way the US used its natural resources. Programs included: social security, FDIC was created, Federal housing administration etc… Not everyone like this new deal. People thought it was headed toward socialism. The new deal did get money to the poor. Road, school, park, hospitals were built. 26. What is the Great Compromise? 1787 Constitutional convention. Fixing different parts with amendments. Small states vs large states power. Roger Shermin upper house, senate, states power all equal. Lower house, the house of representatives, the power is based on populations 27. What is Necessary and Proper Clause? Not meant to give fed government more power. Only the means that are necessary not those that are convenient. Jefferson didn’t want this to allow the Federal power to take over everything based on this clause. 28.What is Supremacy Clause?

Article 6. 3 parts. 1. All debts before the constitution will be upheld. 2. The federal power is supreme to the states. 3. Religion can’t get involved. 29. What is expressed powers, implied powers, concurrent powers, inherent powers? Expressed – directly written in the constitution Implied – power from the necessary and proper clause (reasonably suggested in the constitution) Concurrent – shared by the national govt and states. Inherent – power that belongs to the national govt just bc it’s a national government. 30.What is devolution? Power transferred from the national govt to the states. 31.What is Federalism? Power is divided between national and state govt. Each has its own authorities and jobs 32. Discuss the Constitution’s Tenth Amendment. Federal govt is limited to what’s in the constitution. If something isn’t delegated to the fed govt and its not prohibited from the state its up to the state and its people to decide 33.What does “full faith and credit” clause in Article IV of the Constitution mean? Every state must recognize and support the laws and relationships from other states. Unless it violates public policy (gay marriage or marijuana) 34.What is cooperative federalism? “marble cake” Mixing government’s powers with overlaps for state and national govt. 35. Discuss federal mandate and grants in federal government? Mandates are things the national govt what the state to do, and if the state does them they will get funding for things. An example is national minimum drink age act, if complied with the states got highway funds. Grants are moneys given to states that come with specific instructions about how the money should be used. 36.What is initiative, referendum, and recall? Types of Reform = gives citizens a change to participate closely Initiative – if citizens get enough votes, they can ask their congress to pass a certain law. Referendum – citizens vote directly on a law Recall – citizens can vote to remove someone in legislature.

37. According to lecture, what are the three events that was the result of settlement in Nevada by the 1840s? 1. Cession or giving up by Mexico (treaty of Guadalupe)- Mexican American War 2. Migration of Mormons in Salt Lake City and “neo-Nevada” (new-Nevada) area 3. The discovery of gold in California 38. What are three reasons Nevada Settlers wanted own territory? 1. They were far from the capital in Utah 2. The were being ignored by Bingham Young 3. They felt they were being represented in Utah Govt. 39.What were the two main barriers that stop the ratification of the first Nevada 1863 constitution? 1. Mining Taxation 2. The constitution vote was linked with the proposed office positions in the new state govt 40. What are the four significant reasons Lincoln wanted Nevada to become a state? 1. Lincoln wanted the 3 extra electoral votes, he didn’t think he could win reelection with out it 2. He wanted Nevada’s support in passing the 13th amendment (slavery) 3. More republican votes for building 4. Fear that the election would need to involve the House of Reps. If there was a third party...

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