Running Fashion Notes PDF

Title Running Fashion Notes
Author laceilea kornfeld
Course Concpt Fash Merchandisng Envir
Institution Virginia Commonwealth University
Pages 42
File Size 744.7 KB
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Fashion 120 with Rudy Lopez...


Fashion Notes ● ● ● ● ●

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Fashion is an ever changing industry Fashion industries are business that are engaged in manufacturing materials and finished products Fashion business is any business concerned with fashion goods or services Style is a characteristic or distinctive appearance of a garment High fashion is a newly accepted style accepted by a limited number of fashion leaders. These fashions can be adopted by others typically when they are copied and mass produced. Mass/ volume fashion are produced and sold in large quantities Components of Fashion Design ○ Silhouette ○ Details ○ Texture ○ Color Fashion cycle refers to the rise, wide popularity, and decline in acceptance of style ○ Introduction- usually in higher priced merchandise ○ Rise ■ Knockoffs ■ Adaptations ○ Culmination - height of popularity ○ Decline ○ Obsolescences Fast fashion is the strategy of keeping fashion fresh The fashion cycle can be interrupted by things like economic depressions, wars, seasons Principles of Fashion ○ Consumers establish fashions by accepting or rejecting the styles offered ○ Fashions aren't based on price. Expensive products doesn't mean it won't sell ○ Fashions are evolutionary in nature, rarely revolutionary ○ No amount of sales promotions can change the direction in which fashions are moving ○ All fashions ends in excess

RUNNING CLASS NOTES Zygyst = spirit of the time Fashion industry is the cornerstone of the global economy.

The Fashion Business ●

Marketing: -Major influence on the fashion business. ● Fashion marketing and merchandising: -The business of selling products and services of the fashion industries. Misconceptions about Fashion 1. Designers and retailers dictate what fashion will be and force upon consumers. 2. Fashion acts as an influence on women only 3. Fashion is a mysterious and unpredictable force. TERMS ● Style: the characteristic or distinctive appearance of a garment - the combination of features that makes it different from other garments. Ex. styles of shirts: V neck, halter, blouse, button down. ●

Fashion: a style that is accepted and used by the majority of a group at any one time.

Design: a particular individual interpretation, version, or treatment of a style. Ex. a steve madden shirt will be different than an Alexander Wang shirt.

Taste: prevailing opinion of what is and what is not appropriate for a given occasion.

Classic: a style or design that satisfies a basic need and remains in general fashion acceptance for an extended period of time.

Fad: a fashion that suddenly sweeps into popularity, affects a limited part of the total population, and then quickly disappears. Trend: a general direction or movement. Longer than a fad.

Components of Fashion design ● Silhouette: a costumes overall outline or contour. Called shape or form also. ● Texture: the look and feel of material, woven or nonwoven ● Color: a key factor in apparel selection for both genders. -Important in advertising, packaging, and store decor. -a designers color palette changes with customers preferences.

Fashion Cycle

Represented by a bell shaped curve Innovation stages: Introduction, Rise, wide popularity, subsequent decline in acceptance of style. Culmination stages: acceleration, mass acceptance Decline stages: decline, obsolescence

The fashion pendulum: the ever changing fashion trends swinging back and forth between styles. Seasonal Staple examples: sandals and tank tops in the spring, thick coats and cardigans in winter.

Consumer use of a fashion product follows a cycle similar to the buying cycle; however, the use cycle begins after the buying cycle and endures beyond the buying cycle’s decline and obsolescence stages. The Intangibles of Fashion Group acceptance -group acceptance or approval is implied in any definition of fashion. Change- fashion changes because of ideas about politics, religion, leisure, democracy, success, and age change. -futility of forces change -meeting the demand for change ● Mirror of the times- fashions are social expression that document the tastes and values of an era. Ex: big turning points in fashion history the French Revolution and WWII. -social class -lifestyle Principles of Fashion 1. Consumers establish fashion by accepting or rejecting the styles offered. 2. Fashions are not based on price. 3. Fashions are evolutionary in nature; rarely revolutionary. 4. No amount of sales promotion can change the direction in which fashions are moving. 5. All fashions end in excess. ● ●

Chapter 2 Notes ● Know your customer and how the conditions affect that customers environment.

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Environmental factors that affect fashion interests and demand: ○ Market segmentation by geographics, demographics, psychographics, and behavior ○ The degree of economic development and well- being of a country or society ○ The sociological characteristics of the class structure ○ The psychological attitudes of consumers Target market: a specific group of potential customers that a business is attempting to turn into regular customers Market segmentation: the separation of the total consumer market into smaller groups ○ Divided in 4 major ways: ■ Geographics: population studies that organize data about where people by region of country, city size, density ■ Demographics: divide broad groups of consumers into smaller market segments ● Age ● Gender ● Income ● Religion ■ Psychographics: studies that develop more extensive and personal portraits of potential customers and their lifestyles. ● Social class ● Values ■ Behavior: behavior studies help companies understand and predict the behavior of customers Consumer income ○ Personal income: wages, salaries, interests, dividends ○ Disposable personal income: amount left to spend or save after taxes ○ Discretionary income: money a person can spend or save after buying necessities Decline in purchasing power due to inflation. Value of the dollar = purchasing power ○ Recession is a significant decline in economic activity Population and factors that affect fashion demand ○ Size of population ○ Age of population Sociological environment is the knowledge that changes in fashion are caused by changes in attitudes of consumers, in turn, changes in social patterns ○ Leisure time: how are people spending their free time? ○ Ethnic influences: increasing minority groups holds changes for the future. The hispanic population is the fastest growing minority group, Asians follow. ○ Status of women: the women's demand for equal opportunity affected the fashion industry as well as the entire field of marketing ○ Social and physical mobility: when an individual or group moves within a social hierarchy

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Instant communication: Fashion moves more quickly because of social media. Wars/ disaster/ crises: People develop a need for fashion that are compatible with changes in their attitudes and environments. Ex 1st world war Psychological environment: 5 basic psychological factors the influence fashion demand ○ Boredom ○ Curiosity ○ Reaction to convention ○ Need for self assurance ○ Desire for companionship

09/05/19 notes ● Market segmentation is the separation of the total consumer market into smaller groups. ● Geographics -population studies that focus on where people live. ● Demographics -population studies that divide broad groups of consumers into smaller, more homogeneous market segments ● Psychographics -studies that develop more extensive and person portraits of potential customers and their lifestyles. Ex: housing, income, personality, etc. ● Behavior Economic Environment ● Consumer Income Can be measured in terms of: -personal income -disposable personal income -discretionary income (what you have left after buying all necessities) Purchasing power of the dollar Inflation= when the demand exceeds the supply ● Population 2 Important factors that affect fashion demand - Size of population - Age of population Sociological Environment ● The key sociological factors influencing fashion today are: -Leisure time (casual living/ sportswear) -Ethnic influence (african american/ hispanic) ● Key factors -status of women (jobs, education, social freedom) -social mobility -physical mobility (middle class influence) -faster communications -war, disasters, crises

Chapter 3 Notes - Movement of Fashion Accelerating Factors ● Widespread buying power ○ More people with financial means to respond to fashion change ● Leisure time ○ People have more time to focus on fashion ● Increased education ○ People have broadened their horizons and now have new interests and wants and the money to buy it ● Improved status of women ○ Women with discretionary income can spend it how they please ● Technological advances ○ Goods are available instantaneously ● Sales promotion ○ Ads allow companies to get exposure ● Seasonal change ○ As seasons change so do consumer needs Slowing Factors ● Habit and Custom ○ Slow down the acceptance of style and prolong life spans of those that are already accepted ● Religion ○ Religious leaders tended to associate fashion with temptation ● Sumptuary Laws ○ Laws that regulate what people can and cannot purchase Ex. children's sleepwear must be flame retardant ● Reductions in Consumers' Buying Power ○ During economic recessions people spend less money Recurring Fashions - fashions or a component of it that come back after some time. They usually have evolved since then Predicting the Movement of Fashion Developing a fashion forecast. After steps are completed a projection can be made. Projections are based off of facts which are used to find patterns in consumer behavior. 1. Identify facts about past trends 2. Determine the causes of change in the past 3. Investigate the differences between past forecasts and actual behavior 4. Analyze the factors likely to affect trends in the future

5. Apply forecasting tools and techniques, using accuracy and reliability 6. Study the forecast continually to determine reasons for significant deviations from expected plans 7. Revise forecast when necessary Interpreting Influential Factors ● Crowd-sourcing: using many social possibilities of the Web to either create something or solve a problem ● Mass-customization: using factory production rather than traditional craftsmanship to produce a product at a popular price ● Desktop manufacturing: digital printers that can create 3D object Prophetic Styles are particularly interesting new styles still in the introduction phase of their fashion cycle Theories of Fashion Adaptation 1. Downward-Flow theory: fashion is first accepted by the highest social class and eventually wins acceptance in lower social levels a. Seen when fashion is replicated and sold for a lower price targeted at a lower social class than the luxury item b. Oldest theory of fashion adoption 2. Horizontal-Flow theory: fashion moves horizontally among groups on similar social levels a. Groups people by their needs. A college student has different needs than an office worker. Today's mass market does not await the approval of the “class” market before it adopts a fashion 3. Upward-Flow theory: Young people, particularly of a lower income family, are quicker than any other social group to create or adopt a new or different fashion a. Fashion comes from the streets and then becomes couture. Retailers and manufacturers need to pay attention to what young people favor b. Most relevant theory right now Fashion Leaders ● Royalty ● The Rich ● The Famous ● Athletes Reasons for fashion following ● Feelings of insecurity ● Admiration ● Lack of interest ● Ambivalence ○ Feelings of both wanting it and fearing it

Varying Rates of Response

Notes 09/17/19 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Leisure time=SPENDING MONEY Social media is extremely influential in advertising, getting the word out there to large audiences. Example: When Megan sees an instagram ad she immediately buys it. Reductions in consumers buying power=can’t afford to buy non essentials. Recurring fashions are trends that come back into fashion; predictions made using the fashion cycle and fashion pendulum. Forecasting technique: thrisatrend that reaches 3 different platforms for advertising. Taking all information and breaking it down to interpret the influential factors. Prophetic styles- interesting new styles that are still in the beginning stages. Social contagion or spread of fashion: downward flow theory, horizontal flow theory, upward flow theory. Trickle up, trickle down, trickle across. Downward flow theory was the very first theorized. Upward flow theory is the most relevant theory today. -Example: Black Leather Horizontal flow is the hardest to grasp, fashion that moves from group to group of same social and economical levels. -ex: fly knit Nikes Those ahead of the fashion curve -influencers and innovators -royalty -the rich -the famous -athletes

Thrice-a-trend: if you spot three examples of an idea, it is a trend. This works as follows: Once= an anomaly A single thing that stands out or piques your interest is likely to be a one-off. Twice= a coincidence Two similar ideas in fairly close succession are as likely to be a coincidence as the beginning of the trend.

Chapter 4 Notes Levels of the Fashion Business

1. Primary level a. Composed to the growers and producers of the raw material of fashion b. 2 years out from end user (first person who purchases it) 2. Secondary Level a. Industries such as manufacturers and contractors that produce the semi-finished or finished goods b. 6 months out from end user 3. Retail Level a. Ultimate distribution level. Retail level works with both primary and secondary levels to ensure a coordinated approach to what the consumer wants 4. Auxiliary Level a. Composed of the support services constantly working with primary producers, secondary manufacturers, and retailers to get the word out to consumers about a product b. Examples are media, fashion consultants, and researchers, advertising companies Diversity and Competition ●

Competition & price ○ Head-to-head competition keeps prices down ● Competition & quality ○ All types of producers need to understand what their ultimate consumer will buy ● Competition & innovation ○ Constant innovation keeps products changing and improving ○ Ex: use to only have cabs now we have lyft and uber ● There are 2 basic categories of laws that affect the fashion industry ○ Laws that regulate competition ○ Labeling laws designed to protect consumers Forms of Business ownership 1. Sole proprietorship 2. Partnership 3. Corporation Limited Liability Corporation/ Company Business Growth and Expansion ●

Internal growth- companies ability to grow and offer more services and broader assortments of merchandise to increase profit ○ Horizontal growth- when a company expands its capabilities on the level at which is has been performing successfully ○ Vertical growth- when a company expands its capabilities on levels other than its primary function

Merger- when one company is sold to another, with the purchasing company remaining dominant ○ Diversification- addition of various lines, products, or services to serve different markets. Can also be motive for merger ● Franchise arrangement- a contract that gives an individual or group of people the right to own a business while benefiting from the expertise and reputation of an established firm ○ Advantages- franchisee can get into business quickly and provided with a ready market. ○ Disadvantages- franchisee may find profits small in relation to work put into it ● Licensing- legal arrangement whereby firms are given permission to produce and market merchandise in the name of the licensor for a specific period of time ○ Royalty fee-between 2-15% what the licensor is paid back Types of Designers, Manufacturers, and Retailers ● Designers ○ High fashion- responsible for full range of decisions of a fashion house ○ Stylist-designers- work for manufacturers and adapt to the designs of others ○ Freelance designers- sell sketches of their original designs ● Manufactures ○ High fashion- expensive ○ Bridge market- bridge price range between high fashion designs and low cost merchandise ○ Better market- prices just below bridge market ○ The moderate price market ○ Budget market- cheap, mass produced clothing Fashion influence: - Line: an assortment of new designs with a designated period for delivery to the retailer. ● Retailers ○ Fashion leaders- feature newly introduced styles ○ Traditional retailer- has fashion in their introduction phase into culmination stage ○ Mass merchants- features widely accepted fashion Fashion influence: - Retailers persuade manufacturers to produce styles that answer an upcoming need or demand. Notes 09-26-19 Community marketing: retailers interacting directly with their target audience. Chapter 4 is more business motivation oriented and focused and the business of fashion itself Economic Importance of the Fashion Business ● The business of fashion contribute to the US and world economy through: - The materials and services it purchases - The wages and taxes it pays - The goods and services it produces ● The fashion business is one of the largest employers in the country ● Young people are entering the fashion business in great numbers every year

*Retailers have to stay just a step ahead of their target customers* Chapter 5 Notes - Materials of Fashion Fiber industry ● Fiber- extremely thin, hairlike stand, the smallest element of a fabric ○ Can be twisted into continuous threads called yarn ● Regenerated fibers- combine cotton linters and a natural cellulosic substance such as wood pulp from pine, also used lye. ○ Ex. acrylic, nylon ● Synthetic fibers- made in a chemists lab from non cellulosic substances such as coal or natural gas then converted to fabrics ● Natural fibers- found in nature. Comes from either animal or plant ○ Cotton is the most used of all natural fibers. Absorbs moisture quickly and cools down quickly, has a cooling effect in hot weather ○ Wool is the fiber that forms the coat of sheep and is a natural insulator ○ Cashmere comes from Kashmir GOAT ○ Silk comes from the cocoon formed by a silkworm

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Flax is used to make linen and comes from the stem of the flax plant, strongest of the vegetable party ○ Rammie comes from a woody-leafed asian plant and is a linen like fabric suitable for warm - weather apparel ○ Hemp is a fibrous plant. 3 times stronger than cotton. Fibers don't degrade, more sustainable Spinnerette- device used to produce regenerated and synthetic fibers by forcing thick liquids through the tiny holes of the device Federal trade commission (FTC) has assigned generic names to 25 synthetic and regenerated fibers ○ Non- trademarked names ○ Allows companies to make variations of fibers Micro fibers - a fiber that us 2 or 3 times smaller than the human hair. ○ Thinnest of all synthetic fibers ○ Made in 1989 Textile fabric- any material made by weaving, knitting, braiding, knotting, laminating, felting, or chemical bonding Organization and operations of the fiber industry ○ The natural fiber industry ■ Must compete with the synthetic fiber industry ○ The synthetic fiber industry ■ The producing company serves as its own market ○ Fiber development ○ Fiber distribution ■ Producers sell their fibers to fabric manufacturers in 3 ways ● As unbranded products ● As trademarked fibers ● Under a licensing agreement Advertising and publicity ○ Synthetic fiber companies spend more than others Research and development Customer services Trends in the fiber industry ○ Blends of natural and synthetic fibers ○ Rapid increase of imports into domestic markets ○ Improvements in technology Organization and operation of the textile fabric industry ○ Industry experts pred...

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