Final Essay - Homework for introduction to world religions. Covers a wide variety of topics PDF

Title Final Essay - Homework for introduction to world religions. Covers a wide variety of topics
Author Fynn Jacobsen
Course Introduction to the World's Major Religions
Institution University of Hawaii at Manoa
Pages 3
File Size 61.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Homework for introduction to world religions. Covers a wide variety of topics from different world religions. ...


Fynn Jacobsen December 15, 2017 Religion 150 Achilles Gacis

Truth Within the Islands

This video points out many specific aspects to the Hawaiian Islands, and expands on their specialty. The religious practices shown throughout the film, demonstrate traditions and cultures that have been passed down through generation, or brought to the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii is comprised of a diversity of religions and spiritual beliefs. Without understanding their differences, we will fail to compare their values and practices that parallel other religions. Interestingly, native and nonnative religions have both been transformed through cultural diffusion. Religions practiced in Hawaii have incorporated the Hawaiian culture, and in some cases, even follow similar practices. Although many of the cultural particulars of Hawaiian religion do not parallel the beliefs of Christianity, the two religions share many traits and that are universal amongst all religions. The Hawaiian religion maintains strong beliefs that have been passed down through generation. These beliefs are demonstrated through traditions, practices, and symbols that define the religion. For example, the Hawaiian believed that Haleiwa held special powers because their gods blessed the land with lighting. This prompted them to hold spiritual events in that land. For instance, the Hawaiians would have the births of the chiefs in this land because they thought it would enlighten them and bless them into royalty. The Hawaiians also had multiple gods. There gods were Kane, Kaneloa, Ku, and Lono. These were the gods of the land, ocean, politics, and war. The Hawaiians created these gods as part of their religion because these gods represented

the main aspects of living in Hawaii. The land and ocean are extremely important to the people of Hawaii, which explains the importance of fabricating a god to spiritually protect them. The lifestyle of the native Hawaiian people reflected the importance of spiritual value to the land and ocean. They relied on the land and ocean for food and stability. Therefore, they associated these gods, giving responsibility for the output of ocean and crops to the hypothetical gods. The Hawaiians prayed to their gods for better resources. They lacked scientific knowledge of these events, and used their gods to assign responsibility. Praying to their gods gave them a sense that they had control over the gods choices. By honoring gods, they had created an explanation for their existence while lacking scientific knowledge. The Christian religion is very similar yet very different. Christianity is based on the new testament which is based around Jesus Christ who is considered the son of god. Unlike the Hawaiian religion, Christianity is based on scripture and a book. This caused the religion to be passed through the population of the world easily, where Hawaiian religion could only be passed down orally. Christianity also has landmarks, beliefs, and symbols that reflect the values of the religion. For example, just as the Hawaiians had temples and holy land, the Christians associate churches as spiritual meeting spots to connect with Jesus and their god. They use churches to congregate their members and teach the population to follow their values and beliefs. Much like the Hawaiian religion Christianity withholds strong roots in spiritual locations. Members of both religions regard these areas as sacred and respect and protect them. Moreover, both religions use these sacred places for religious practices. The Hawaiians resorting the chiefs to these areas holds similar parallels to the Christian Church. Another reason this topic was interesting to me was because of the contemporary social issues that have been formed in our modern day because of these sacred sites. There are many

spots in Hawaii that were once considered very sacred, yet they have been developed over. On our island there have been instances such as La Pietra School and the H3 highway being constructed on ancient unmarked burial grounds. There have been many social movements that have sprouted because of these invasions on Hawaiian sacred land. The controversy that has been created out of previous religious beliefs is fascinating. Hawaii is comprised of a diversity of religions and spiritual beliefs. Without understanding their differences, we will fail to compare their values and practices that parallel other religions. Interestingly, native and nonnative religions have both been transformed through cultural diffusion. Religions practiced in Hawaii have incorporated the Hawaiian culture, and in some cases, even follow similar practices. Although many of the cultural particulars of Hawaiian religion do not parallel the beliefs of Christianity, the two religions share many traits and that are universal amongst all religions....

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