Title Final Module FOR 2ND SEM NSTP CWTS
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COURSE OVERVIEWCourse No. NSTP 2 Course Code Descriptive Title National Service Training Program / Civic Welfare Training Service 2 Credit Units 3 units Term/ School Year Second Semester, Academic Year 2020- Mode of Delivery Modular Name of Instructor Maria Emelee Agbayani-Bascug, RN, MAN Course Des...





Course Code Descriptive Title

National Service Training Program / Civic Welfare Training Service 2

Credit Units

3 units

Term/ School Year

Second Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021

Mode of Delivery


Name of Instructor

Maria Emelee Agbayani-Bascug, RN, MAN

Course Description

The Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) 2 is a sequel to CWTS 1. It is designed to immerse students in activities that will arm them with the capability to contribute in the upliftment of the general welfare and the quality of life of the community and the enhancement of its facilities especially those that are devoted to improving the health, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morale of the citizens.

Course Outcome

At the end of this Learning Guides you MUST be able to: 1. Participate actively in teambuilding activities; 2. Manifest effective leadership/fellowship skills; 3. Organize community assemblies and linkages; 4. Assist in the implementation of civic welfare projects; 5. Determine the community problems and concerns and plan some viable intervention measures; 6. Show a high level of interest in community-building tasks; and 7. Develop a harmonious working relationship with the community. 8. Appreciate the values of community immersion as a means of developing themselves as trainees and helping other people improve their way of life through the different dimensions of development done in the locality.

SLSU Mission:

SLSU will a. Develop Science, Technology, and Innovation leaders and professionals; b. Produce high-impact technologies from research and innovations; c. Contribute to sustainable development through responsive community engagement programs; d. Generate revenues to be self-sufficient and financially-viable

SLSU Vision:

A high quality corporate University of Science, Technology and Innovation.



TRAINEES GUIDE ON HOW TO NAVIGATE THE LEARNING GUIDE Welcome! This course “Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)”, is one of the component in National Service Training Program (NSTP) a course which comprises the knowledge, skills and attitudes which shall form part of the curricula of all baccalaureate degree courses and of at least two (2) year technical – vocational courses and is a requisite for graduation. In this course, you are required to go through a series of learning guides in order to complete each learning outcome. In each learning guide, there are lessons, learning tasks and exercises. Follow and perform the tasks and exercises on your own. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask for assistance from your instructor/professor. Remember to:  Work through all the lessons in each learning guide. This is a self-pacing module that you can work on at your convenient time within the term. The lessons are arranged according to the expected outcomes and you are expected to achieve the task from the first lesson to the last. The learning guide is given for you to read, learn and enjoy.  Answer the learning tasks given every lesson in each learning guide. Learning tasks and exercises are part of the lessons as an application or assessment of how much you have learned, thus all of it should be answered.  Complete the first learning guide before you can perform the next learning guide until all learning guides will be finished.  Use suggested references to supplement the materials provided in this course.

LIST OF LEARNING GUIDES FOR MIDTERM Second Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021


Learning Guide Title Community Immersion

Scope of Instruction Lesson 1 – Community Immersion Requisite of NSTP Lesson 2 – Understanding the Concepts and Principles of Community Immersion


Community – Based Project

Lesson 1 – The Process of Community Immersion Lesson 2 – Management of NSTP Community-Based Projects Lesson 3 – Documentation, Monitoring, and Evaluation of NSTP Community-Based Projects






LESSON 1 Community Immersion Requisite of NSTP

“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but something I know; the ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve”. Albert Schweitzer

Intended Learning Outcome: At the end of the unit, the student should be able to: 1. Gain insights on community immersion as a requirement of NSTP; 2. Explain the significance of the community immersion in the purview of NSTP and national development; and 3. Internalize the significance of community immersion as an effective tool in addressing concerns of both the NSTP trainees and the communities served.

Activate Prior Knowledge Below are sample pictures of a community immersion, try to look at the picture carefu lly and answer the following questions below;



1. 2. 3. 4.

Have you ever done any of these activities? Which of their activities have you already experienced? How do you feel as you do this? Why? Are you willing to do it again, but you will take the lead?

Acquire New Knowledge: In this lesson, you would be able to learn about the basic information of Community Immersion. In this way, the NSTP trainees will gained a better understanding and realization of the different community concerns through the exposure on actual life condition in the community specifically in the deprived communities. As a concept, community immersion is a strategy in community organizing that is sought to imbibe among the NSTP trainees a better understanding and realization of the different community concerns through exposure on actual life situations specifically in the deprived, depressed, and the underprivileged (DDU) communities These experiences will allow them to integrate with other people who may facilitate them to undergo certain changes that will make them civic conscious and socially responsible citizens. Corollary, community immersion, as a process, is aimed at developing among students-trainees, through the training program, their appreciation of rendering community works which is quintessential in affording for them the opportunity to experience and put themselves in real life situations in the communities they serve. For this reason, each of you should have a genuine feeling in living with the people in order that you may understand and relate with community concerns as you go through a self- transformation and personal growth at the same time. More specifically, the NSTP trainees are required to initiate community-based programs in the form of projects and events that resolve a variety of issues and concerns, as well as a needs


NSTP – CWTS 2 assessment/analysis study that points out the issues that obstruct the community's important goals in the field of service. The trainees contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the people in the service areas in their own small way while also developing their service ethics imbued with the good citizenship principles of makadiyos, makabayan, makatao, and makkalikasan, thus better training them as reservists in responding to the call of the times.. Community immersion is an approach of developing among the NSTP students-trainees the concept of service and empowerment as they reach out to deprived, depressed and underprivileged communities and the marginalized segments of the society. The myriad of problems in the community can be addressed by the immersion projects and activities specifically designed ti improve the different aspects of human development like economic, social, spiritual, etc. these aspects cannot and should not be defined singly and separately, but must be viewed interdependently and I totality. However for purposes of delineation, the economic aspect suggests financial management while social aspect focuses on people interactions and relationship building. On the other hand, the spiritual aspect is associated with religion and our relationship with the Supreme Being, regardless of whatever name we call our God. Translating the aforementioned aspects of human existence, NSTP had contextualized the said concepts by determining the various dimensions of development along the CWTS component of the program, as per guidelines of the NSTP Law, to wit: - Education; - Health; - Safety and disaster management; - Sports and recreation; - Environmental services; - Entrepreneurship and livelihood; and moral of citizenry and other social/general welfare concerns. In a nutshell, community immersion is an approach of bringing the NSTP trainees to DDU communities and to underserved, marginalized sectors, providing them the venue where they may encounter paradigm shifts from being mere spectators of community action, nonchalant and passive citizens to responsible and effective change agents who are empowered to touch the lives of other people. However, in as much as the principles involved in NSTP community immersion present a solid foundation for the attainment of the common goal, the quality of the program implementation from different institutions and schools m y vary depending on the NSTP implementers’ extent of knowledge on concepts and level of understanding of the process and protocols on community immersion not to mention the level of commitment in realizing the seemingly lofty yet noble goals of the program. 6


Moreover, generation of resources must be given an equal amount of attention and forging of collaborative partnership with the community and organization is deemed necessary in forgoing a successful community immersion program for NSTP students.

Objectives of NSTP Community Immersion: a. Define community immersion as an approach and strategy of developing projects in serving people and communities; b. Enrich knowledge and competencies as a process for development; c. Apply the principles and concepts of working in the community through immersion projects and activities; d. Expose in depressed, deprived and the underprivileged communities and marginalized groups of our society; e. Appreciate the values of community immersion as a means of developing themselves as citizens and helping people improve their way of life and in improving their living condition; f. Enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness; and g. Develop ethics of service imbued with good citizenship values.

Application: Relate a story, whom you consider that, it is a community immersion: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessment: Choose the right answer by encircling the letter. 1. Community immersion is an important requirement among ___________NSTP students. a. Male b. female c. both male & female d. none of the above 2. Community immersion is a requirement for students in: a. NSTP 1 b. NSTP 2 c. OSP

d. none of the above

3. Republic Act is the law that requires each students taking the NSTP to undergo community immersion and implementation of community service projects and activities for a specified number of hours. a. 9163 b. 9003 c. 7077 d. 906


NSTP – CWTS 2 4. In Community immersion, trainees are expected to _________. a. Initiate community based projects b. be aware of the multi-faceted issues and concerns c. promote their school d. all of the above 5. Trainees undergoing community immersion contribute in the -------------. a. upliftment of the quality of life b. enhancement of the economic condition of the families c. empowerment of people especially the marginalized and underserved. d. none of the above 6. Participation of students in community immersion deepen their ______. a. Sense of oneness with the community b. Community involvement c. Self-awareness of the real life d. All the above 7. Project components of community immersion include _______. a. Health, safety education, sports and recreation b. Environment and entrepreneurship c. Social advocacies d. All of the above 8. Community immersion is a means of developing the _______. a. Community leaders b. DDU communities c. Underprivileged, marginalized sectors of the society d. All of the above 9. The prescribed minimum and maximum number of training and implementation hours required of the trainees to fulfill their community immersion requirements in the NSTP law and its implementing rules and regulations is __________. a. 36-72 hours b. 54-90 hours c. 4-9 hours d. 48-72 hours 10. Community immersion provides opportunity for students to ______. a. Experience real-community life b. Identify true feelings of living with the people c. Be actively involved in community undertaking d. All of the above.



LESSON 2 Understanding the Concepts and Principles of Community Immersion

Intended Learning Outcomes At the end of the unit, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the concepts and principles underpinning community and community immersion; 2. Realize the importance of understanding the dynamics of the community and community immersion as a way to realize the objectives of NSTP; and 3. Practice the standard operating procedures and establish protocols governing community immersion.

Activate prior Knowledge:  Before going through the pages, try to look at this photo. What you think this photo shows? Write your answer below.

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Acquire New Knowledge: People involved in community immersion must be knowledgeable on the basics of community, i.e., its meaning, concepts, underpinning principles, and nature of problems and issues arising there from. These will enable the trainees to have a good grasp of the local situation, thereby preparing them to appropriately respond to the multifarious concerns in the community and properly carry out immersion projects and activities that is so conceived to bring about long-term amelioration, and not just over-night, cosmetic solutions, of the social menaces and ills.

WHAT IS COMMUNITY? Noted community development specialist Arlien Johson once wrote that the term “community” refers to a group of people gathered together in any geographic area, large or small, who have common interests, actual or potentially recognized in the social welfare field. As per concept, a community may be categorized as geographical or functional. The term geographical community is defined in the purview of group of persons living the same geographical location like in a certain village, town, neighborhood, district, area or territory. Meanwhile, community is said to assume the functional nature if the aggregate of people though not necessarily based on living in the same geographical location is bonded by a common end such as fighting for the same cause, having eh same interests and goals. These are people who hold common values, share common functions or express common interests. A certain type of community has recently emerged. Some refer to it as just social movements but its definition points out that it surfaced out to the two other types of community. It is called a relevant community that defines a group of people having similar interests and goals as the communities around them. These population have common interests in changing existing institutions to their advantage in order to achiever redistribution of resources. It is geared towards organization of the poor.

ELEMENTS OF A COMMUNITY As a trainee, one should be aware of elements of a community in order to understand the dynamics thereof. The important elements are demographics, history, culture, economy, and structures. In example, you were able to identify that it floods in a market area nearby the creek. During rainy seasons, sales are very low because their merchandise gets soiled by the rain. They have adapted by using improvised plastic covering to coat their merchandise but they are not so attractive. What kind of projects do you think you can do by learning this information already? By experience, the architecture and fine arts students training in the NSTP would usually think of enhancing the 10

NSTP – CWTS 2 features of the merchandise, covering the stalls to attract more consumers evens during the rainy season.

IMMERSION AS AN IMPORTANT APPROACH IN GIVING COMMUNITY SERVICE An old adage says that, “Experience is the best teacher.” Going though the immersion process and conducting community service activities/projects will enable the trainees to understand how the people feel, think, say, and behave as dictated by their conditions and situations in life as a means to make feel and realize that they are more fortunate than many tithers and the students can do something to improve he lives of the marginalized and underserved. As the Holy Scripture tell us, “To whom much is given, much is required.” Since students have been given the rare opportunity and the distinct privilege of being schooled that they are supposed to better the living conditions of those whom were not as auspicious as they are. The basic questions as “What is the relevancy of the immersion part of the NSTP?” and “Why would trainees need to study the behavior of the people in and that which composed the community where they serve?” Answer to these sorts of questions is provided for in NSTP Act and has served as the mandate and core of recognizing the role of the in-nation building. Young people are vested with the obligation “to defend the security of the State and in fulfillment thereof, the government may require each citizen to render personal military or civil service,” (Section 2, NSTP Act of 2001) whether in times of peace or war. Simply put, aside from becoming socially aware of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of their communities, trainees are believed to possess the qualities and energies that, if properly channeled and directed, will yield results towards arresting, if not totally annihilating, the innumerable dilemmas of man. The next question that a trainee is bound to ask is the first step of the process of immersion, “Are trainees, young as they are, capable of responding to the stringent requirements of community building and meeting the skills and knowledge criteria of transforming communities?” Definitely, yes. The role of the youth in national/local development cannot be overemphasized. To reinforce this are the very words of our national hero, “The youth is the hope of the Fatherland.”

WHAT IS COMMUNITY IMMERSION? Community immersion is a essential strategy in community organizing work that entails understanding of the different community concerns, process, dynamics and lifestyle through exposure and engaging in different activities. It is different from the actual organizing work. Immer...

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