Focus P+H #HSC PDF

Title Focus P+H #HSC
Course History: Ancient History
Institution Higher School Certificate (New South Wales)
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Notes covering the syllabus focus on Pompeii & Herculaneum- i received a 24/25 for this section - all students in the state study this section...


Niche Short Answer Geography: Pompeii is located in the country of Italy, specifically in the southern region of Campania. ! Pompeii’s WEST- Bay of Naples & SOUTH- Apennine mountain range. ! In Campania is Mount Vesuvius & River Sarno= volcanic soil and permanent water supply. Together, these natural features made Campania a very fertile land- EV TRADE… Role of Women Predominant role in domestic sphere HW women of high status active in economic, religious, political roles! • DOMESTIC Slave girl bracelet - serpent with diamond eyes (P) - Inscription - ‘from the master to his slave girl’.! • ECONOMIC Wax tables of Poppae Note - business transactions and borrowing loans.! • POLITICAL Building of Eumachia - Building dedicated to self and son.

Eruption: P&H affected differently due to their proximity to Vesuvius and direction of the wind at time. ! EV- two stages of the eruption, Plinian phase and the Peléan phase impacted P&H. ! • Plinian phase + Pelean phase! PTY +Haraldur Sigurdsson-! Different ways that each site was affected by the eruption ev in what remained and its condition. • P- wooden features like roofs were destroyed - H wine shop that still contains wooden features.! Human remains @ P&H reveal different effects of eruption- causes of death and presentation • ‘PLOS ONE’ journal - iron oxides found on bones + ash layers= vaporisation tissues -500 degrees

The Economy: Role of The Forum, Trade, Commerce, Industries, Occupations Role of Forum- Forum Olitorium 8 openings + Marcellum + Outside Temple Apollo – mensa ponderaria! Trade- Pompeiian pottery + Amphorae - + Statue of Neptune + Hotel of Muses+ Strabo ! Commerce- Fresco Mercury + 600 shops + Frieze Estate of JF + House LCJ- 150 WTB +‘Profit is joy’! Industries! • WINE- PTE + Villa Pisanella courtyard - 120 dolia - 50000 litres wine + Amphorae • LAUNDRIES - 18 fullonicae (P) + Fullery of Stephanus + House of Wooden Partition- Clothes press! • FISHING - Strabo + Fishing gear + Statue of Neptune + House of AUS - Floor mosaic - garum sauce! Occupations- Bakeries / Laundries / Fishing / Grain market!

Social Structure: Men, Women, Freedmen, Slaves Clearly defined social structure in P&H bound by law HW dynamic nature w each class sig roles! Freeborn (M+W) - Primarily concerned with wealth accumulation and political recognition. • MNB-Equestrian Statue base inscription proconsul of Crete and Cyrenaica ! Statue at side of Herculaneum Basilica: + Statue at Suburban baths - he sponsored baths! • AUS- Tomb epitaph from Comitium - built his tomb - political involvement • EUMACHIA- Building of Eumachia + Inscription - priestess of Venus + mentions son

Freedmen and Freedwomen- FreedM/W- most fluid group P&H - associated w crafts/trade/commerce • LCJ- Pompeian banker- Villa of Pisanella - 100 pieces of silverware + House LCJ 150 wax tablets • JULIA FELIX + POPPAE NOTE- Estate of Julia Felix - wealth/business +Wax tables of Poppae Note -! Slaves (Male and Female) Ubiquitous in Roman Emp, particularly 1C AD= significant importance!

Local Political Life: Decuriones, Magistrates, Comitium P&H SG in local matters, but subject to imperial decree from Rome. EV reveals Local gov was structured into three levels; Decuriones, Magistrates and the Comitum+ majority pop politically active/enthusiastic.! Decuriones- Legislative arms of the gov- comprised of 100 former magistrates (decurions) who held their position for life, and advised the quatraviri (board of four-magistrates).! • Southern side of Forum! • Tomb epitaph - AUS - Decuriones payed for funeral and equestrian statue in forum - admin role -finance ! • Statue Marcus Nonius Balbus (H) - status was proposed by a duumvir and approved by comitium! Magistrates- presided over Decuriones and Comitium. This board of four consisted of two junior magistrates, known as aediles, and two duumvirs who had to have held the post of aedile already. ! • Magistrates elected annually each spring = patronage Equestrian statue of Marcus Nonius Balbus on Basilica ! Tombstone inscription Aulus Clodius Flaccus - 10,000S to public account during first year duumvir.! Tomb AUS - decorative scheme athletic games held in amphitheatre - he was a sponsor.! Fresco of bread distribution - link BW politics and commerce / patronage bread for vote! • Duoviri had more important role House of LCJ- 16 tablets - directly attest to aediles confirming sale pitches for market trades and renting out Pompeian property + the douviri collected taxes ! Tombstone inscription Aulus Clodius Flaccus - quinquennial duoviri- every five census\! Existence of Basilica building in the Forum suggests this is where the magistrates carried out duties! Comitium (Electoral Assembly) The Comitium elected the duoviri and aediles annually each Spring • Voting conducted by secret ballot - Statue inscriptions: “by popular demand”! • Comitium building - in the corner BW Forum and Via dell- Abbondanza - polling station where electorate would go during elections with their tesserula (voting cards) • Only freeborn men could vote HW all sectors of society involved in political process or enthusiastic! 2500 political manifestos (programmata) - ‘Vesonius Primus urges the election of Gnaeus Helvius as aedile, a man worthy of public office’! Trade Corporations - Election of March AD 79 - the pastry vendors supported Trebius Valenteas aedile! Everyday Life: Housing, Leisure Activities, Food and Dining, Clothing, Health, Baths, Water Supply, Sanitation Housing Houses are largest source of ev for DL in P&H- insight into how social status and wealth was reflected. • Houses reflected career + status - ownership of a villa/estate Coastal villa of Papyri (H) - view of water = WEALTHY! Estate of Julia Felix (P): urban villa/estate -parts transformed into private baths, shops, apartments!

Villa of Pisanella -LCJ countryside villa- agricultural production: wine/oil- remains of horses and mules! • Houses both public & private spaces - designs and decorations suggesting homes essential for interactions BW people - patron-client relationships House of the Vettii (P) -14 fountains in peristyle garden - 2 atria w plethora of frescoes - impress guests! The House of Meleager - elegant colonnade with Corinthian capitals in master’s reception room! House of the Faun - two atria and two peristyles = display stays and wealth Leisure Activities Wide range of leisure activities in P&H open to all levels of social class. • ENTERTAINMENT Amphitheatre (P)T- gladiators + animal fights- Stone seating 20’000 - ! SUPP - Tomb inscription of Aulus Claudius Flaccus + SUPP - Relief panel on tomb of AUS- types of gladiators with weapons/armour! Large Theatre- 5’000 seating + House of Tragic Poet - Mosaic backstage theatrical performance! • PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Large Palaestra + H Palaestra+ Villa of the Papyri - bronze statuette of a runner Fresco in Triclinium of the House of the Vetti – depicts Dianna as Goddess of hunting! • GAMBLING + DRINKING BATHS- Bar of Salvius fresco- 2 men + House of the Stags (H) -dice found • BATHS- Stabian, Forum, Central, Sarno (P) + Suburban + Forum (H) + Privately run bath Julia Felix

Food and Dining As approximately 200 eating and drinking places have been found in P and the fact majority of homes excavated do not have space for dining, evidence reveals food rarely eaten in the home unless wealthy • WEALTHY! House of the Moralist graffiti reveals dining etiquette- not flirting with another man’s wife.! House of the Tragic Poet - triclinium ‘three couches’ where maximum of 9 people seated! House of Vettii - larger house that had a separate kitchen area! Hotel of Muses (P): 8 rooms for banqueting! • MIDDLE CLASS Approximately 200 eating and drinking places have been found in Pompeii! SEAFOOD - Strabo - Pompeii on River Sarnus + Statue of Neptune ! WINE - Villa Pisanella courtyard - 120 dolia - 50000 litres wine + Amphorae -Spain, Germany + Britain! BREAD - 30 Bakeries excavated (P) + Bakery of Modestus 81 loaves of carbonised bread in oven! Skeletal remains: people well nourished and thus a healthy diet + Fish and animal bones!

Clothing: Most evidence of clothing comes from artistic representations - different clothing - status and wealth. HW may not represent what was actually worn DL, but rather symbolic or ceremonial. • Frescoes in houses shows clothing House of Vetti - Painting - Men: tunic, toga, sandals + high status = signet ring ! Bronze statue of Papyri - Women wearing Stola - long sleeveless tunic! House of Menander: Jewellery: rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets — Mirrors ! Health: A balanced diet and constant activity = largely healthy population as discerned through the analysis of human remains. HW, its clear wealth and status = higher levels of health and sanitation.! • Estelle Lazer - anthropology and forensic medicine techniques!

Examined remains of < 300 people stored in the Sarno Baths! 10% Skeletal remains show signs of Arthritis + 11% women post-menopausal= average 50s /60s! Lady of Oplontis + excellent teeth – high carbohydrate diet! SUPP - Dr. Sara Bisel’s analysis of human remains indicates good bone health = nourishment! • House of the surgeon (P): surgical instruments! • BATHS FOR SANITATION Stabian baths, Forum baths, Central baths, Sarno baths (P) + Suburban and Forum Baths (H)! Privately run bath of Julia Felix!

Religion: Household Gods, Temples, Foreign Cults and Religions, Tombs Household Gods- Evidence reveals the centrality of household Gods in everyday lives. • PUBLIC WORSHIP- 30 neighbourhoods crossroads shrines of the lares! • PRIVATE WORSHIP- House of Vetti- Fresco Triclinium Dianna + Cornell Uni- CDRC + Barrett • REINFORCED TH OF RS- House of Vettii - lararium painted- Genius of ‘pater familia’ BW two Lares • ERUPTION- House of the Menander - no statuettes of Lares found in lararium= taken in eruption

Temples (and Gods/Goddesses) Temples had two main functions - house the images of the gods and the objects with their worship + to be the place where the correct rituals were carried out by the priests and priestesses to honour the gods. • Temple of Isis - importance and popularity of foreign cults in Pompeii. Cult of Isis = rebuilding of Temple- 62 EQ by Ampleatus for son Celcinus= link BW FC & political status! • Temple of Apollo- enlarged after earthquake of 62 AD.! • Temple of the Genius of Augustus- statue to Fortuna Augustus and statues of IF- link BW R & P! • Temple of Venus- protector of Pompeii after it became a Roman colony in 80BC !

Foreign Cults and Religions Presence of FC temples shows openness of P&H to different cultures and the use of Temples to promote political status suggests that they were the domain of the elite • CULT OF ISIS rebuilding of Temple- 62 EQ by Ampleatus for son Celcinus= link BW FC & political status! Inscriptions indicate that 1/3 of worshippers were women.! Estate of Julia Felix shrine dedicated to Isis in gardens - indicates cult spread among elite! House of the Gilded Cupids - sacrum dedicated to Isis • GREEK GOD BACCHUS Villa of Mysteries- megalographic depicts Bacchus/initiation rituals - elite and selective nature of cult! Hill of Sant’Abbondio - small shrine to Bacchus in the south of Pompeii -! • TEMPLE OF DIONYSIS- House of the Vettii - Dionysius Fresco

Tombs- procedures for ‘burial’ varied according to the wealth of the owner.! • Household tombs! Elaborate tomb of Eumachia and her family Tomb of Gen Istacidias @ Herculaneum Gate, owners of Villa of Mysteries - large funerary chamber • Individual tombs rare

AUS Tomb + Tomb epitaph- Decuriones role giving 2000 sesterces for funeral + equestrian statue! Tomb epitaph of Naevoleia Tyche; granted by Decuriones for her tomb! Tomb of Eumachia was a semi-circular exedra almost 14 metres wide and 13 metres deep.! • Tombs Vehicle for Promotion AUS Tomb - decorative scheme of games held in amphitheatre for which he was probably sponsor! Tomb of the Augustale (priest) featured the sacred state seat (biseullium) awarded to him.! Tomb of Marcus Nonius Balbus (H) - inscriptions reveal relationships, social status(senator), positions (praetor) and achievements (restored many buildings).! • Less wealthy = funeral club (collegia tenurium) Ensured they would be interred in a mausoleum with others from the same club.!

Influence of Egyptian Culture There is some evidence of Egyptian influence within P but none in H. Egyptian art and architecture was owned by the wealthy and elite in order to demonstrate their wealth.! • No Egyptian style buildings in Pompeii and even the Temple of Isis was built in a Greco-Roman style.! • Evidence of Egyptian architecture Estate of Julia Felix - water feature ! • Evidence of Egyptian Art House of Faun mosaics depicted crocodiles, hippos, and ibis! Temple of Isis had Egyptian-style paintings of landscapes and Egyptian mythology! Temple of Isis - statue of Egyptian deity (Isis)!

Influence of Greek Culture Greek influences ubiquitous in P&H as both towns were Greek in origin and held an interest in Greek culture particularly as Hellenism and Rome wanted to link this part of the past to their heritage. Greek culture was prominent in all sectors of society, thus impacting and influencing P&H in its entirety.! • Evidence of Greek architecture All three styles of columns; Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian - derived from past Greek inhabitants.! Large Theatre horse shoe shape reveals the historical influence of Greek culture on Pompeii.! Herculaneum palaestra shows Greek influence in decoration and scale (120 x 80 metres and up to 11 metres high) given that its population was only about 5000! • Evidence of Greek Art - Mechanism for elite to express status House of the Vettii - depiction of Hercules! House of the Faun- Mosaics of Alexander the Great + Statue of Apollo...

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