Final Website Relaunch Campaign PDF

Title Final Website Relaunch Campaign
Author Sarah Roman
Course Digital Analytics
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 14
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Website Relaunch Campaign

MKT 410 Digital Analytics Final: Website Relaunch Campaign Sarah Roman October 17, 2021

Website Relaunch Campaign

The financial service organization that I work for is revamping their online presence in order to improve the user experience for all the services they provide. Some changes being made to the website are creating a new format that competes with our competitors, refreshing pages that are user friendly and are engaging, content that is easier for our clients to find, establishing a strong social media presence and engagements, and initiating an email newsletter sign-up form for the audience. As the digital marketing manager for the tax practice, I have been tasked to promote the practice and connect with the target audience. My target audience includes chief financial officers and tax directors. The campaign plan is a six-week-long LinkedIn sponsored content plan that will reach the target market through their news feeds. The current marketing plan intends to drive the audience to the new website and sign up for the newsletter. We want the target audience to interact with the website in hopes that they find it useful and engaging which will lead to sales and other opportunities. This campaign will help the organization achieve website traffic, social media engagement with its followers, and attain emails from current and potential clients for the newsletter. All of these achievements bring in new clients and keep current clients engaged with the organization. There are potential impacts on the organization’s bottom line based on the marketing team’s decision to invest in the campaign. The bottom line is referring to the organization’s earnings, profit, net income, and earnings per share. A successful marketing campaign can drive revenue in a few ways. One way that this campaign can increase revenue is by using targeted ads that lead to a sale. This campaign also collects and accumulates data on potential clients that can be used to generate more sales. Social media marketing campaigns can also drive interactions with potential clients that the sales department can use as leads. The organization’s decision to invest in this campaign could also have a negative impact on the bottom line. For example, the

Website Relaunch Campaign

organization could be spending more money on the campaign than the money it is bringing in. We can track this by using the profit/cost ratio. The digital analysis of the campaign can have an impact on various departments throughout the organization. Some departments that can be impacted are sales, IT, business development, and human resources. The sales department can gain important inside information of the target market from the data collected from campaigns. Some information includes potential clients’ emails, phone numbers, level of interest, and other demographics that can help them follow up on leads and make sales. IT is impacted because they can use data such as bounce rate, session duration, users, and page views to see how the users are engaging with the website. From there, they can make improvements to ensure the users are getting the best experience from the website. Another department that is impacted by the digital analytics of the campaign is business development. Since business development aim to grow a business, having access to campaign data is important such as website traffic and who is using the new website. This can help them understand their customers which help them when making strategic partnerships, exploring other possible markets, and other development opportunities. Lastly, human resources can be impacted by digital analytics. They can use information from marketing campaigns to seek out potential candidates to join the organization. To track this campaign, I need to determine the appropriate key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are a way to measure different metrics of a marketing campaign to assess the level of its success. The timescale I will be using is six weeks after the launch of the campaign and using data that was reported 6 weeks prior to the campaign for the benchmark. The KPIs I believe would retain the most value for this campaign are bounce rate, email sign-ups, and referral traffic from social media.

Website Relaunch Campaign

Bounce rate tracks the number of users that visit the website for a short period of time. Six weeks prior to the campaign, the data showed the bounce rate as 58.51 percent so I will be using that metric as my benchmark. I would like to see this percent decrease after the launch of the campaign to show users are staying on the site for a longer period of time. The actors for this KPI would be the marketing team and the website creators because they can adjust their actions in order to get a more desirable result. Some associated actions that can happen to surround the bounce rate if a problem occurs are updating the website with more relevant information, remove clutter and distracting elements, and change the layout of the website to make it easier to navigate. Some other actions that can be made are switching up the marketing campaign to ensure we are reaching our target audience. Email sign-ups are another Key performance indicator that I would like to use to track the success of this campaign. This is important to track for this campaign because part of the website project was to incorporate a newsletter sign-up so the audience can receive promotional emails. The benchmark associated with this metric will be 846 new sign-ups that were recorded 6 weeks prior to the launch of the campaign. The actor that this will be reported to be the marketing director and website project manager because it is their responsibility to communicate to their teams what actions need to be taken. Some of those actions that could be taken if a problem occurs are ensuring there is an easy way for users to sign-up, fixing any potential issues that could be occurring with that function, and changing the messaging of the sign-up so the audience understands the benefits of signing up. Because this campaign plan is to use LinkedIn sponsored content, using the referral traffic of social media is an important key performance indicator to use. This KPI measures the number of users coming to the website from social media sites. This can give insight into the

Website Relaunch Campaign

number of sessions, percent of new sessions, and new users coming from a referral site. The benchmark is used for this comes from data collected six weeks prior to the campaign: sessions675 percent of new sessions-81.63%, new users-551. These numbers should be reported to the marketing manager in order to evaluate how the LinkedIn ads are doing. If problems do occur, some actions that they can take adjusting the ads themselves, the targeted audience/reach, and the messaging of the campaign. The chosen key performance indicators can help draw important conclusions and impact future campaign decisions. If the bounce rate is low, the conclusion I can draw from this is that our users find the websites’ content useful and engaging. If it is low, a conclusion I can draw from this is that the website has irrelevant information or the audience finding the website are not interested. This can help identify problems within the website and marketing campaign. For example, if we have a high bounce rate, which tells me that the website’s content is not what our audience is interested in or that we are not reaching the intended audience. This can impact future campaigns because we may have to change the way we are reaching our audience, who our audience is, or how they like to receive content. The bounce rate aligns with the engagement dimension of the REAN model because it shows how users interact with the new website. Being able to track email sign-ups can draw many conclusions. For example, if there we have a low amount of email sign-ups that tells me that the audience we are reaching is not our intended targets or the content is not what they are looking for. Email sign-ups can impact future campaigns because we can introduce new marketing strategies to clients and people who are already interested in our products and services. This KPI would be under the active element of the REAN model because the client needs to do an action (signing up for the newsletter). Lastly, measuring the referral traffic of social media can draw conclusions of how well our LinkedIn

Website Relaunch Campaign

sponsored content is doing during this campaign. If we saw our numbers go up with this KPI, it means it is an effective outlet to market our products and services and to continue putting marketing efforts into social media campaigns. I would classify this KPI under reach in the REAN model because it has to do with tracking where we can raise brand awareness and reach the target audience. The data collected from this marketing campaign will influence digital marketing decisions in the future. It can reveal pertinent information outside of the KPIs I have chosen like site engagement metrics like session duration, engagement rate, click through rate, and cost per click. These metrics can show us the time frame of a users’ interaction with the website, how active users are involved with the content being sent out by the organization, how they are getting to the website, and the cost of a click for our ads. This can determine important factors in digital marketing decisions like budgets, how to use the budget, and where to most efficiently and effectively reach our target. I am hoping that the data of my chosen KPIs will show that the campaign is successful. This means that the bounce rate percent decreased and that the users are finding our website useful engaging, the number of email sign-ups drastically increase showing us that the clients are interested in further promotions and that the referral traffic of social media increases which would show that our LinkedIn efforts and sponsored ads are reaching the intended audience. The results of the digital marketing campaign can influence various departments throughout the organization. For example, some data like cost per click, return on marketing investment, and cost per lead can impact how the finance team budgets for marketing campaigns. The sales team can use data from the LinkedIn campaign to better understand who their audience is and how to reach them. LinkedIn reports on the demographics of the users clicking on and

Website Relaunch Campaign

interacting with the ads. Another department that will be impacted by the results of the digital marketing campaign is the IT team. They are the ones who are working towards the user having a good experience through the website. Having data such as bounce rate, session duration, page views, and returning users can show them if the website is fitting the needs of their audience, what can be tweaked, and how they can tweak it, to enhance user experience. When extracting and collecting data, I want to make sure that I am continuing to practice ethical behavior. This includes always having consent from users for each usage of their data, being transparent with the users, being accountable and evaluating potential issues or misinterpretations, and being aware of biases. Some biases that we need to be aware of when collecting data are confirmation bias, selection bias, outliers, and confounding variables. There are a few steps I would take to ensure that the data is not influenced by any biases. This includes having outside sources view and analyze the data, use multiple people to code the data, check for any alternative explanations for data conclusions, and have fellow peers review reports. I would also deal with outliers in data by either removing them altogether or changing their values so they do not heavily impact the data. As mentioned earlier, it is so important to remain ethical, even when communicating my campaign analytics. One way I will remain ethical is by being transparent with the data being shared by sharing the context of the data. I would also not allow confirmation biases to control how the data is interpreted and be honest about possible uncertainties within the campaign analytics. It is also important to show negative results along with the positives to remain ethical. This can also build and establish truth when communicating campaign analytics. I would explain how negative results from this campaign can be as beneficial as positive results. Negative results

Website Relaunch Campaign

can shine a light on our weaknesses and where we can improve on marketing strategies for the next campaign. I believe that most of the campaign goals were met. Our goal was to drive our audience to the new company website, interact and engage with it, and increase email sign-ups for the newsletter. To measure the success of driving the audience to the website, I am looking at the website metrics six weeks prior to the campaign and the metrics six weeks after the campaign. I can see that we were successful in driving our audience to the website because the sessions have increased by a little over 9,200, users have increased by about 5,400, and new sessions have increased by almost 12 percent. However, we were less successful in achieving interaction and engagement with the new website. The bounce rate has also increased by 4.2 percent giving it a 62.71% bounce rate. This is a little high for what we want because it shows that there is a lower percentage of users that stayed on the site and interacted with the content. The average session duration is at 0:01:32 six weeks after the campaign launched which is 23 seconds shorter than six weeks before the campaign. I would have liked to see this number more in the two to three minute time. I think this campaign was successful when it came to newsletter email signups. We had 846 email signups six weeks before the campaign and six weeks after the campaign there were 1,563.

Website Relaunch Campaign


Campaign Results: Website Metrics


6 weeks prior to the campaign

6 weeks after the campaign

the best


way to 47,047

show the 34,526


24,539 19,069



Page views

marketing data I collected is by using a bar graph. It is the best way to visually compare data and highlight different categories. Please see the below example that shows website metrics sessions, users, and page reviews of six weeks before and after campaign. The key performance indicators (KPIs) that are shown for the LinkedIn campaign results are click-through rate (CTR), engagement rate, and cost per click (CPC). The CTR is the percent of users that visited the page from a specific hyperlink on an advertisement. In our case, it is the percent of LinkedIn users who accessed the website using the hyperlink from the LinkedIn ad. This campaign had a 0.39 percent click-through rate. This may sound like a low percentage, but I would advise to leadership that this number is not terrible when considering the average CTR for sponsored LinkedIn ads are around 0.40 percent. It is also important to take into consideration that there is a difference in CTR depending on the ad format being used. The engagement rate is the average number of interactions with social media content per follower. In this case, it is the

Website Relaunch Campaign

amount of interaction on our LinkedIn campaign per followers which we found to be 0.45 percent. I would want leadership to know that the benchmark for this is 0.49% so there is room for improvement. Lastly, cost per click is the amount we are being charged when a user clicks on the ad. Our campaign results show the CPC came in $13.05 which is $1.02 cheaper than the benchmark provided by the agency. The campaign data will not just benefit my team, but also other departments throughout the organization. For example, the IT team can take this data and view how the target audience is reacting and engaging with it. Seeing that the bounce rate increased after the campaign can give tell them that maybe some of the content is irrelevant, website features are not as user-friendly as anticipated, or not easy to navigate. The finance department can use the cost-per-click results and overall success of the campaign to create budgets for future marketing efforts and strategies. The sales team can use the email sign-ups to follow up on sales leads, reach directly to their customers, and other sales efforts. Some specific additional data should be measured to support the campaign goals that were not provided. For example, being able to see the demographics of the users engaging with the LinkedIn ad would let us know if we were successful in our goal of reaching our target audience. We were trying to reach people based in the United States with job titles and classifications tax director, chief financial officer, controller, chief human resources officer, and C-suite. Being able to see information and data on the age, gender, job titles, company names, and industry of the users interacting with the LinkedIn ad would give me a little more insight into how we achieved that goal.

Website Relaunch Campaign

When communicating the results of the digital advertising campaign, I need to consider some ethical concerns. It is important to communicate the results truthfully and honestly. This includes discussing where the campaign may have failed or had less desirable results. I would also be transparent when communicating the results of the digital advertising campaign and provide the context of the data so that everyone has a better understanding of how the results came to be and can be useful to them. Another ethical concern I would take into account when sharing results is to try not to come with any biases. Taking responsibility for my findings is also a part of being able to communicate the campaign results and being open to answering questions from the audience about the data and conclusions I’ve made on them. There are a few steps that need to be taken in order to ensure accurate campaign reporting. The first step is to set up campaign goals. These goals usually align with the organization’s overall goals. Based on the goals set for the campaign, appropriate key performance indicators will need to be chosen in order to measure the performance of a marketing campaign by using quantitative metrics. Once the campaign has ended and the data has been collected, it is important to view the results and consider possible biases that were mentioned earlier in this paper that may be driving conclusions. By following these steps, I should be able to ensure my campaign results are accurate. I have some additional key performance indicators that I would recommend for this LinkedIn campaign that would add value for measuring future results. I would suggest adding KPIs that relate to conversions such as conversions, conversions rate, and cost per conversion. The conversions KPI measures the number of times a user took an action after seeing and clicking on the ad, the conversions rate measures how often the ad results in conversions on the

Website Relaunch Campaign

website, and how much the costs of each conversion. These KPIs can help further understand what marketing strategies are working or not working. There are some other KPIs and recommendations for campaign adjustments to meet future campaign goals. For example, LinkedIn ads can track professional demographics data that help with pinpointing who the target audience of the campaign was. We can then compare who we meant to target versus who we actually responded to. For future campaigns, LinkedIn also has a feature called Audience Expansion that helps determine a new audience who has similar demographics to the current audience. This can open up a new audience to target with the next campaign. I would also recommend expanding the LinkedIn campaign by adding other marketing strategies other ...

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