FB learning platform PDF

Title FB learning platform
Course Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Institution Taif University
Pages 8
File Size 101 KB
File Type PDF
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.  

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Cl i c koneac h+t ol ear nmor e.

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Sav edr epl i es

I fy ougett hes amequest i onsov erandov eragai n,y oucanc r eat es av edr epl i esf ort hem. Forex ampl e,i fy ounot i c et hatal otofcust omer sar easki ngf orpr i ci ngf orapar t i c ul ar s er vi ceorpr oduct ,y ouc ancr eat ear espons et ous el at erwhenev ery ougetanewmes sage wi t ht hesamequest i on. Tomak emess agesmor eper sonal ,y ou' r eabl et or eadandedi ts av edr epl i esbef or esendi ng t hem.

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PageI nsi ght s Unl i k eper s onal pr ofi l es ,wi t hPagesy ouc anac t ual l ymeas ur ehowc us t omer sar e engagi ngwi t hy ourbr andorbus i nes s .PageI ns i ght spr ov i dest hati nf or mat i onabout Pageper f or manc e— s uc hasdemogr aphi cdat aabouty ouraudi ence— aswel las howc us t omer sar er es pondi ngt oy ourpos t s .Youcanal s os eewheny ouraudi enc e i sonFac ebookandhowboos t edpos t sorpr omot i onsar edoi ng. Youcanuset hi si nf or mat i ont obet t ert ar gety ouraudi enc e,byc r eat i ngt het y pesofpost s t hey ’ r ei nt er es t edi nseei ngandt henpubl i s hi ngt hem att hebestt i mes . Al l t hi sdat ai sav ai l abl et oy ouondes kt opbycl i cki ngont heI nsi ght st abatt het opofy our Page.Youcanexpor ty ouri ns i ght si nt oaCSVfi l et oor gani z eort r ackdat aony our comput er .Youcanal soc hecky ourPagest at sonmobi l ewi t ht hePageManager sapp....

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