Exercise Creating the WBS and Scope Baseline PDF

Title Exercise Creating the WBS and Scope Baseline
Course Conception de projet
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Exercise: Creating the WBS and Scope Baseline Learning Objective After completing this topic, you should be able to demonstrate your understanding of the Create WBS process

1. Exercise overview The work breakdown structure and the scope baseline are two key elements of successfully managing a project. In this exercise, you'll demonstrate that you can identify the role of the work breakdown structure in a project describe how decomposition works and principles for doing it effectively recognize the steps for finalizing and verifying a WBS identify the components of the scope baseline identify the inputs, tools used, and outputs of the Create WBS process

2. Creating the Project WBS & Scope Baseline

Question What are the purposes for which you use a WBS? Options: 1. To keep track of costs 2. To help with project scheduling 3. To decide who will be given responsibility for various tasks 4. To help you keep all project stakeholders up to date about the progress of a project 5. To measure how much profit you have made on a given project 6. To keep track of people's positions within your company

Answer Option 1: This is a correct option. The WBS can be used to control and monitor the cost of a project. Because it identifies all the work that must be completed and breaks this down into components, you can assign and track costs at different levels – for the project as a whole, down to individual work packages. Option 2: This is a correct option. The WBS can be used to facilitate scheduling because it represents all the tasks that must be completed during a project. You can assign a duration https://library.skillport.com/courseware/Content/cca/apj 03 a02 bs enus/output/html/course transcript.html



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estimate to the smallest units of work, as well as to divisions at higher levels, like phases or deliverables. Option 3: This is a correct option. The WBS is a good tool for assigning responsibility because it enables you to identify specific tasks that must be completed for a project. Option 4: This is a correct option. The WBS is a good mechanism for project control and reporting. Because it identifies each component of the work that must be performed, you can use it to report progress on each of these components, as well as on the project as a whole. Option 5: This is an incorrect option. You would use the WBS to monitor costs during the project, but not to assess results after the project is completed. Option 6: This is an incorrect option. Although a WBS might define responsibilities for work on a project, it is not used to monitor day-to-day company information. Correct answer(s): 1. To keep track of costs 2. To help with project scheduling 3. To decide who will be given responsibility for various tasks 4. To help you keep all project stakeholders up to date about the progress of a project

Question The WBS structure is comprised of five layers, or rows. Sequence the layers of the WBS structure in order of the rows, from top to bottom. Options: A. Project B. Processes, phases, sub-projects C. Main deliverables D. Tasks E. Reportable activities

Answer Correct answer(s):

Project is ranked The project title is identified at the top, or first row, of the WBS. Processes, phases, sub-projects is ranked Processes, phases, and sub-projects are identified in the second row of the WBS. Main deliverables is ranked https://library.skillport.com/courseware/Content/cca/apj 03 a02 bs enus/output/html/course transcript.html



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The main deliverables of a project are represented in the third row of the WBS. Tasks is ranked Project tasks are identified in the fourth row of the WBS, under the deliverable that they support. Reportable activities is ranked Reportable activities of a project are broken down and represented in the fifth row of the WBS.

Question You're creating the WBS for your project. Identify the inputs you require to perform the Create WBS process. Options: 1. Project scope statement 2. Requirements documentation 3. Scope management plan 4. Enterprise environmental factors 5. Organizational process assets 6. Change request documentation 7. Stakeholder management plan

Answer Option 1: This is a correct option. The project scope statement provides key information for creating the WBS. Option 2: That's correct. Requirements documentation includes information that you require for creating an effective WBS. Option 3: This is a correct option. You'll need the scope management plan to help you in breaking down overall project work into manageable deliverables. Option 4: This option is correct. Enterprise environmental factors guide you in your approach for creating the WBS for your project. Option 5: This is a correct option. OPAs help standardize the process for creating your project's WBS based on previous projects in the organization, and outlined guidelines and procedures. Option 6: This is an incorrect option. Change requests can influence the project work, but they are not an input to creating the WBS.

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Option 7: This option is incorrect. The WBS focuses on the project work that is necessary, broken down into tasks, but does not identify individual task assignments. Correct answer(s): 1. Project scope statement 2. Requirements documentation 3. Scope management plan 4. Enterprise environmental factors 5. Organizational process assets

Question Place each step in the decomposition technique in the correct sequence. Options: A. Identify and analyze the main deliverables B. Decompose deliverables into work packages C. Assign identification codes to each component D. Verify the WBS

Answer Correct answer(s):

Identify and analyze the main deliverables is ranked To begin decomposing deliverables for the WBS, you first need to identify and analyze the main deliverables. You can use the project charter and scope statement to help you do this. Decompose deliverables into work packages is ranked Once you have identified the main deliverables, the second step is to decompose them. This involves breaking down each deliverable into its components and then breaking these down into work packages. Assign identification codes to each component is ranked Once you have decomposed the deliverables, the third step is to assign identification codes to each component. Verify the WBS is ranked Once identification codes have been assigned, the final step in decomposition is to verify the WBS. This involves ensuring that each bottom level item or work package is complete and correct.

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Question Identifying deliverables is the first step of the decomposition of project work. What factors influence this step? Options: 1. The nature of the product, service, or end result 2. The complexity and size of the project 3. The most logical way to organize the work 4. The nature of the organization 5. The software used for work breakdown structure development

Answer Option 1: This is a correct option. The type of product or end result a project must deliver helps determine what work is required and how it should be broken down. Option 2: This option is correct. Deliverables for large, complex projects must be broken down more than those for simple projects. They can often be identified according to sub-projects or project phases. Option 3: This option is correct. Logical ways to break down a project's deliverables could be by phase, deliverable type, release, or other criteria. The best way to do this will depend on the nature of the project and its deliverables. Option 4: This option is incorrect. Identifying deliverables when decomposing project work is influenced by the project itself, not the nature or industry of the organization. Option 5: This is an incorrect option. The software a project manager uses has no influence on decomposing project work, it is just an aid for the project manager to perform the decomposition. Correct answer(s): 1. The nature of the product, service, or end result 2. The complexity and size of the project 3. The most logical way to organize the work

Question What are the criteria for determining whether a work package is sufficiently decomposed? Options: https://library.skillport.com/courseware/Content/cca/apj 03 a02 bs enus/output/html/course transcript.html



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1. Time and cost can be estimated without having to break it down any further 2. Quality criteria can be applied to determine if it is completed correctly 3. The duration of the work is within a reporting period or follows the 8/80 rule 4. The criteria for the project-end deliverable are all met 5. More than one person is needed to carry out the work

Answer Option 1: This is a correct option. Work packages should be small enough to allow easy and accurate estimates of cost and duration. Option 2: This option is correct. In order to determine whether each work package is complete, you should be able to verify or measure the work package using quality criteria. Option 3: This is a correct option. Work packages should include work of a manageable length. Typically, this duration should fall between reporting periods or include between 8 and 80 hours of work. Option 4: This is an incorrect option. Each work package contributes to the project-end deliverable – just one package won't meet all success criteria for this. Option 5: This option is incorrect. Work packages can be carried out by a single person or by a group of people. This doesn't relate to whether the packages are sufficiently decomposed. Correct answer(s): 1. Time and cost can be estimated without having to break it down any further 2. Quality criteria can be applied to determine if it is completed correctly 3. The duration of the work is within a reporting period or follows the 8/80 rule

Question What should you check when verifying a WBS? Options: 1. All descriptions of elements are clear and complete 2. No unnecessary work is included 3. Each work package clearly identifies those responsible for its completion 4. Each work package describes activities required to complete a task

Answer Option 1: This is a correct option. The WBS should clearly reflect all the work needed to meet project requirements. If the descriptions of all elements are clear, duplication and confusion can be avoided. https://library.skillport.com/courseware/Content/cca/apj 03 a02 bs enus/output/html/course transcript.html



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Option 2: This is a correct option. The WBS should represent only the work in the project scope. Any work that falls outside this scope should not be included. Option 3: This is an incorrect option. Although each work package should be assigned to those responsible for it, this is not generally included in a WBS. Option 4: This option is incorrect. Work packages should describe deliverables or results, rather than activities. Correct answer(s): 1. All descriptions of elements are clear and complete 2. No unnecessary work is included

Question How can you tell that a WBS has been finalized? Options: 1. The WBS has been developed using project management software 2. The requirements documentation has been updated 3. Control accounts have been added 4. Work packages have been created for each deliverable

Answer Option 1: This is an incorrect option. It can be useful to create and track items in a WBS using project management software. However, this doesn't relate to ensuring the WBS is fully completed. Option 2: This option is incorrect. Updates to requirements documentation can result from the Create WBS process, but this does not indicate that the WBS has been finalized. Option 3: This is the correct option. The WBS is finalized once control accounts have been added to it. These accounts identify critical areas where work progress must be monitored and controlled. Option 4: This is an incorrect option. Work packages are created during the decomposition process you use to develop the WBS. This happens before the WBS is finalized. Correct answer(s): 3. Control accounts have been added

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Question Which roles does the WBS dictionary play in the scope baseline? Options: 1. It provides detailed information about work packages that isn't recorded anywhere else 2. It enables you to update requirements documentation 3. It enables you to track the requirements from which work packages are derived 4. It enables you to define the project scope statement

Answer Option 1: This is a correct option. The WBS dictionary contains full details of all the information that the WBS shows in summary form. For each work package, it includes information on the schedule, budget, quality requirements, methods, and responsibilities. Option 2: This is an incorrect option. You may update requirements documentation while you're preparing the WBS, but the WBS dictionary itself does not enable you to do this. Option 3: This is a correct option. The WBS dictionary correlates the unique identifier of each work package to the codes for the corresponding stakeholder requirements. So it's this component of the scope baseline that indicates how requirements have been translated into work packages. Option 4: This option is incorrect. The project scope statement is an output of the Define Scope process. It isn't something you use the WBS dictionary to define. Correct answer(s): 1. It provides detailed information about work packages that isn't recorded anywhere else 3. It enables you to track the requirements from which work packages are derived

Question Which components form the scope baseline? Options: 1. Requirements documentation 2. Project scope statement 3. Updated project documents 4. Finalized WBS 5. WBS dictionary https://library.skillport.com/courseware/Content/cca/apj 03 a02 bs enus/output/html/course transcript.html



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Answer Option 1: This option is incorrect. Requirements documentation is one of the inputs used to create the project scope statement, but it isn't directly a component of the scope baseline. Option 2: This is a correct option. The project scope statement contributes the broad definitions of the project scope to the scope baseline and indicates the stakeholder's understanding of the scope. Option 3: This is an incorrect option. Updates to project documents are an output of the Create WBS process, but they aren't part of the scope baseline. They don't provide information about project or product scope. Option 4: This is a correct option. The finalized WBS contains the structure and sequence of the work, as well as indicating where control accounts are located. This enables you to keep the structure of the project in mind when you're using the scope baseline to evaluate work performance. Option 5: This is a correct option. The WBS dictionary contributes the detailed scope of each work item, as well as all other relevant information that will be used to measure work performance. Correct answer(s): 2. Project scope statement 4. Finalized WBS 5. WBS dictionary

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