EXAM 4 CH 10, 13-15 - Study Guide PDF

Title EXAM 4 CH 10, 13-15 - Study Guide
Author Max Henley
Course Introduction To Life Science
Institution Oakton Community College
Pages 8
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Chapter 10: 1) Which scientists conducted the experiments that demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material of bacteriophages?

Hershey and Chase 1a) One type of virus that infects bacteria is called a…

Phage & Bacteriophage 2) When a T2 bacteriophage infects an Escherichia coli cell, which part of the phage enters the bacterial cytoplasm? Only the DNA 3) The monomers of DNA and RNA are___________? Nucleotides 4) DNA uses the nitrogenous base uracil. True or False? False 5) RNA uses the sugar dextrose. True or false? False 6) How would the shape of a DNA molecule change if adenine paired with guanine and cytosine paired with thymine?

The DNA Molecules would have irregular widths along its length 7) The shape of a DNA molecule looks like A twisted rope ladder. And DNA replication uses each strand as a template for creation of new strand. 8) If one strand of DNA is GCC ATG the corresponding strand will be….? CGGTAC 9) When one DNA molecule is copied to make two DNA molecules, the new DNA contains 50% of the parent DNA. 10) Multiple origins of replication on the DNA molecules of eukaryotic cells serve to…?

Shorten the time necessary for DNA replication 11) Which enzyme catalyzes the elongation of a new DNA strand?

DNA Polymerase 12) Why does a DNA strand grow only in the 5' to 3' direction?

because DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to the 3' end of the growing molecule 13) Describe the flow of information when a gene directs the synthesis of a cellular component?

DNA---->RNA--->Protein 14) The process of transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA is called? Transcription 15) The "one gene-one polypeptide" theory states that...?

The function of an individual gene is a dictate the production of a specific polypeptide 16) Experiments have demonstrated that the "words" of the genetic code (the units that specify amino acids) are Three-nucleotide sequences. 17) The directions for each amino acid in a polypeptide are indicated by a codon that consists of 3 nucleotide(s) in an RNA molecule. 18) We would expect that a 15-nucleotide sequence ending with a stop codon will direct the

production of a polypeptide that consists of A) 2 amino acids. B) 3 amino acids. C) 4 amino acids. D) 5 amino acids. 19) Which enzyme catalyzes the linking together of RNA nucleotides to form RNA?

RNA polymerase 20) What occurs when RNA polymerase attaches to the promoter DNA?

initiation of a new RNA molecule 21) A terminator marks the end of a gene and causes transcription to stop. 22) Where do transcription and translation occur in prokaryotic cells? In the cytoplasm 23) What is a function of a tRNA molecule?

joining to only one specific types of amino acid 24) What is most accurate sequence of events in translation?

Initiation---> Codon Recognition---> Peptide bond formation---> Translocation 25) Define Mutations- Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA 26) Mutations is an agent which cause change in the sequence of nucleotide of DNA 27) A protein coat which encloses viral genome is called capsid. 28) How did the 2009 H1N1 flu virus evolved? Genetically reshuffling, which affected humans, birds, pigs 29) What kind of virus is HIV?

A retrovirus, RNA is their genetic material. 30) Which enzymes does HIV use to synthesize DNA on an RNA template?

reverse transcriptase 31) How do viroids harm the plants that are infected with them? By altering the plant's growth 32) What is conjugation, transduction and transformation in bacteria? Conjugation: the transfer of DNA from a donor to a recipient bacterial cell through a cytoplasmic bridge

Transduction:gene transfer through bacteriophages Transformation: the uptake of DNA from the surrounding environment 33)By Conjugation, transformation, and transduction , bacteria can increase genetic diversity? 34) In many bacteria, genes that confer resistance to antibiotics are carried on..? R Plasmids WTF is exons? Extra? Entrons? Entra? EOC multiple choice questions. Short Answer- summarize the process of Transcription and Translation (PG 198) EOC Q#6,

1)What is the core theme of biology? EVOLUTION 2) Aristotle believed that............? SPECIES ARE PERFECT AND UNCHANGED 3) Who developed a theory of evolution almost identical to Darwin's? LAMARK 4)Broccoli, cabbages, and brussels sprouts all descend from the same wild mustard and can still interbreed. These varieties were produced by........... Selection. ARTIFICIAL 5) Lyell's book Principles of Geology, which Darwin read on board the H.M.S. Beagle, argued in favor of which concept? NATURAL SELECTION 6) Describe in one sentence - the true nature of natural selection? HERITABLE TRAITS THAT PROMOTE REPRODUCTION BECOME MORE FREQUENT IN A POPULATION OVER GENERATION 7)__________ process will tend to produce adaptive changes in populations? NATURAL SELECTION 8) Which of the following would prevent an organism from becoming part of the fossil record when it dies? A) It is fully decomposed by bacteria and fungi. B) It is buried in fine sediments at the bottom of a lake. C) It gets trapped in sap. D) It is frozen in ice. 9) Which thinker argued that most much of the human suffering- diseases, famine and war was the consequence of human populations increasing faster than food supplies and other resources?

THOMAS MALTHUS 10) Examples of evidence of evolution in various disciplines. (eg Which discipline has found evidence for evolution based on the native distributions (locations) of living species?

11) Humans share several features with salamanders. Like genetic composition, four limbs with a similar skeletal structure ; their early embryos etc. In evolutionary terms, these are examples of______ HOMOLOGY

12) What evidence is used to determine the branching sequence of an evolutionary tree? ANATOMICAL OR MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 13)Darwin was the first person to draw an evolutionary tree, a diagram that represents.........? EVERYONE IS CONNECTED WITH A COMMON ANCESTOR. PATTERN OF EVOLUTIONARY DESCENDANT 14) A population is (definition)...? is a group of individuals of the same species living in the same place at the same time 15) The ultimate source of all new alleles is........? MUTATION 16)What are p2 q2 and 2pq in H-W equation? P2; DOMINANT TRAIT Q2; RECESSIVE TRAIT 2PQ; HETEROZYGOUS 17) The frequencies of dominant and recessive alleles in a gene pool are 0.2 and 0.8. If this population is at H- W equilibrium, what is the frequency of heterozygotes in the population.

.16 18) Genetic differences between populations tend to be reduced by......? GENE FLOW 19) Large antlers in male elk, which are used for battles between males, are a good example of a trait favored by...? INTRASEXUAL SELECTION 20)Microevolution, or evolution at its smallest scale, occurs when......? A population's allele frequencies change over a span of generations 21) Mate-attracting features such as the bright plumage of a male peacock result from.....? INTERSEXUAL SELECTION 22) What are 3 ways by which natural selection can be altered and their interpretation like … A rabbit population consists of animals that are either very dark on top or very light on top. The color pattern is not related to sex. No rabbit shows intermediate coloration (medium darkness). This pattern might result from........? Selection. DISRUPTIVE SELECTION

23) A population of 1,000 birds exists on a small Pacific island. Some of the birds are yellow, a characteristic determined by a recessive allele. The others are green, a characteristic determined by a dominant allele. A hurricane on the island kills most of the birds from this population. Only ten remain, and those birds all have yellow feathers. This is an example of ________?

24)Frequency- dependent selection is a type of balancing selection that ___________ ?

EOC – Multiple choice questions

Short Answers – Briefly describe five categories of evidence of evolution Explain by which 3 ways natural selection can alter variation in a population

1)Which of the following would a biologist describe as microevolution? A) the formation of new species B) the extinction of species C) dramatic biological changes, such as the origin of flight, within a taxon D) a change in the gene pool of a population from one generation to the next 2) Under the biological species concept, a species is a group of organisms that.....? have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce fertile offspring.

3) Why most of the time species are identified by their appeareance? There are some questions based on reproductive barriers- examples4) Which type of reproductive barriers separates a pair of species that could interbreed except that one mates at dusk and the other at dawn? TEMPORAL ISOLATION

5)Which type of reproductive barriers separates two flowering plant species that could interbreed except that one has a deep flower tube and is pollinated by bumblebees, whereas the other has a short, narrow flower tube and is pollinated by honeybees? MECHANICAL ISOLATION 6) Frequently, a group of related species will each have a unique courtship ritual that must be performed correctly for both partners to be willing to mate. Such a ritual constitutes a ________, ________ reproductive barrier. BEHAVORIAL, PREZYGOTIC 7) Definitions and questions based on allopatric & sympatric specialtion and polyploidy.

Example - Uplift and formation of a mountain range divides a freshwater snail

species into two isolated populations. Erosion eventually lowers the mountain range and brings the two populations together again, but when they mate, the resulting hybrids all produce sterile young. This scenario is an example of........... Speciation. ALLOPATRIC SPECIATION 8)Which type of speciation would occur fastest? Sympatric/ allopatric/adaptive/polyploidy /natural selection? 9)Ancestral diploid wheat species had 2 n = 14 chromosomes. What happened when two of these species hybridized? 10)Most species of __________ are descended from ancestors that underwent sympatric speciation by polyploidy. 11) When plants undergo allopatric speciation initial reproductive barrier is often______? 12) Sympatric speciation commonly occurs through ________ in plants, but is more likely to occur through ________ in animals 13)The emergence of many diverse species from a common ancestor is called,.....? 14) In a hybrid zone, ________ can occur if the reproductive barrier between two species is weak, as seen among cichlids in the murky waters of modern Lake Victoria.

15)The ________ suggests that speciation occurs in brief spurts.

16)The emergence of a new plant species over a brief period of time, followed by a long period of little change, is consistent with which of the following theories? 17) Why it is unlikely that the human population will give rise to a new species ? Questions based on diagrams in the text book . Refer diagrams 14.7 and 14.11

Short Answers- End of Chapter Multiple Choice questions; Q # 13 & 14, 15 Describe the various reproductive barriers which keeps species separa...

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