FASH 2080 - fashion assignment PDF

Title FASH 2080 - fashion assignment
Author Phạm Thiên Long
Course Community Arts Practice Preparatory Workshop
Institution York University
Pages 6
File Size 301.3 KB
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fashion assignment...


Omni-Channel Retailer – FASH2080 Professor: Irini Michaelidis Student: Thien Long Pham


Company Profile In 1900, retail store owners Horace Saks and Bernard Gimble wanted to create a unique combination of fashion and retail. They opened the cave on 49th and 50th Street on upper Fifth Avenue. Sask Fifth is known as the first residential department store door. In 1973, Saks Fifth Avenue was sold to BATUS, and in 1990, Philip B. Miller became executive director. Miller subsequently opened a Saks outlet called Saks Off 5th in Franklin Mills, Pennsylvania. In 1996, Saks listed shares with 16 million shares outstanding, the company traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the code "SKS". In 2013, Hudson's Bay owns the Saks and has been consolidated until now. Saks Fifth Avenue is one of the major American stores, known as retailer luxury brands and has become a destination for high-income classes. In addition, Saks Off 5th as a subsidiary of Saks Fifth distributes discounted products and is targeted at lower customers. Mystery Shopper Checklist Store Name: Saks Fifth avenue – Eaton centre Associate Name: Jobert Bennam Department: Men wear Date: March 21th, 2021 Cleanliness and Appearance Was the store entrance clean and well maintained?

Yes, the entrance was clean

Were the store signs works properly?

Yes, all the signs were up to date.

Was the store atmosphere well maintained (no dirty floors, unattended spills, etc.)?

Yes, the store was clean.

Was the walkway neat and eye-catching?

Yes, the walkway was perfect.


Subtotal (out of 4) Path to Purchase Were all the products organized and streamlined?

Most of the products are arranged, but they are not reasonable and arranged quite close together, creating inconvenience for customers

SASKMystery FIFTH AVENUE Shopper Checklist

Employee Behaviours Does the store have enough products as on website? Yes, all items were Did salesman recognize you I have received welcome and support from Subtotal (out of 5 ) available in store as on within 1st minute entering the salesman. 3.5/5 website. store? What did he say?

he smiled and asked how was my day?

What was the number of registers staffed when you got in line? Did he ask what you were shopping today? in line? Were therefor customers

Yes he did

Did he offer you help?

Yes he did

Subtotal (out of 4 )


Extending and Closing Sales Did he apologize for the delay and How long is the payment process? happily assist you?

4 out of 6 registers were staffed.

When I was there were more than 3 customers, they looked like they were busy with the store 4/4 but in exchange they didn't have enough customer service staff.

Yes he did. He assisted me in checking the I had to wait about 15 sizing minutes for the payment and about 10 more minutes to complete the process.

Did the associate let you know about promotions?

Yes he told me about buy one get one 50% program.

Yes she asked if I had the Sask Fifth ave Did the cashier mention the loyalty/rewards program during check out rewards card process? If you are not a member, did the cashier ask if you would like to join?

Did the staff say goodbye when leaving?

Subtotal (out of 5)

Yes she mentioned that.

Yes he did, he told me to have a wonderful day . 5/5 16/18

Total (out of 18)



Provide your overall findings and recommendation.

1. Sask Fifth should add salespeople in each department, as customers, there are so many things in the store that I cannot see them in a short period. I have also seen many customers in the store experiencing the same situation as me. This is due to a shortage of staff in the store. In addition, I feel unsatisfied with the arrangement of the furniture in the store, many items are messy, unreasonable in colour and category, which also makes it more difficult for customers to find their way around. shopping. And the last thing is the need to improve the quality of the customer service online, on the phone and in-store. Admittedly, Sask Fifth is on a downward trend compared to competitors in recent years, Sask Fifth really needs a new wave.

2. Sasks can improve the quality of their customer care by increasing the number of sales staff and checkout counters in each area. This will be a good opportunity for employees to have more contact with customers, thereby building relationships and increasing sales. Besides, having enough customer service staff will also bring their efficiency and satisfaction and they will come back to experience the service at the store.

3. As a customer, when I arrived at Sask Fifth I felt that it was lagging behind competitors like Nordstrom. Nordstrom considers their customers to be the growth of the company, so they invest heavily in the quality of customer care plus excellent customer incentives, and it is obvious that they have a lot of loyal customers than anyone! Sask Fifth or Nordstrom are both department stores selling designer brands, so the quality of service they provide is the difference to attract customers and now Nordstrom is doing very well. Personally, I received Sask Fifth that really needed a change in the way the store was operated. What it really needs right now is to improve and improve the quality of customer care, increasing the number of employees in each area. Rearranging visual presentation is also essential, it increases the aesthetics of the store, increases customer convenience and increases sales.


References: Ho wSa ksFi f t hAv e nuei spr o vi di n gl u xur ys hoppe r swi t h' c omf o r tFOOD' dur i n gt hepa nde mi c .( n. d . ) .Re t r i e v e dMa r c h t t ps : / / fina nc e . y a hoo. c om/ ne ws / s a ks fif t ha v e nue pr o vi di n gl uxur y 1 93057067. ht ml 29,2021, f r o mh Sa s kAnnua lRe por t .For m1 0k. ( n. d . ) .Re t r i e v e dMa r c h29,2021, f r o m ht t ps : / / www. s e c . g o v/ Ar c h i v e s / e dg a r / d a t a / 812900/ 000119312513117079/ d 503467d10k. ht m Sa ksfif t hAv e nueCo mpe t i t or s .( 2021, Fe br ua r y06) . Re t r i e v e dMa r c h29,2021,f r o m ht t ps : / / www. c ompa r a b l y . c om/ c omp a ni e s / s a ks fif t h a v e nue / c omp e t i t or s ht t ps : / / www. c p24. c om/ l i f e s t y l e / s a ks fif t ha v e nue s e t t ohe a t u pc ompe t i t i oni nt or ont os l uxur y r e t a i l ma r k e t 1. 2780411


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