Final study guide PDF

Title Final study guide
Author Campos Kpop
Course Fundamentals of Public Speaking and Lab
Institution California State University Northridge
Pages 3
File Size 116.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 93
Total Views 138


COMS 151 Professor Loesse...


CH.10             

Whatar et hef ourmodesofdel i v er y ? Manuscript delivery: reading the text of a speech word for word Memorized delivery: learning by heart and then delivering it without notes Impromptu delivery: present a speech that you have not planned or prepared in advance Extemporaneous delivery: learning speech well enough so that you can deliver it from a key word outline Whatar e3v er balc omponent sofdel i v er y ? Vocalized pause or fillers: pauses that the speaker fills with words or sounds Projection: volume produces by the vocal instrument Volume: loudness of the speaker's voice Whatar e3nonv er bal c omponent sofdel i v er y ? Personal appearance: the way you dress, groom, and present yourself physically Body language: is your body stance, gestures, and facial expression Eye contact: the visual with another's eyes

CH.11      

Oner eas onwhyv i s ual ai dsar ei mpor t antac cor di ngt oy ourbook.Ex pl ai n. Vi s ual ai dshel psgai nandmai nt ai naudi enc eat t ent i on:av i sual ai dgi v esan audi enc es omet hi ngt of oc uson,andi tr ei nf or c esy ourv oc almes sage 3t ypesofv i sualai ds . Obj ect s ,model s ,anddemons t r at i ons Handout s whi t eboar ds

CH.5&6 

Whatar e3di ffer entcr i t er i at hatcanbeusedt oev al uat eI nt er nets our ces ? Information reliable o Look at URL  Information authoritative o Find out author(s)  How current Whatar et hedi ffer entt y pesofs uppor t i ngmat er i alt hatwec anus et odev el op ands uppor touri deas ?  Li br ar i ans  Li br ar yc at al og  Dat abas es  Ref er enc ewor k  Gov er nmentdoc ument s 

CH.9 Mus tknowt hes emant i ct r i angl eandi t spur pose

      

Languaget hatc r eat esmemor abl ei mager y Metaphors Similes Personification Languaget hatc r eat espl eas i ngr hy t hm Alliteration Antithesis Parallelism Repetition

CH.14 Mus tknowSt ephanToul mi n’ smapofr eas oni ng

 claim

The conclusion or argument being made


The data and facts offered to support that claim


Logically connects the grounds to the claim


Support the warrant


Make a statement about strength of the claim


Exception to the claim

 

Whati si nduc t i v er eas oni ng? i st hef or m ofr eas oni ngi nwhi c hwec omet oconc l us i onsaboutt hewhol ebas i s ofobs er v at i onsofpar t i c ul ari ns t ances

  

  

Whati sdeduc t i v er eas oni ng? at ypeofl ogi cwher egener al s t at ement sorpr emi s esar eus edt of or m as pec i fic c oncl us i on Mus tknowatl eas t3commonf al l ac i es Fallacy- "to deceive" : it is the use of valid or otherwise faulty reasoning, or "wrong moves" in the construction of an argument Hasty generalization: making a rushed conclusion without considering all the variables Faulty use of authority: occurs when individuals are presented as authorities in fields in which they are not

CH.15 

Ex pl ai nt he3t y pesofper s uas i v es peec hes . Fact :s eek st opr ov es omet hi ngf ac t ual Val ue:s eek st omak eav al uej udgement Pol i c y :s eekt opr ov eaneedf oranewdi ffer entpol i c y Whatar e3di ffer entpat t er nsofor gani z at i on( s t r at egi es )us edf orper s uasi v e s peec hes ?  Problem-soln: which problems and solutions are presented alongside one another with a clear link between a problem and its solution  Problem-cause-soln: exposing your audience to a problem that they are unaware of bc the problem should be focus  Casual patter: to explain a cause-effect relationship between two phenomena   

Ch.13  

 

Whati si nv i t at i onal s peak i ng? T ypeofpubl i cs peak i ngi nwhi c haspeak erent er si nt oadi al oguewi t han audi enc et oc l ar i f ypos i t i ons ,expl or ei ss uesandi deas ,orar t i c ul at ebel i ef sand v al ues Whati st hegener al pur pos eofi nvi t at i onal s peak i ng? I sacomponentofpubl i cdel i ber at i onwher et heaudi enc ei sabl et oexpl or e, di s cus s ,anddel i ber at eont hec ons equenc esofani ss uec anbedi sc us s ed...

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