Final Mariyam Ydyrys - jhgfghj PDF

Title Final Mariyam Ydyrys - jhgfghj
Author Mariyam Ydyrys
Course Nanotechnology
Institution Назарбаев Университеті
Pages 4
File Size 98.6 KB
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1: Analyse the ’Front Desk Associate’ work system, seen in the video. Please detail the tasks, responsibilities, technology and competencies required for the job, and describe the appropriate leadership style regarding this job, and the job’s connection to other HR-systems (HR-flow, performance management, compensation, learning & development). (~1-1,5 A/4 pages) Front Desk Associate work system analysis Responsibilities  Responsible for greeting visitors and clients in a warm and friendly manner to leave a very good impression about the gym staff  Responsible for maintaining the health club facilities and ensuring that the resources are used efficiently  Works when scheduled and adheres to company attendance policies.  Responds immediately to member requests, inquiries and concerns.  Responsible for overseeing the reservation, payment and tracking procedures Tasks  Schedule appointments of the new members with the programmer and dietitian  Handle general administrative tasks like emailing and faxing written correspondence, distributing parcels and updating calendars  Perform the tasks of monitoring access to the building and report any suspicious activity to the management staff  Personally checks each member into the gym using the proper check-in procedures.  Receives orders for the Retro Blend and executes them  Prepares protein smoothies by the given instructions Technology  Ability to use client registration system  Ability to use call registration system  Ability to use kitchen/bar facilities and technologies  Computer and internet literacy Competencies  Ability to communicate effectively with both staff and members  Ability to communicate effectively verbally, non-verbally, and in writing  Understanding of basic cash processing procedures  Ability to multi-task  Excellent customer service skills are required  Responsible and proactive attitude Leadership Style For this position it is better using the participative leadership style. This leadership style is about effective managers soliciting input from subordinates before making decisions. This behavior typically increases job satisfaction, employee retention and skill development for the entire staff. Since Front Desk Associate position is very crucial cause it is the first place where customers come and communicate, it tells a lot about actual customer needs, satisfactions or complaints.

However, participative team management strategies take longer to implement, the results usually lead to higher quality, increased customer satisfaction and long-term profitability. Therefore, front desk associates need to deliver their voices into decision-making. Leaders who use democratic approaches to solving problems tend to benefit from involving stakeholders in identifying the issues and finding solutions to complex problems. These characteristics help them get things done through others, assuring themselves of a continued spot in the front office of their companies. Connection to other HR systems HR flow involves the procedure starting from recruitment requisition to issuing a job offer to hire an employee for particular position. Having professional front desk associate overall creates positive attitude about the work environment in the gym, which attracts potential professional employees. Performance management refers to the set of interconnected practices designed to ensure that a person’s overall capabilities and potential are appraised, so that relevant goals can be set for work and development, and so that, through assessment, data on work behavior and performance can be collected and reviewed. Constantly evaluating performance of the front desk associate increases the quality of the service provided, which increases customer satisfaction. Compensation or Reward refers to a package of monetary, non-monetary and psychological payments that an organization provides for its employees in exchange for a bundle of valued work-related behaviors. Proper and competitive compensation for the front desk associate is crucial, because he/she serves to represent the company. Appraisal for the good performance with bonuses also motivated the employee to perform better. Learning and Development is a systematic process to enhance an employee’s skills, knowledge, and competency, resulting in better performance in a work setting. Trainings for the front desk associate should be done constantly, where he/she can enrich skills meet colleagues from other gym facilities.

2: Diagnose the situation seen in the video. Based on your job analysis, give a detailed evaluation of the problems you see (in your answer please mention the various HR-systems and/or their connection to the other functional strategies and the business unit and corporate strategy). Detect the visible symptoms and identify what are the root causes of these problems, and the interrelatedness of these predecessor factors. (~1-2 A/4 pages)

Having analyzed behavior of the front desk associate, it is clear that there are systematic problems with the HR Management of the Retro Finance. In this essay, I will evaluate in detail what are the root causes for the current issues by referring to concrete HR systems of the gym. Also, I will connect these problems to the overall business unit. First of all, Retro Fitness HR Management were not very attentive while recruiting for the Front Desk Associate position. Jacqueline unfortunately does not meet all the competencies

required for this role. She is rude with the customers and communicates in a bad manner even using cursed words, which destroys reputation of the gym. Therefore, HR flow system should target professionals with effective communication and interpersonal skills. While recruiting potential employee, there must be conducted behavioral interviews, which more or less shows the presence of communicative skills. Overall, based on the current situation it is clear that recruiting managers are not competitive enough to recognize the best candidate for the position. It can be also expected that there is a lack of communication or partnership between HR Management and Corporate Management. As it has been discussed by Ulrich’s business partnership HR model, it is crucial to establish partnership with HR management to achieve better corporate performance. Ulrich advocates for the strategic HR, which is about alignment of HR activities and initiatives with the global business strategy, and it is the task of the HR Management and HR Business Partners. As the CEO of Retro Fitness highlighted this is a highly competitive service market. His goal is to provide high end fitness experience for a fixed price, where offered service exceeds expectations of the customers. Therefore, having established strategic HR to meet corporate goals through hiring the best professionals will boost performance of the franchise line. Secondly, performance management also has not been implemented to constantly ensure that the employee’s work behavior meet the goals set by the management. Jacqueline has been working in this position for two years. And it seems that she has been using negative attitude and egocentric behavior without complying to rules and policies of the gym for quite of time. Situation when she yelled at a customer for overdue of the payment has been so unprofessional and crossed the line. If there was a constant performance management of all employees, this situation might have been handled earlier. HR Management needs to employ effective practices to monitor employee work behavior and evaluate their performance on monthly or quarterly basis. Also, peer evaluation method can be introduced where colleagues give constructive feedback about each other’s work performance. Having effective performance management directly affects corporate performance as well. Since CEO wants to enlarge franchises up to 500 or more gyms, he needs to pay exclusive attention to this part of the HR system. Finally, since there was no information on compensation or reward system, I would like to emphasize on learning and development division of the HR system. In the video, it can be observed that Jacqueline has conducted a training session for the new employee on making protein smoothies. Though there was a specific recipe and instruction, Jacqueline insisted that she knows better customer’s taste. This shows that there is a significant gap in introducing learning and development practices for the employees. Trainings should not be limited only with the manuals but a practical demonstration of delivering the best service. Having team building activities with the other gym employees within a franchise can also be a good solution to motivate towards corporate vision and goals. 3: Based on your diagnosis, give a detailed plan for the suggested organizational intervention. Highlight the scope of your intervention (HR-systems? other functional strategies? Business unit

strategy? Corporate strategy?) and describe whether your interventions aim “singleloop”, or a “double-loop” change and why. (~1-1,5 A/4 pages) Detailed Plan for Organizational Intervention 1st step – Speak to the head manager of the gym about current problem with Jacqueline – other functional strategies – single loop because the current goals, values and strategies are sound 2nd step – Introduce strategic HRM – HR systems – double-loop because new organizational rules and policies integrated with HR will be established 3rd step – Reconsider HR flow processes, improve recruitment processes emphasizing on best fit candidate – HR systems – double loop because new objectives are introduced 4th step – Establish Performance Management System, constant evaluation of employees, appraisal and reward systems – HR systems – double-loop new goals and objectives for the HR Management 5th step – Proper Learning and Development Practices specifically trainings with practical demonstration – HR systems – single loop because there were trainings before they need to be modified 6th step – Business Unit Team-Buildings because there is a lack of teamwork– corporate strategy – double loop because there were no trainings and team building activities conducted in this business unit. 7th step – Corporate team building and trainings by meeting the employees of other gyms from the franchise line will be motivating – corporate strategy – single loop because the Red Fitness had more or less collaborative environment 8th step – customer relation or customer needs communication trainings – other functional strategy – single loop because there are some good goals and objectives they need to be correctly implemented....

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