Final study guide PDF

Title Final study guide
Author Cady Seiter
Course The Living Prophets
Institution Brigham Young University
Pages 13
File Size 108.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 187


Study guide for final exam. Teacher is Mary Woodger....


1. Know the seniority of the members of the 12 and First Presidency. Thomas S. Monson Boyd K. Packer L. Tom Perry Russell M. Nelson Dallin H. Oaks M. Russell Ballard Richard G. Scot Robert D. Hales Jeffrey R. Holland Henry B. Eyring Dieter F. Uchtdorf David A. Bednar Quentin L. Cook D. Todd Christofferson Neil L Andersen 2. Be able to identify the Twelve and First Presidency’s pictures. 3. Know scripturally mandated responsibilities, roles, and assignments and ministries of First Presidency 

Responsibility of directing the kingdom of God on the earth

Officiate in all the offices in the church

Presides over all Priesthood functions in Church

Responsible for Administration of Church

What they say is scripture

Doctrinal interpretation is the providence of First Pres

Those who follow them will never go astray.

Appoint, preside, nominate, budget, education, history, temples, audit, welfare

Keys of Priesthood belong to them.

Equal with President in holding keys.

Right of presidency, authority over all offices, administers spiritual things, necessity of presidents.

Highest council of Church

Of Quorum of 12 

Special witness of the name of Christ in all the world

Equal in authority and power to 3 presidents

Build up and regulate the affairs of Church in all nations

Open doors of Nations for the proclamation of gospel

Ordain evangelical minister

Missionary Executive Council: policy maters relating to preaching gospel throughout the world

Priesthood Executive Council: priesthood policies and programs (including auxiliary organizations of Church)

Temple and Genealogy Executive Council: considers maters pertaining to temples and genealogical work

Commitee to “care for poor and needy”

Majority of council will never be on the wrong side at any time, but individuals can be.

Principle of unanimity

Don’t have to have seen Christ

Of Seventy 

“follow after and assist” Twelve

Preach gospel, be special witnesses unto Gentiles in all world

Equal in authority to Twelve

Act in name of Lord, under direction of Twelve

Of Presiding Bishopric 

Temporal affairs of Church o

Physical facilities




Welfare services


Materials management


Information systems


Acquisition of lands


Construction and maintenance of buildings (except temples)


Desert Industries




Employment services


Social services


Welfare productions facilities


Under direction of 1st pres and 12 to distribute tithes.


G.A. with spiritual ministry

4. Identify the relationship between living oracles and scriptures and LDS terminology in relationship to the standard works. 

Living oracles are 15 G.A.s.

LDS Canonized Scripture=Standard Works (final and closed, approved by 12 and vote of Church) o

“a rod for testing straightness”=standard

When one of the 15 speaks when moved upon by Holy Ghost=scripture (uncanonized) o

In harmony with Standard works? (Only prophet can amend, modify, or expand standard works)


In harmony with teachings of living prophet?


In harmony with witness of Holy Ghost?

Living Oracles=words of Prophet

Living prophet is most important prophet.

What constitutes scripture? Any message that comes from God to man by power of Holy Ghost

6. Describe soul of apostle and how apostles are unique. o

Men for all seasons


Humility of mind


Don’t keep back anything that is profitable, even if people won’t like it


Don’t count life for themselves-focus on ministry


Feed the flock


Warm with tears-inviting and emotional


Testifies repentance and faith in Jesus Christ


Pure from blood of all men


Show how it is more blessed to give than to receive (not hypocritical)

7. Main concepts in Follow the Living Prophets Chapter 3: The Living Oracles: Prophets, Seers, and Revelators o

We can all be prophets in our own spheres. The prophets have a larger sphere than us and they have been sustained and set apart.


A prophet is a “forthteller” rather than a “foreteller” because he most often directs present policy rather than telling what is to come.


Prophet: teacher of known truth


Seer: perceiver of hidden truth


Revelator: bearer of new truth


Prophet=calls us back, interprets scripture, God’s messenger, teaches men about God, sin, and righteousness.


Apostles and 1st Presidency: sustained as Prophets, Seers, and Revelators o

Different from other GAs because they have a “special spiritual endowment”


Seer is greater than revelator or prophet.


First Pres govern and direct all of the Lord’s affairs on Earth.


Calling of apostle:1835


Apostle=sent forth with commission or authority to represent another


Twelve and 1st pres equal in authority when prophet dies.

Chapter 5: The Law of Common Consent 

The sustaining vote is not a vote for or against a person. The GAs are the only ones who have power to nominate.

When we vote affirmatively, we are making a solemn covenant with the Lord. We promise to support these leaders, in public and private.

We will be punished if we choose to ignore the words of those who we have sustained.

If we don’t sustain local leaders, we can’t sustain the Prophet.

Dissenting vote: if the person is guilty of transgressions that would disqualify them for the position. We could sustain him and then talk to the presiding officer privately.

All things in Church should be done by common consent.

Chap 7: Purposes of General Conference 1. Transact Church business 2. Receive reports and commend true merit 3. Approve or disapprove of names proposed 4. Receive revelation and inspired instruction 5. Proclaim gospel to the world 6. Bring about spiritual revival and personal rededication

President Kimball counseled to take notes of thoughts that come to your mind while listening. o

His three purposes: 

Worship Lord

Feast upon word of Christ

Be built up in faith and testimony.

In both ancient feasts and modern Church conferences: A central motive is to renew Spirits, regenerate, and continue with gratitude and sacrifice to fulfill the purposes of the Lord.

Time of spiritual revival=knowledge and testimony are increased and solidified. Leaders give us inspired direction and souls are stirred to be beter.

Differing responses to same General Conference: one group was keeping commandments and had Spirit with them and the other did not.

We should: make spiritual preparation, listen carefully to speakers and Spirit, study conference issue of Ensign, hearken to words of Prophets.

Chapter 8: Counsel: Responses and their Consequences 

Selective obedience: picking which words of prophets they will accept and abide by. Leads to tragic consequences.Causes of problems in early Church: neglecting Prophet’s words, thinking they knew beter and following their own counsel.

Many act upon the faith that God will sustain us instead of our trying to sustain ourselves.

The Church could have prevented repeal of 18th Amendment, but members didn’t listen to prophet.

Appendix C: When are Church Leaders’ Words Entiled to Claim of Scripture? 

Scripture: when church leaders are moved upon by Holy Ghost o

We can tell this when we are moved upon by Holy Ghost


The Lord told Joseph Smith what to teach.

8. Biographies of Quorum of 12 and various facts emphasized during class. President Packer

Dad was inactive (possibly mom too?)

Had polio as a teenager.

Served in Air Force in WW2 (gained testimony there)

Taught gospel to people in Japan while serving in military

Got doctorate while general authority

Was a teacher (Teachers will save constitution)

Apostle (assistant to 12) at 36, mission president at 41

Wood-carver, painter (Carves birds to think)

Oct 2, 1993 General Conference Address o

Vault: home


Keys: Priesthood, gender roles


Treasure: children, love, eternal view


Re-shaping keys: changing gender roles


Subject: marriage, family

L. Tom Perry 

Two marriages (lost wife as executive in Boston)

Doesn’t remember being without testimony

Had a hard time in school

Military and mission


How to deal with having tough, time consuming callings: o

Make time for family


Make kids part of calling

Has served 39 yrs as apostle

Service, love, courage

Russell M. Nelson 

Favorite quote: “Where is the wisdom we have lost in the knowledge? And where is the knowledge We have lost in the information?”

Where do I find wisdom? o

Pure intelligence (through Holy Ghost)

10 children

Wanted to serve people. Finest career, besides mother, was medicine.

M.D. at 22, world renowned heart surgeon

Takes counsel from Dantzel to return to medical field and from David O. McKay to remain in Utah

Recommends to do everything you can medically, then turn to the Priesthood

How to feel joy in the morning (and all the time!) o

Feel good about people you live with.


Feel good about people you work with.


Feel good about yourself.

Dallin H. Oaks 

2 marriages

Utah Supreme Court

Radio announcer in high school

Tragic childhood, difficult times in school

President of BYU

Righteous Judgment


Must be intermediate


Guided by Spirit of Lord, not by anger, revenge, jealousy, or self-interest


Within judge’s stewardship


Not made until adequate knowledge of facts is acquired


Refrains from judging people, and only judges situations


Application of righteous standards

“Every bump you go over is a mountain for your child.” o

Don’t give child a crutch to lean or an event to blame


Use Atonement through prayer to save yourself and family


Children need responsibility+freedom

Often clarifies doctrine and compares two things.

M. Russell Ballard

Car dealer

Two apostles for grandfathers

Father was financially ruined.

Promises that if we pray for missionary experiences, we will have them.

3 things


Our link to Joseph Smith-through maternal grandparents


150th apostle-He started the “trek” tradition.


Talks about law of sacrifice a lot.

Law of Sacrifice o

We need to love God more than we love even our husbands


We sacrifice broken heart and contrite spirit instead of animals


Ultimate blessing of living law of sacrifice is having a personal experience with the Savior

Brought women into ward council

Called “the bishop” by his fraternity

Richard G. Scot 

Nuclear scientist

Paints with water colors

Inactive mother, non-member father

Married two weeks after mission

Mission/marriage o

Love of Book of Mormon


Secretly devoted life to Lord


Admiral Rickover threat

Didn’t like going to church when he was younger

Very smart, but no athletic ability or social skills

Went on his mission because his girlfriend (future wife) said she was going to marry a returned missionary

Pres. Benson was a mentor for him.

Makes eye contact while talking in general conference

Elder Cristofferson’s mission president

Ways Men Communicate


Be as close to right as possible


Focus on responsibility


Tries to align his will with Heavenly Father’s.

Ways Women Communicate o





Include everyone


ADVICE: Don’t talk in “female code”.

Neither way is beter than the other.

Robert D. Hales 

Most difficult decision concerning church service was when called to be Elder’s Quorum President while going to Harvard

“When you really have to worry is when you don’t show emotion”-Harold B. Lee

Was called “Hard Luck Hales” on his baseball team because he was losing. Coach told him to be tough, and he was again known as “Rapid Robert”.

Was an Air Force pilot

Masters from Harvard


Life’s moto: “Return with Honor”

Leadership Style


Take problem apart, build a solution


Gather strength around the weak rather than replace it


Build people


Forgive and forget


Always give subordinates credit

How do I recognize a true friend? o

Loves and protects you


Makes it easier to live the gospel


Doesn’t make you choose between his way and Lord’s way


Helps you return with honor

Next to Holy Ghost, wife is most important voice.

Greatest asset is his wife

Moto of marriage: lift each other

Very humble, doesn’t like atention

Loves to talk to Aaronic Priesthood (was Presiding Bishopric)

At BYU and conference: talked about friendship twice

What is our future dependent on?

Jeffrey R. Holland 

Phd from Yale

President of BYU

Outstanding athlete, popular student

Courtship Apostle

Born into great family that supported him

How he has great depth even though lack of trials


Study Atonement


Pray for others


Be grateful


Serve others


Applaud accomplishments of others


Recognize that you are blessed


Call blessings upon others

Compare sex to soul, symbol, sacrament o

Symbol: of total union of everything


Sacrament: symbol of union between mortals and deity


Soul: unites us with God

David A. Bednar o

Doctorate from Purdue




Baptized his father


President of BYU-Idaho


Author of several books and articles


Gave Packers money while he was on his mission


Doctrine, principle, application format of teaching

Quentin L. Cook o

Ancestor: David Paten Kimball (helped carry Saints across Sweetwater)


Can’t remember not having faith in Jesus Christ


Mom’s patriarchal blessing included promises about him


Fathers three rules o

Have worthwhile goals


Change goals when needed


Work diligently toward chosen goal


Married high school sweetheart




5 principles o

There is opposition in all things and choices are critical.


Building your testimony is foundational


Seek knowledge with wisdom and humility. Primary purpose is to raise, teach, and bless family.



Follow prophetic counsel. Look back to see your generation saved.


Live to benefit from Atonement

Three things to do o

Let people know you are a commited Later day saint.


Be confident about and live your beliefs


Symbolically, pitch your tent towards the temple

D. Todd Christofferson o

Looked up to grandfather


Mother had shoulder surgery-Dad sacrificed to buy iron


Law degree from Duke- worked with Watergate s...

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