Lecture Exam 4 Study Guide PDF

Title Lecture Exam 4 Study Guide
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology
Institution Lone Star College System
Pages 3
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Lecture Exam 4 Study Guide Chapter 10  Describe the general functions of the nervous system. - Detects changes, makes decisions, stimulates muscles and glands to respond and maintain homeostasis 

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What do the somatic and autonomic portions control? - Somatic: voluntary instructions to skeletal muscles - Autonomic: involuntary instructions from CNS to smooth & cardiac muscles and glands What types of cells are found in the nervous system? - Neurons and neuroglia What is a neurotransmitter? - Chemical that carries signal to next neuron Identify the 2 major groups of nervous system organs. - CNS ( brain and spinal cord), AND PNS (cranial and spinal nerves) Know the parts of a neuron.  Cell body: aka soma, nucleus  Dendrites: branch out , transmits information to cell body  Axon: long fiber, send information away from cell body  Schwann cell: produce myelin sheath around axon  Axon hillock: controls firing of neuron  Synaptic knob: allows signal to other cells axon  Myelin sheath: fatty tissue surrounding neurons; speeds up signal  Axon terminal: hair ends on axon  Chromatophilic substance: ribosome producing protein  Neurofilaments: support cytoskeleton Where are Schwann cells, oligodendrocytes, nodes of Ranvier, myelin found? -PNS How are neurons classified? - Direction signal travels relating to CNS - Sensory, motor, and inter neurons Know function of the 4 types of supporting neuroglia cells in the CNS.  Astrocytes: forms Blood Brain Barrier (BBB)  Microglia: clears away dead cells  Ependymal: produce cerebrospinal fluid  Oligodendrocytes: forms myelin sheath, most common How does a cell membrane become polarized? - moving and storing different types of charged molecules on different sides of membrane How is an action potential (AP)generated? How does an action potential move down an axon? What is the difference between a relative and absolute refractory period? - Absolute: CANN0T generate action potential - Relative: CAN generate action potential What is saltatory conduction? Action potentials “jump” from node to node down the axon -

Chapter 11

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What structures compose the CNS (central nervous system)? - Brain and spinal cord Know the meninges that cover the brain and their respective order. - Dura mater: outer layer - Arachnoid mater: middle layer - Pia mater: inner layer Know the general structure of the spinal cord (gray and white matter). What is cerebral spinal fluid and where is it formed? - The four ventricles ( 2 lateral, third, and fourth ventricle) Know the 4 major part of the brain. - Cerebrum - Diencephalon - Cerebellum - Brainstem Know major lobes, fissures, and motor areas of the cortex. 5 major lobes: temporal, frontal, parietal,occipital, insula Fissures: longitudinal (separates cerebral hemispheres), transverse (separates cerebrum from cerebellum What are the functions of the cerebrum? - Controls sensory functions, and somatic functions Name and located the ventricles of the brain. 2 LATERAL 3rd: middle 4th: bottom Describe the location of the diencephalon and name its subdivisions and functions. -located between telencephalon and midbrain What are the major areas of the brain stem and know their functions. - Midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata Describe the structure and function of the cerebellum. - 2 hemispheres - Coordinates skeletal muscles - Integrates sensory information - posture Describe the order of a reflex arc and give an example. - Receptor - Sensory neuron - Interneuron - Spinal cord - Motor neuron - Impulse Effector *examp What are cranial nerves? How many are there? - 12 What is a plexus? Know the location and major nerves of the cervical plexus, brachial plexus, and lumbosacral plexus.

- Cervical: C1-C4 - Brachial: C5-T1 - Lumbosacral: L1-S4 Describe the differences in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. - Sympathetic: fight or flight response - Parasympathetic: prevent overworking, returns to calm state

Chapter 12  Where are receptors found for general senses? Special senses? - General senses: skin, various organs and joints - Special sense: eyes, ears, nose and mouth  What are the 5 types of sensory receptors? - Chemoreceptors - Thermoreceptors - Mechanoreceptors - Photoreceptors  What is the difference between sensation and perception? - Taste v.s. sight  What is sensory adaptation?  Where are the olfactory receptors located?  Describe the structures of the outer, middle, inner ear, and their functions.  What is the function of the lacrimal apparatus and its substructures?  Describe the function of each extrinsic eye muscle.  Know the structures in the outer, middle, and inner tunics of the eye.  How is the size of the pupil regulated?  What are rods and cones? - Rods: long projections, dim lights, gray color - Cones: short projections, bright light, all color  Describe the pathways of light through the eye from outside to inside. -Cornea - Aqueous humor -Lens -Vitreous humor -Retina...

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