Flying Star - kjnjknjknk PDF

Title Flying Star - kjnjknjknk
Course Korean 1
Institution National University of Singapore
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1. In Flying Star Feng Shui, overall, the base star although is not considered by some as a "shining" star is neverthless a component of the full 20 Year Flying Star. 2. In Flying Star feng shui, each sector has a mountain star and a water star. These two stars affect the quality of the energy of that sector. While most people are aware of the Water Star 8, there are four other beneficial water stars that can be activated. This is especially helpful when your Water Star 8 isn’t in the best location, which is covered in a moment. The other stars in order of importance are 1, 4, 9 and 6 . The 1 star represents business success , the 4 star represents relationships, 9 is the star of future prosperity and 6 is the wealth of networking and windfalls. 3. Water Star is associated to money luck, wealth, career and material success. Which means if the water star of a grid has got a good number such as 1, 6, 8 or 9, that grid has got good luck associated to money. On the contrary, if the water star in a particular grid has a bad number such as 2, 3, 5 and 7, it represents money luck is at risk which is aligned to the behaviour of the star. For example, if water star in a space has the fatal #5 Yellow Star and that particular grid is used for conducting business, then one could be facing bankruptcy unless it is properly cured. 4. Mountain Star on the other hand is associated to relationship and health. Which means if the mountain star of a grid has got a good number such as 1, 6, 8 or 9, that grid has got good luck associated to relationship and health. On the contrary, if the mountain star in a particular grid has a bad number such as 2, 3, 5 and 7, it represents relationship and health are at risk which is aligned to the behaviour of the star. For example if you are looking for a romance location to activate, then you choose a mountain star that has romance green star #4 to activate. And if mountain star has illness black star #2, then those staying in a bedroom that falls into this grid will suffer from long term illnesses. 5. Sum of Ten combination: a Flying star numerology of #2 combined with #8 which when added equals sum #10. This is considered an auspicious number (interpretation). 6. Double 7's  for example: This house has a Flying Star combination of double 7's at the main door. Although on it's own #7 are inauspicious but because we are currently under Period 7, based on the Flying Star numbers a double 7 i.e. #7 mount ain with #7 water is considered an auspicious combination under Period 7. 7. Homes with main entrance facing double 8's are considered very auspicious under Period 8. 8. Combination of 2-5 and 5-2, both will bring disasters, illnesses, fatality and poverty. 9. Combination of 2-3 and 3-2, both will bring extreme quarrelsome energy that will fail a relationship, lead to divorce and destruct ones wealth luck. Combination of 3-5 and 5-3, both bring injuries, losses and death due to anger and quarrelsome energy 10. Combination of the double bad stars, such as 2-2, 3-3, 5-5 and 7-7. This will manifest the highest effects of those stars' behaviour. 11. Combination of a bad star with magnifying star #9 , such as 9-2, 9-3, 9-5, 97, 2-9, 3-9, 5-9 and 7-9. The magnifying star #9 will amplify the bad behaviour of the bad star and result in more serious effects.

12. The two charts have separate advantages – the SW 1 facing chart has a Sum of Ten combination between the mountain star and parent number. Example of a Flying Star Chart for a Period 8 House that is facing SW1: Lucky Mountain Lucky Water (Wang San Wang Shui) - This is the best of all types of houses in a certain period whereby lucky mountain star of that period is at the sitting position and lucky water star of that period is at the facing position. A good example of such type of chart is shown in the above chart. This kind of house will develop good money luck, good health and good relationship.

With the Southwest 1 facing houses, the flying star configuration is already set to capture the indirect spirit. In this situation, you will need to orientate your main door to face West 1 (primary direction) if you wish to tap the castle gate. This would be excellent because the West direction enables you to tap the Ho Tu.

The Southwest 2/3 chart has the 3 period parent string combination, where every sector has the 1-4-7, 2-5-8 and 3-6-9 star combinations. The latter chart has been described as the ideal condition for yin and yang energies to mingle. SW1: 4-7-6, 8-2-2, 6-9-4 SW2/3: 9-3-6, 5-8-2, 7-1-4

In a Southwest 2/3 house, you can tilt your door to face a Southwest 1 facing direction, thus allowing you to flip the chart to adopt the Southwest 1 chart.

One solution to having a Castle gate door with a SW 2/3 house, is to maintain the SW 2/3 direction but to have a small water feature in the Southwest and also build a pool in the Northeast. This will allow you to activate both the indirect spirit as well as the water star #8 while simultaneously enjoying the Parent string combination of numbers. In feng shui terms benefiting from these different theories will already bring special benefits.

13. Double Period Lucky Star in Facing Location - For example both mountain star#8 and water star#8 are in front of a house. This kinds of house bring excellent financial gains but poor health and relationship. Double Period Lucky Star in the Sitting Location - For example both mountain star#8 and water star#8 are at the sitting direction of a house. This kind of house will bring excellent relation and health luck, but poor financial luck. 14. Those of you who have studied flying stars feng shui will know that the combination of 2 (illness) and 5 (misfortune) is the one that we want to avoid the most. Before you move into a place I strongly suggest not to have this combination appear at the front door or the bedroom, or any other important areas of the house/business (i.e. home office or cash register in a retail store) as this will only strengthen the affliction here. 15. In period 8 (Earth), If the 2/5 hits your bedroom, do you have another room that you can use? If this is the only room, then hopefully you’ll be able to tap into a more auspicious location for your bed to minimize the effects (although using a different room would be more preferable). If this hits your front door , You can make sure that you place a lot of metal elements here (silver, metal, copper… anything metallic) to reduce the earth energy which is what 2/5 is categorized at. No reds here. No moving objects (i.e. a clock) and NO WATER FEATURE!!!!! This will generally work, and depending on other factors (determined with a proper audit) other things may be applicable as well to reduce it even more.


In Eight House Feng Shui, a dwelling is divided into nine palaces (sectors), one being in the centre and eight of which correspond to the eight magnetic directions. These palaces are north, south, east, west (cardinal directions), northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest (inter-cardinal directions).

As an example: If your house faces North it sits South. This is a fire element home and is auspicious for an east group person. There are only two examples where the facing and sitting directions belong to the same group and that is the North/South axis (east group) and the Northeast/Southwest axis (west group.) In all other cases compromises will be required because if the facing direction is east or west group, the sitting direction will be west or east group. The sitting direction always takes precedence.

In circumstances when your home is in the opposite group to you (based on your Kua number) and it is not possible to change an east group house into a west group house, and vice versa, whilst not ideal, the answer is to arrange the internal layout in harmony with your auspicious directions.

Oneshoul dal s oc ons i dert he" pr os per i t y "oft hes t ar sr el at i v et het hec ur r ent20y ear " per i od" .Forex ampl ei nPer i od8( 20042023)St ar8r epr esent s" c ur r entpr os per i t y " , St ar9r epr es ent s" f ut ur epr osper i t y " ,andSt ar1r epr es ent s" f ut ur ef ut ur epr os per i t y " . Al l oft heses t ar sar ec ons i der edgoodands houl dbeenhancedi nper i od8.I nPer i od 9( 20242044)t hegoods t ar swi l lbe9, 1and2.Not et hatev ent houghSt ar2 ( Si c k nes s )i sc onsi der edbadi ngener al ,i tal s os howsi t ' sposi t i v es i dei nper i ods9, 1 and2. The8St arwi l l beweak enedi nPer i od9andwi l lnotbe" us eabl e" .I nt hatc as e ac t i v at i ngt hegood8St ari nPer i od9wi l l notr esul ti nanot i c abl ec hangei nt heChi flowi ngi nt hehome.Thebads t ar ss houl dal way sbedr ai ned( " c ur ed" )i nal l nonpr osper ousper i ods .Forex ampl eSt ar5( ear t h)s houl dal way sbedr ai nedwi t hMet al ex cepti nper i ods3, 4and5.

Flying Star Referensi

8 mansion Referensi:

M = Mountain (Atas) B = Base W = Water M = Monthly (Bawah) Y = Yearly

Water is wealth, as the Chinese say. There’s no doubt that when there is abundance, water is also abundant. From the earliest times, water meant that no one died of thirst, crops and animals flourished and life became easier. Water also meant power to turn mill stones and generate energy. In Flying Star feng shui, each sector has a mountain star and a water star. These two stars affect the quality of the energy of that sector. While most people are aware of the Water Star 8, there are four other beneficial water stars that can be activated. This is especially helpful when your Water Star 8 isn’t in the best location, which is covered in a moment. The other stars in order of importance are 1, 4, 9 and 6. The 1 star represents business success, the 4 star represents relationships, 9 is the star of future prosperity and 6 is the wealth of networking and windfalls.

When the water stars are at the front of the house, the money side, they offer more benefits and are considered to be more auspicious. So you might want to pay particular interest to the water stars that fall at the front of the house. Even though your Water Star 8, the critical water star, may fall at

the rear of the house, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t activate it with water, it’s just not going to be as potent as if it were in the front of the house. Look at where all the water stars fall at your home and determine which corner is the most suitable and auspicious one to activate.


4. Meaning Of The 9 Stars We are listing the basic meaning for each of the 9 stars and the effect the stars might bring to that space. They are "magic numbers" calculated according to traditional Chinese Luo Shu. The Chinese name of each star also explains the meaning behind. Number 1 star: Yi Bai (One White) - Northwest in 2018 - The Victory star - Career and social advancement, recognition, wealth accumulation. Number 2 star: Er Hei (Two Black) - West in 2018 - The Illness star Illness, medical complication and health problems. Number 3 star: San Bi (Three Jade) - Northeast in 2018 - he Quarrelsome star - Conflict, argument, legal problems. Number 4 star: Si Bi (Four Green) - South in 2018 - Academic and Relationship star - Academic, scholastic, and artistic achievement. Positive relationship. Number 5 star: Wu Huang (Five Yellow) - North in 2018 - The Misfortune star - Misfortune and accident. Number 6 star: Liu Bai (Six White) - Southwest in 2018 - The Hevenly star - Wealth and money luck, career opportunity, improved professional status. Number 7 star: Qi Chi (Seven Red) - East in 2018 - The Robbery star - Robbery, marital problem, chronic health problems. Number 8 star: Ba Bai (Eight White) - Southeast in 2018 - The Prosperty Star - Prosperity, wealth, recognition. Number 9 star: Center - Multiplying star - Future prosperity, fame.

The Three Inauspicious Stars To Watch Out 1. Tai Shui (Grand Duke Jupiter): The is a Chinese diety associated with misfortune. We want to respect him and keep a safe distance if possible. In 2018, Tai Shui enters the Northwest. 2. San Sha (Three Killing): associated with natural or man-made disaster, or negative energy. In 2018, Three Killing is located in the North. The above 2 stars, plus the Misfortune star, or Wu Huang (Five Yellow), from the 9 stars above, are the three unlucky stars. They change the locations every year. Wu Huang, the Misfortune star is located in the North for 2018. You can see both Sha Sha and Wu Huang are in the North in 2018. We have to be extra careful for this location.

The annual 2018 Flying Star is derived from San Yuan Xuan Kong Flying Star system. The chart provides valuable information of the energy governs by each direction. In using the flying star feng shui, it can be used both as a divination method to worldwide events as well as mapping the internal energy of your house structure. Xuan Kong Flying Star is based on timely and untimely energy activation. It doesn't always meant the 5 Yellow Star is a disaster star. When used in the right period and timeline, the 5 yellow star can bring tremendous wealth. We should utilise the good energy star and avoid the negative energy star by studying the direction each star governs in 2018. Utilise doesn't requires you to buy any feng shui item such as dragon of Pi Xiu to activate it. Understand that feng shui talks about the environment our body resides in. Just by studying or doing your work in the right sector of the energy, one can manifest the great result the star energy bring in 2018. The flying star system is focus on each period of 20 years (later heaven) and period 8 is between 2004-2024. For early heaven energy activation, we are currently already transiting to Period 9, although later heaven energy will officially kick in after 2024.

Star 1 Nobility (NorthWest) - The Star 1 which governs nobility, status and reputation resides in NorthWest. This is also considered the future governing star which is still a prosperous state. Considered using this sector for your work desk table, making sales phone call and drafting business development plan. It can be the Northwest of your living room or the Northwest sector of your bedroom. Having your house main door in this location represent great opportunities in 2018, you will have to grab hold of it fast. Never mind that it may not look lucrative as this star talks about future opportunity and expansion even when started small. Star 2 Sickness (West) -The Star 2 governs sickness and illness. It is best to avoid this sector if you can. Cooking in this sector can trigger the sickness

star. Of course if your house have completed a proper feng shui audit with the right stove location, it is safe to ignore this. You may not want to get too cropped up in the West sector of your study room, as you may find stress will build up quickly and it is hard to gain progress. If your house main door happen to be in the West sector, pay close attention to your health and do not take things lightly when you are sick and go for your regular health check up. Star 3 Quarrelsome (NorthEast) - The Star 3 represent quarrelsome energy. If your sleeping bed is located in this sector of your bed room, you can find 2018 is going to be a very quarrelsome year between you and your partner. Consider shifting your bed to a better location. If your main door happens to be in this sector, you will have to learn to be more patient and do not let your temper get the better of you. Remember not to make any major decision when you are angry. Simply walk away from such situation, cool down and think through your decision. Star 4 Academic and Relationship (South) - The Star 4 is especially great for using it to pursue good academic result. Having your child PSLE or O'level this year? Try to locate their study desk to the South of the room, this will allow them to focus better and memories well. This sector also governs the peach blossom star which is great for anyone who is keen to pursue a serious relationship. Consider having a water feature in this area to activate the energy. Remember this only open up an opportunity, you must still go out and socialise if you are serious in not staying single. Star 5 Disaster and Misfortune (North) - The Star 5 is the infamous 5 Yellow star which governs disaster and misfortune as it is an untimely star in period 8. Activating this sector is a huge No-No and should be avoided totally. Activation meant drilling activities, knocking with hammer, ground digging or even very loud noise (energy wave). You should keep this sector silent and do not disturb it at all cost. If you really have to install that new clock and it requires drilling, you need to select an auspicious date and time to do the installation. I usually use Qi Men Dun Jia Date Selection to activate such activities as it governs current time space energy. If your main door is residing in this area, and you should not renovate your house this year. When given no choice but to proceed, then one should use professional date selection to begin the ground digging process. Star 6 Authority and Reputation (SouthWest) - The Star 6 brought with it fame, status and reputation. If you are seeking that promotional chance of your, you should position your working desk in this sector to tap onto this energy. When your main door is located in this sector, there's a very good chance you will be given strong chance of taking up a higher responsibility in 2018. The business people can tap onto this sector for brand building, expansion and partner collaboration. Star 7 Robbery and Violence (East) - The Star 7 governs robbery and violence and is residing in the East in 2018. You should avoid activating this sector and if your working area fall within this area, remember to guard your valuables and avoid heated exchange with your colleagues. For those that

have their main door residing in the East, it would be wise to install security system for your house to guard against robbery. You should be extremely cautious when returning home late at night. Star 8 Prosperous Wealth (SouthEast) - The most prosperous star 8 that governs wealth resides in Southeast in 2018. To pursue greater income source, investment, and business luck, consider having your working desk in this sector. For businesses that have the cash register at their retail outlet, considered relocating your cashier to this sector to increase more cash collection and business. If your house or office main door is located here, you should see more wealth accumulating in 2018. You should not waste this opportunity. Star 9 Multiplying Star (Centre) - The Star 9 is considered the next Period star and is an auspicious star. It has the capability of multiplying both good or bad star combo. Consider using the centre space to tap onto new opportunity or career option. Tai Sui Grand Duke NorthWest (292.5-307.5) - The Tai Sui otherwise known as the Grand Duke energy resides in the NorthWest between 292.5 degree - 307.5 degree. One should not disturb the sector of the Tai Sui by doing renovation, drilling or ground digging in this degree sector. San Sha Three Killing North (322.5 -37.5) - The San Sha Three Killing also resides in the same...

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