Fascism vs Nationalism PDF

Title Fascism vs Nationalism
Author juxhin sinanaj
Course Issues in International Politics.
Institution University of Stirling
Pages 10
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Comparison and contrast of Fascism & Nationalism why these two ideologies sometimes get confused. Nationalism is an ideology which can be multi-partied and by that it means that a nationalism can be called a conservative, liberal, socialist and also in practice they can be anarchist so calling someone a nationalist leaves them open to choose which particular nationalistic point of view they support. Nationalism is an ideology based and built on the trust of the individual and the willpower to support and help the state to be strong. (John Hoffman) Since 1821-1829 with all the national and ethic wars happening in Europe and also the independence war happened by Greece, nationalism has become one of the most compelling ideologies mostly after the World War I and also it became a huge influence in both war WWI and WWII. (James & Paul) On the other hand Fascism is another ideology which emerged to oppose liberalism, communism and Marxism. Fascism is actually a part of nationalism because fascist are ulta - extreme - nationalists so in some points they are similar. In addition individuals with they will and trust helps, supports and does its most to make the state as strong and reliable as possible. Although fascism is described by Trevor Roper as an ill - sorted

hodge - podge of ideas and besides Trevor Roper, Laski has said that people who try to find the philosophy and ideas of fascism is just wasting his/her time.(Paul Graham). It is visible just by the surface that has been scratched that it is kind of easy to confuse fascism and nationalism but there are distinctive differences which people don’t think of and also most of the world connects fascism with Hitler and Mussolini which its true it started there but is it that different than nationalism?

Nationalism has existed for a long time but the period which it became a strong component of politics and also it became a strong influence in states. During the 19th century nationalism got a lot of boost due to the national and ethical wars happening in Europe and the one that might have topped it off is the Greek independence war in 1821-1829. These factors have spread the nationalistic ideologies and ideas. (James & Paul). Nationalism is a concept describing that humanity is common to be divided into nations where each nation has their own characteristics and it is defined only by its own tradition which are certain and different for every nation. The best possible government nationalists dream for is the one that is a national selfgovernment. (Ellie Kedourie). Nationalists fight for their nation’s national

identity but in the search for national identity cannot be absolute because there are nations which host more than one language native speakers. For example there is Switzerland which has three different language which is German, French and Italian. If the nationalist concepts and ideas would apply to Switzerland that would mean it would have to be called instead of one nation, three different nations but that hasn’t happened because during the world war II (WWII) Switzerland kept a neutral ground and didn’t defend or attack no one and so it seems historic facts and history itself has prevailed upon ideologies and concepts. At this point an issue comes in front the definition of national identity what is considered to be a value of national identity. Also besides Switzerland, there is also the United States of America (USA) which is consisted by multi - languages and multi - ethnics plus there also exists northern Ireland which has different type of religions and not only northern Ireland but Greece too. But besides that not many problems have emerged from this issue. (Barbara Goodwin). There shouldn’t be any coloration between the idea of having an ethical or cultural nation with the idea of political sovereignty because there is a demand that a society of this caliber should be self - determining isn’t an absolute truth but it is something that is demanded and expected. So in

general what nationalism and nationalists trying to achieve is each nation have its own national identity, create societies able to be autonomous and the individuals being able and willing to help the state. Furthermore the state tries to keep the national and ethical traditions as they are and not mix them with other cultures although in a nation there might be more than one language, more than one race. Nationalists believe that their country should be number one and also would start a war just to show their superiority to other nations / countries furthermore this would show that they are the most influential and to be able to start wars the economic part of the nation should be in its finest. (Gellner & Margaret). Since nationalism is looking for independence and national identity and it is based on the willpower of the individual it means that many historic figures might have actually influence this whole ideology and probably shaped it. Some of those icons that influenced nationalism are Mahatama Gandhi and Nelson Mandela both of these figures showing nationalistic tendencies in their way to get independence. Additionally, nationalists have a point of view which is that armies and militarization is a sign of a nationalistic mentality and it’s a way to protect your geographical territory. (Smith & Anthony D.).

Fascism originated in Italy during the WWI with the two leaders one being Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. The only difference between these two leaders is that Hitler called his party a nationalist party, an ultranationalistic party but Mussolini called his party fascistic. Fascism was created to oppose liberalism, Marxism and anarchism. Fascism is and promotes a totalitarian political and it opposes any liberal democracy concepts or parties also the multi - party system most countries have now is rejected by fascists and the one - party system is supported by them. It wants to secure a strong state which will guarantee a unity as a nation/society transcending any diversity and preserving the unity of German people and eliminate any disastrous pluralism. ( Houghton Mifflin). Fascism as said is wants a totalitarian state which mean a state of supremacy which every individual is perceived as a supporter / subordinate of the state for a greater good of the whole. In addition there is no privacy due to the politicization of the whole life of every single individual and there is an equivalent exchange of freedom with security. So individuals are sacrificing their freedom for a safer and better life. Fascism has a utopian idea of the society and also that is due to believing that humans are selfish,

arrogant and incapable of making a decision of their own. Knowing that most of the individuals would make a decision benefiting them personally instead of the greater good. (Katharine A. Mackel). Fascism also is an ideology which is anti - immigration that means that foreigners won’t be allowed because the perfect utopia that leaders have in their mind will be dis-sorted so laws are created to prevent people / immigrants to enter the country. I t can be said that there is an isolationistic foreign policy which prevents any immigrants or foreigners. (Roger Griffin). During a fascism state the nation/country invests large amounts of money in military equipment, the whole country is militarized and the freedom of speech is removed due to the totalitarian and authoritarian sides of fascism. It is recorded that during fascism Italy and Germany they were using fear and brutal techniques over the people of the countries they had invaded to keep them under control and anyone who would oppose them or go against them or got in their way, would be crushed without a second thought. (John Pollard). The reason people tend to confuse these two ideologies is because first of all they have the same roots, meaning that fascism is an extreme or rather radical nationalism or else called ultra-nationalism. Secondly, both

ideologies are feeding the motto of only the strongest can survive and that is because they both emit the image of the strongest and want to be superior and to be above others. Thirdly, both ideologies have cause wars on a massive scale for showing superiority and taking over geographical portions of other nations an example of that massive scale war is world war one (WWI). Moreover, both concepts actually believe that the nation is perfect and has no flaws, both having an ideal more likely a utopic vision of their nation and accepting no comments for it. Finally, unity is something both have they want individuals to support and help the state and the state responds mutually so there is a sense of unity in both concepts and that unity can also be seen in a way of order and strength. It is as if it was an equation, with order and strength unity is bound to be or any way around like having unity and order that makes the state and the individual strong. (T.C.W Blannning & Laquer & Walter & Newman).

As stated before these two ideologies are very similar ad it can be said that they are one can be demonstrated throughout each other and both ideologies have the same foundations which makes it even harder to distinguish them, but there are some differences such as fascism or ultra-

nationalism want to be reborn in a new order in a perfect “being” state and also fascism idolizes a great leader a monarch, a oligarchy whereas nationalism pictures the nation as a collective not as just individuals. Plus nationalism doesn’t strive to achieve rebirth or doesn’t strive to achieve a new better world.

To sum up, both fascism and nationalism are quite similar due to being from the same foundation. Having fascism being an extreme nationalism which was called by Hitler ultra-nationalism and then the establishment by Benito Mussolini as fascism. During the First World War (WWI) fascism arose from Italy and had a great influence and impact in the outcome of the war. Fascism is craving to create a new better environment / world for the evolved human beings, they aim to create a utopia. Military is the second highest power in fascism after the head of the state which is either a dictator or a small group (oligarchy), also no other humans are allowed in the nation so there an immigration laws created to prevent any immigrant to enter the country even if that means the use of force and power which would be good for them cause they will be showing their prowess. Fascism believes that the whole nation should work individually and grow strong

individually but also as a nation. Then there is nationalism which is a concept that works on collective work asks for national identity and geographical territories to be returned. Nationalism flourished in the French enlighten and mostly when the Greeks fought the war for their independence which was one of the biggest boost nationalism could have gotten. Nationalism seeks independence for its culture and ethnicity. They also believe in a powerful state which binds people showing unity and power. That power though it is tend to be shown on other countries so domination is shown and military power is a factor of nationalism. It is normal for people to confuse these two ideologies due to the huge similarities they have it is the small details that differentiate them but generally people can tell the difference because of the word fascism linked to Hitler and Mussolini so it is connected to bad and evil but nationalism is linked to something free and open and good for the individual and the state.

Bibliography: Alfred A. Knopf & Robert O. Paxton “Anatomy of Fascism” New York 2004

John Pollard “The Fascist experience in Italy” London & New York 1998 Walter Laqueur “Fascism Past Present Future” New York 1996 Benito Mussolini “The ideology of the twentieth century” International fascism theories causes and new consensus Ed. Robert Griffin London 1998 Kevin Passmore “Fascism a very short introduction” Oxford university press 2002 Gerald Newman “The Rise of English Nationalism: A cultural History” New York 1740-1830 James Paul “Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism: Bringing theory back in” London 1996 Smith, Antony D “Nationalism and Modernism” London 1998 T.C.W Blanning “The culture of power and the power of culture” Oxford University press 2003 Payne Stanley G. “A history of fascism 1914-45” university of Wisconsin press 1995 Barbara Goodwin “Using Political Ideas” 1992...

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