Health promotion campaign. PDF

Title Health promotion campaign.
Author Riannan ayleyxx
Course Health Promotion and Policy
Institution London Metropolitan University
Pages 5
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Details of chosen health campaign essay, that leads onto assessment 2 of this module....



Information about campaign: Change 4 life is a is a public health programme in England it began in January 2009 and is the first national social marketing campaign to tackle the causes of obesity. Change 4 life aims to help families make small sustainable yet significant improvements to their diet and activity levels they encourage families to adopt these six healthy behaviours. 5 a day, calorie intake advice, watch the salt, cut back fat, sugar swaps, 100 calorie snacks and get going everyday, these healthy habits enabled families to live healthier lifestyles. The target audience of this campaign are parents of children between 5-11 years old. The campaign is funded by the Public health. There are ethical issues with this campaign, for example it isn’t very cost effective, and the fact that their target audience is young children, some individuals question if this is ethical. Change 4life used media to promote their campaign. They have their own website , that lets individuals sign up to receive healthy food tips, recipes, and activity ideas, and they also had an advert to promote their campaign, they also use radio and social media, on channel 4 Change 4life was a previous sponsor of the Simpsons, a popular show, this allowed them to reach many more individuals at a faster pace. This lead to Change 4life exceeding all of their targets in the first year , these included the campaign reaching 99.9 percent of targeted families, 413;466 families joined Change 4life in the first year. Start 4 life is a sister brand of Change 4life it is aimed at pregnant women and new mothers and encourages healthy lifestyles.

Policies and legislations: There are policies and legislations that link to Change 4 life, for example school meals, food that is served in schools and academies in England must meet the schools food standards, children must have healthy balanced diets, the school food standards apply to all maintained schools and academies, that were founded before 2010 and after June 2014, they must provide high quality meat or fish, fruit and vegetables bread other cereals and potatoes they must not include, drinks with added sugar, crisps chocolate or sweets and vending machines are also banned. Also the NHS long term plan global obesity rates have tripled since 1975 the UK ranks against the worst in Europe, Obesity and poor diet are linked to type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. Obese people are also at increases risk of certain cancers, including being three times more likely to develop colon cancer. The Government has pledged to halve childhood obesity by 2030. Partnership working: In addition to consumer marketing, Change 4 life partner with local organisations, for example schools, they work together to ensure children are getting there balanced healthy diet. There are also Change 4 life sports clubs, they were designed by change 4life in 2011, to increase physical activity levels in the lesser active children in primary schools and they did this by, using multi sport themes, using the inspiration of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which were held in 2012, responding to what children want, establishing a habit of regular participation, developing a real sense of belonging, changing behaviours relating to key health outcomes, including healthy eating, physical activity and emotional health, The change 4life sports clubs programme is funded by the Department of health and managed by Youth Sport trust, a children’s charity.

Research behind Change 4 life: Due to obesity tripling since 1980s, one third of children and two thirds of adults are overweight or obese if this was to of continued by 2050 only 1 in 10 adults would be at a healthy weight this would double healthcare costs, the Government set out to try and reduce these chances, they focused on getting a rounded picture of the role of food and activity in the family life, and the attitudes behind these, and the things that put children at risk of obesity , research was also undertaken to look into activities and communications that could start to shift attitudes and lead to changed behaviour, many parents did not realise childhood obesity was a big issue, and healthy eating was perceived to be a middle class aspiration. Theoretical underpinnings of campaign: Stages of change ( Transtheoretical) model, developed by Prochaska and Di Clemente (1984) explain the process of behaviour change, it describes changes in motivation, behaviour change is not seen as a result of single cognitive decision, but a series of steps, firstly precontemplation this describes individuals that have no desire to change, then secondly contemplation, the stage at which a person considers making a change, thirdly determination, the stage at which a person makes a commitment to change, then action, the stage at which behaviour change is initiated, then maintenance sustaining the change that has been made, and health gains, this theory is relevant to what individuals will go through when participating in Change 4life, if successful in the maintenance change it can lead to a healthier population. Social marketing theory can also be linked to this campaign, its goal is to achieve social good, social marketing promotes general health, raise awareness and induce changes in behaviour.

Reference list: Communication Theory. (2019). Social Marketing Theory. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec GOV.UK. (2019). Childhood obesity: a plan for action. [online] Available at: -obesity-a-plan-for-action/childhood-obesity-a-plan-foraction [Accessed 16 Dec. GOV.UK. (2019). Standards for school food in England. [online] Available at: s-for-school-food-in-england [Accessed 3 Jan. 2020] (2019). Change4Life - Change4Life. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Dec. 2019]....

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