Film Techniques and Using Metalanguage - Rear Window PDF

Title Film Techniques and Using Metalanguage - Rear Window
Author Brad Brown
Course English
Institution Victoria University
Pages 6
File Size 83.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 77
Total Views 125


Rear Window - Film Technique...


Filmic Techniques: We treat film techniques much like Argument Analysis language analysis. You identify the technique, give context to when it is used and discuss the impact on the audience. Additional resources: Hitchcock’s use of a panning shot offers a panoramic view of the Greenwich village set….. Through Hitchcock’s drastic editing and change to a high angle shot reinforces that the viewer is also a voyeur observing the scene of…. The use of the low angle shot in the scene …… reinforces that we are viewing the world through Jeff’s perspective and are looing up from the wheelchair. It is through Hitchcock’s stoic use of chiaroscuro that the genre of film noir is capture and Lars Thorwald’s character is villianised…. The use of turning a light from a lamp turned on by …… Hitchcock’s use of cinematography within the film creates an eerie…. In the scene of ……. Hitchcock’s use of mise en scene establishes…… The use of non-diegetic sound reinforces the eeriness and suspenseful atmosphere as…. Edith Head’s masterful portrayal of Lisa Freemont in her costuming reinforces the evolution of her character within the film. The use of kuleshov effect by Hitchcock in the scene _____________ reinforces…. The repetitive playing of the pianists song plays as a reminder that this character is stagnant and struggling to finish his composition….. The set design in Jeff’s apartment plays as a reminder of success s a photojournalist, the images of car crashes, riots and travel adorn his room amongst the eclectic array of ornaments on the shelves….

Film Metalanguage: ht t ps: / / www. vcest udygui des. com/ bl og/ par t 2met al anguagewor dbankf or fil ms

Genr e

My st er y

Li nearnar r at i v e

Adv ent ur e

Phi l osophi cal

Nar r at or

Ani me

Pol i t i cal

Nonl i nearnar r at i v e

Bi ogr aphi c al

Romanc e

Secondper sonvi ew

Car t oon

Sat i r e

Thi r dper sonl i mi t ed

Comi c

Sci encefict i on

Thi r dper sonobj ec t i v e

Cr i me

Super nat ur al

Thi r dper son

Cul t

Thr i l l er

Epi c

Warfil m

Epi st ol ar y

Wes t er n

omni pr es ent

Thi r dper son

Thi r dper sonvi ew

Voi ceov er Fant as y

Nar r at i vemode Nar r at i vet ense

Hi st or i cal

Al t er nat i ngnar r at i v e vi ew

Pas t

El l i ps i s

Pr esent

Fi r st

Fut ur e

Hor r or

I ndependent

Mus i cal

Char act er

Ant agoni s t

Tr opec l i ché


Tur ni ngpoi nt

Mas t ershot

Fal sepr ot agoni s t

Maj orchar ac t er

Medi um shot Set t i ng

Over t heshoul dershot

Mi norchar ac t er

Cul t ur e

Poi nt of vi ewshot

Pr ot agoni st

Hi st or i cal

Pul l bac kshot

Secondar ychar ac t er

Geogr aphi c al

Shot r ev er s eshot

Suppor t i ngchar ac t er

Soci al

Pl ot

Ant i cl i max

Cl i max

Dy st opi a

Ut opi a Shott ype

Camer al ens

Nor mal l ens

Tel ephot ol ens

Confl i ct

Aer i al shot


Br i dgi ngshot

Di al ogue

Cl oseupshot

Camer ar ot at i on

Exposi t i on

Dol l yshot

Cr ane

Subpl ot

Ext r emel ongshot


Wi deangl el ens Camer amovement

Rackf ocus

Si del i ght i ng

J umpc ut

Shak i ng

Thr eepoi ntl i ght i ng

Mat c hc ut

Ti l t

T opl i ght i ng

Mont age

Tr acki ng

Under l i ght i ng

Zoomi ng Li ght i ng

Mi seenScene

Opt i caleffect s

Bl oc k i ng

Fadei n

Ar t i fic i al l i ght i ng

Fr ami ng

Wi pe

Bac k l i ght i ng

Offs c r eens pac e

Di s s ol v e

Bac k l i ght i ng



Fi l l l i ght

Di al ogue

I r i si n

Fr ont al l i ght i ng

Mus i c

I r i sout

Hi ghk eyl i ght i ng

Soundeffec t s

Rac kf oc us i ng

Keyl i ght

Edi t i ng

Ot herci nemat i c t echni ques

Li ght i ngi nt ens i t y

Cont i nui t yc ut Act i v ev oi c e

Lowk eyl i ght i ng

Cr os s c ut t i ng

Nat ur al l i ght i ng


Adapt at i on

Al l egor y

Al l i t er at i on

Di ac hr oni c

I nf or mal

Al l us i on

Di al ec t

I nt onat i on

Ambi v al enc e

Di al ogue

I r ony

Ambi gui t y

El i s i on

J ux t apos i t i on

Ant i t hes i s

Engl i s h( Amer i c an)


Ant ony ms

Engl i s h( Aus t r al i an)

Met aphor

Bi l dungs r oman

Enj ambment

Met er

Char ac t er i s at i on

Epi phany


Cl i ffhanger

Euphemi s m

Mor phemes

Col l oqui al i s m

Fl as hbac k

Mot i f

Compl e xs ent enc e

Fl as hf or war d

Neol ogi s m

Compounds ent enc e

For es hadowi ng

Onomat opoei a

Connot at i on

For mal

Oxy mor on

Cont ex t

Hy per bol e

Par adox

Cont ex t ual f r amewor k

I di om

Par ody


I mager y

Pas s i v ev oi c e

Pat hos

Rhy t hm

Sy nony ms

Per i phr as i s

Si mi l e

T aut ol ogy

Per s oni fi cat i on

Si mpl es ent enc e

T one

Pi t c h

Sl ang

T r agedy

Pos i t i oni ng

Sol i l oquy

Ver nac ul ar

Pr efi x

St er eot ype

Rhet or i c

Sy mbol s...

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