Final COPY OF PED001 Reading PDF

Title Final COPY OF PED001 Reading
Author Nawal Helalla
Course Public Administration
Institution Mindanao State University
Pages 87
File Size 3.2 MB
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Physical Education (PE) develops students' competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school. A high-quality PE curriculum enables all students to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity....



MSU Vision MSU System aspires to be a Center of Excellence in Instruction, Research and Extension transforming itself into a premier and globally competitive national peace university

MSU Mission MSU System is committed to: 1.

Lead in social transformation through peace education and integration of the Muslims and other cultural minority groups into the mainstream society.


Ensure excellence in instruction, research development, innovation, extension and environmental education and discovery.


Advance national and international linkages through collaborations and,



greater excellence, relevance, and inclusiveness for Mindanao

and the Filipino nation


CSPEAR Objectives 1. INTRUCTION - To promote highly skilled and totally fit graduates who are committed to promote a healthy lifestyle/ 2. RESEARCH – To undertake researches that will develop and enhance SPERD programs and activities through empirical studies results. 3. EXTENSION – To provide relevant services in SPERD to target beneficiaries with the goal of promoting a quality of life this results to peace and development in the community 4. ATHLETICS – To offer equal opportunities to participate in athletics. 5. ADMINISTRATION – To manage human and material resources for maximum effectiveness. 6. ALUMNI – To establish open communication betwee nand among the alumni for development through SPERD-related activities. 7. LINKAGES – To establish local and international linkages this will promote SPERD development.


UNIT 1: Introduction to Physical Education Overview Physical Education (PE) is a mandated subject or course that needs to be taught to all levels of education. Since then, it has been proven that PE contributes to the physical and mental health. Also, it is deemed to be essential as it enables one person to build self-esteem and envision a positive outlook in life. In this unit, let us explore and unlock the important concepts that we need to know about PE. Particularly, there is a need for us to understand its legal basis and internalize how its objectives and values significantly impact our everyday life. Specific Learning Outcome At the end of the unit, you are expected to: 

State insights and understanding about the history, legal bases, and goals of PE through filling out the KWL chart. Lesson 1: History of Physical Education

Let’s Get Started What comes in your mind when you hear the word PE? Before you read the discussion of this lesson, write the things that you think about PE (WHAT I KNOW) in KWL chart on page 9.

PE lang yan!

Nakakapagod kasi puro activities

Minor subject na feeling major

Is it really important?

Konting sayaw lang! Flat 1 na!


Nowadays, many students have poor understanding and perceptions about PE. Especially in this time of pandemic, many of them viewed it as a compelling activity course which forces them to perform physical activities through video recording. As such, they never value its meaning and implication to their overall health. However, it is important to note that PE is more than just a performance task. In subsequent lessons, let us uncover and deepen our understanding the importance of PE. However for this lesson, let us understand first how PE beautifully evolved from time to time So what is “Physical Education”? PE involves the learning processes of skills, the acquisition of knowledge and the development of attitudes through movement. PE is a part of the total process of education which employs games, sport, dance, and health fitness activities to help the individual achieve the goals of education. Well-defined programs of PE provide a systemic progression of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor experiences as every individual pass through various developmental stages during their tenure in school. Physical activity is critical to the development and maintenance of good health. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. Physical Education Today: Tracing its History Primitive Era Do you know that PE is the earliest form of education known to human beings? Learning how to move was deemed vital for one`s survival. Long ago, basic movements such as turning over, sitting up, crawling, standing, walking, and running were few essential skills that individuals had to learn. Growing up, a variety of more complex movement skills were acquired. During the primitive era, one must


learn the skills of hunting and gathering food, looking for shelter, as well as defending one`s territory. Also, the desire for propagation and mating is said to have been the origin of dance and play. Ancient Civilization Ancient civilizations had forms of physical education as part of their past and culture. In China, they have records of forms of music, dance, and archery, as well as other forms of activities such as wrestling, tug of war, polo, grappling, kite flying, and water games. Records of the earliest forms of dances, as well as other forms of activities such as throwing






marbles, riding elephants, plowing contest, horse riding,





dancing in India. Young boys were given weapons to play and train with, and were trained in gymnastics, while the girls were taught dance to entertain royalties in Egypt. On the other hand, in Persia, the empire was built through the military. The whole life of the individual is a life of military training. PE was also greatly valued in Greece. Particularly in Athens, life was a democracy, and PE was for the purpose of perfection and beauty. In Sparta, PE was primarily used for strengthening the army. Defective babies were thrown off the cliff, and young boys started their training by six years of age. Spartans trained in wrestling, jumping, running, discus and javelin throwing, riding a horse, hunting, marching,






conquered Greece, such practices in physical training were assimilated in the life of Roman soldier


Medieval Period As the Roman Empire started to become materialistic, there was a decline in PE, and the focus went into gladiatorial combat as a form of entertainment. The importance of PE reemerged during the era of feudalism. With the rise of the feudal system, there was a need to put up small armies and fiefs, as training for military skills resurfaced. People were trained on how to use the sword, shield, and the bow and arrow. Horseback riding and scaling walls were also taught. Renaissance Period During the Renaissance period, physical education was also seen as an important part of life. While the mind was given premium, the people believed that the body must have rest and recreation as well. Eventually the practice of PE and gymnastics spread across Europe, and was formalized in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Great Britain. PE was made part of the school curriculum and was experiencing refinement. Eventually the United States followed suit. It formalized PE in school, establishing sports club and programs for teacher training. Basketball was invented, and broad and extensive programs were established for sports and recreational activities Physical Education in the Philippines The Philippines has adopted the western institutional approach to education, and gym class. Since the 1940`s, much more emphasis has been made on physical fitness and well-being in the school system. Soccer, as is the case with an overwhelming majority of the world`s population, is a favorite among citizens of the Philippines. Many sports made popular in the United States are prevalent in the country due to the coming of the American PEACE CORPS who had greatly influenced the Filipino sports and physical activities this include basketball, tennis, volleyball, boxing, wrestling and even golf. This preponderance


on sports and recreation also is a direct result of the influence of PE being offered in schools across the country. In addition to the various forms of western influence in the school system of the Philippines, Instructors have melded the art forms of martial arts into their curriculum creating a symbiotic blend of east and west. It is widely noted that health should also be a major component in physical education curriculum. Whereas physical education was primarily for survival in the past and utilized for military purposes, today, the shift in purpose is to build a citizenry that is fit for life. This entails that the individual must be physically fit and healthy as well.

1901 – Physical Exercise is one of the major subjects offered in public schools and regular program of athletics was developed. 1905 – Baseball and track were introduced and taught in the young boys in school. 1909 – Athletics program for school was inaugurated. 1910 – Basketball was first introduced as a game for girls. 1920 – Physical Education was made a required subject in the curriculum of all public schools

Dr. Aparicio H. Mequi was considered the ―Father of Philippine Physical Fitness‖ because of his contribution such as the physical fitness test that was used in the DepEd and to tertiary. Hataw dance was initiated by him and supported by the government through its agencies such as Department of Health, and late Civil Service mandated its constituent to have every end of the week as their fitness day. Why Physical Education? It is an integral part of the educational program designed to promote the optimum development of the individual physically, socially, emotionally and mentally through total


body movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities (Andin, 1988). PE develops the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes needed for establishing and enjoying an active and healthy lifestyle, as well as building student confidence and competence in facing challenges as individuals and in groups or teams, through a wide range of learning activities (World Health Organization, 2002). Legal Bases of Physical Education PE in the country came a long way and get to this point wherein its structure and approach became educational and significant. Nowadays, PE involves the learning processes of skills, the acquisition of knowledge and the development through games, sport, dance, and health fitness activities. With the current laws being implemented, it strengthens the foundation of PE and allows offering extensive programs that would foster development of health. Article 14, Section 19 of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines. “The State shall promote Physical Education and encourage sports program, league competitions, and amateur sports including training for international competition to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country and the cooperation with athletic club and other sectors.‖ Article 1 of the International Charter of Physical Education and Sports, UNESCO, Paris (1978) and Interdisciplinary Regional Meeting of Experts in PE, UNESCO, Brisbane, Australia, (1982).

―Physical Education and Sports is a fundamental right to all and this right should not be treated as different principle from the right to adequate food, shelter, and medical care‖.


Lesson 2: Valuing Physical Education Physical activity becomes meaningful if we know the values and benefits out of performing physical activity. Thus, PE is an essential subject area for this learning which helps people to become competent movers, which in turn builds confidence and lays a foundation for participation in lifetime physical activity. Acquiring the substantial knowledge about the importance of valuing physical activity to day-to-day basis is a factor towards healthy, prosperous and useful life. Moreover, it allows us to become more efficient and effective in performing our daily task in our community. In this lesson, we will about to extend and deepen our knowledge about the essence of PE in lives of individuals. Physical Education and its Goal The main goal of PE is fitness. To live a ―good life‖ means to have an ability to live healthy, satisfying, and useful life. This means that an individual satisfies his basic needs as physical well-being for love, affection, security, and self-respect. PE classes teach individuals skills that they will use throughout their entire lives. Role of PE in Educational Setting Total human development can only be achieved through properly and carefully selected physical activities in terms of their physical, social, emotional, and well-being. The most well-known goal of physical education class is to promote fitness- but there’s more to this aspiration than breaking students out of stationary lifestyle. The aim of PE is not only physical development but also to equip the learners with knowledge, skills, capacities, values, and the enthusiasm to maintain and carry on a healthy lifestyle. It promotes physical fitness, develops motor skills and the understanding of rules, concepts and strategies of playing games and sports. Students learn to either work as part of a team, or as individuals in a wide variety of competitive activities. The main objectives of physical education are to:


1. develop motor abilities like strength, speed, endurance, coordination, flexibility, agility and balance, as they are important aspects for good performance in different games and sports; 2. develop techniques and tactics involved in organized physical activities, games and sports; 3. acquire knowledge about human body as its functioning is influenced by physical activities; 4. understand the process of growth and development as participation in physical activities has positive relationship with it; 5. develop socio-psychological aspects like control of emotions, balanced behaviour, development of leadership and followership qualities and team spirit through participation in games and sports; and 6. develop positive health related fitness habits which can be practiced lifelong so as to prevent degenerative diseases. So What Values and Benefits Can We Get from PE? Quality Physical education programs are needed to increase the physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can be physically active for a lifetime. Physical education programs can only provide these values and benefits such as the physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual aspect of an individual if they are well-planned and wellimplemented. The table on the below shows the values and benefits of physical activity in terms of physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life. Values

A. Physical

B. Social

Benefits - Reduced risk of heart disease - Stronger bones - Improved physical fitness - Weight regulation - Health promotion - Strengthened peer relationships - More active lifestyles


C. Emotional

D. Mental

- Stress reduction - Self-discipline - Improved self – confidence and self – esteem - Reduced risk of depression

- Improved judgment - Experience setting goals


Complete the K-W-L provided below. For this activity, write at least 5

statements for each column stating your insights and understanding about PE. Also, please refer to the KWL checklist on the next page to guide you in doing the activity.

What I ALREADY KNOW (State your prior knowledge

What I WANT TO KNOW (State the things that you

What I LEARNED (State the lessons that you

about PE)

want to learn from the subject)

have learned from Unit I)


ASSESSMENT TOOL: UNIT I ACTIVITY: My PE K-W-L CHART Checklist (Note: This is the assessment tool that will be used by your instructor in grading your “My PE K-W-L CHART”. Kindly read each criteria for your guidance) Criteria 1. Before reading the lessons 1 and 2, the student was able to write his prior knowledge in PE in WHAT I ALREADY KNOW column. 2. The student was able to write at least 5 statements in WHAT I ALREADY KNOW column 3. The student listed the things/questions that that he/she wants to know in WHAT I WANT TO KNOW. 4. The student was able to write at least 5 statements in WHAT I WANT TO KNOW column 5. The student enumerated the things that he have learned in Unit I in WHAT I LEARNED column 6. The student was able to write at least 5 statements in WHAT I LEARNED column 7. The student was able to mark a star symbol (*) on the specific item/s that he/she appreciates in WHAT I LEARNED column 8. The student was able to mark a star symbol (*) on the specific item/s that he/she feels that he needed to learn in WHAT I KNOW column

Observed (3pts)

Not Observed (1 pt)


UNIT II: A Path to Wellness Overview People have different practices as to how they deal with the real life problems. However, it very essential to highlight that we also need to take good care of ourselves so that we have the ample amount of energy to get along with these predicaments that we are facing especially in this time of pandemic. And so, we need to practice healthy habits on daily basis to achieve better physical and mental health outcomes. In this unit, let us discover together how health is related to wellness, discuss the contributing behaviors that affect to wellness, and expound our knowledge how readiness to change influence our wellness. Specific Learning Outcome At the end of the unit, you are expected to: 

Self-assess daily routines and practices through filling out the lifestyle selfassessment

Share the best and healthy practices that you do in this this time of pandemic through a pair-share activity.

Lesson 3: Understanding Wellness Generations of people have viewed health simply as the absence of disease, and that view largely prevails today. For most people, the term health is being referred to the overall condition of a person’s body or mind and to the presence or absence of illness or injury. On the other hand, wellness is a relatively new concept that expands this idea of health to include our ability to achieve optimal health. Beyond the simple presence or absence of disease, wellness refers to optimal health and vitality —to living life to its fullest. Although we use the terms health and wellness interchangeably, it is important first to understand that they are different from one another. For better understanding of these two concepts, in short, health is a state of being, whereas, wellness is the state of living a healthy lifestyle. Health refers to physical, mental, and social well-being which can be influenced by factors, such as


your genes, age, and family history while is largely determined by the decisions you make about how you live. This is the optimal health and vitality, encompassing all the dimensions of well-being. According to social scientists, there are seven dimensions of wellness that we need to develop.


1. Physical Wellness Our physical wellness includes not just our body’s overall condition and the absence of disease, but also our fitness level and our ability to take care for ourselves. The higher our fitness level, the higher our level of physical wellness will be. Similarly, as we become more able to care for...

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