Foley mark hall diane mygrammarlab b1 b2 PDF

Title Foley mark hall diane mygrammarlab b1 b2
Author Noemí Aguirre
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Institution Université Ibn Zohr
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Answer key Module 1

2 1 E 2 H 3 D 4 A 5 G 6 C 7 F 3 1 the 2 The 3 the 4 the 5 – 6 the

Unit 1 B 1 You are invited to a reception at the british

7 – 8 –

M useum at 7.30 p.m. on F riday, 20th A pril. There will be a talk by P rofessor E rnest B rand, author of T ribal Art, to introduce our new exhibition of art from N ew G uinea. Drinks will be served. Please reply to Ms H elena S ummers on 02243 77689 before 28th M arch.

Unit 4 1 1 E 2 D 3 A 4 F 5 B 2 1 Monday 2 Euston 3 the morning 4 Mr 5 the United 6 the Carlton 7 the centre 8 St Peter’s 9 the entrance 10 December 11 the afternoon 12 the bank

3 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 the 5 the 6 the 7 the 8 the 9 an 10 a 11 – 12 the 13 the

2 + -s

+ -es

+ -ies

cars houses

potatoes watches

countries lives families loaves

+ -ves

no change irregular

series sheep

children people

3 1 teeth 2 is 3 aircraft 4 Was 5 are 6 women 7 Were they 8 a pair of 9 sheep 10 children

4 1 1A 2B 2 1A 2B 3 1B 2A 4 1B 2A 5 1A 2B 5 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 B 6 1 a can of soup 2 a bottle of water 3 a bar of soap 5 a piece of furniture 7 a tub of butter

4 a jar of jam 6 a slice of meat 8 a packet of rice

1 1 an … a 2 a … an 5 a … a 6 a … an

3 a … an 4 an … a

2 1 – 2 a 3 the 4 a 5 – 6 – 7 the 8 the 3 jenny Hello, Karl. How are the things? Have you a

jenny karl jenny karl jenny karl jenny karl


karl jenny karl

Unit 5 1 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 A 2 1 This 2 ones 3 This 4 those 5 that 6 These 7 it’s 8 this

3 1 this is 2 that 3 That’s 4 that’s 5 That’s 6 those 7 that

8 those 9 That’s 10 these

Review 1 1 1A 2B 2 1B 2A 3 1B 2A 4 1A 2B 5 1B 2A 6 1B 2A

2 1 the deaf 2 television 3 the 4 the River 5 The 6 the unemployed 7 the 8 university 9 The Chinese 10 the

Unit 2


14 – 15 –

found job yet? Hi, Jenny. Yes, I have. Great! Is a the job near here? Yes. It’s at a hotel in a the city centre. That’s very convenient. Which hotel is it? It’s the hotel opposite the bus station: The Regent. Oh, yes. I know it. By the way, how is Maria? She’s OK now, but she’s been quite sick. She had an operation last month. Oh, dear. Was an the operation serious? No, don’t worry – nothing serious. She’s better now. I’m glad to hear it – the health is so important, isn’t it? Yes. It was a shock when she became ill. I can imagine. Has she got the a good doctor? Yes. The doctor’s very helpful.

Unit 3 1 I come from a close family. I’ve got two sisters and a brother. Emily’s the eldest sister. She’s a dentist and she’s a lovely person. Caroline is a student. She’s studying French at university. She isn’t a good student; she prefers to spend her time enjoying herself! My brother has got an interesting job, he’s an architect. He designed a beautiful new house for my uncle. I live with my parents in an old house in a small village. It’s a quiet place so I’m glad I’ve got lots of friends on the Internet!

3 1 That/The 2 that 3 those/the 4 a 5 the/this 9 that 10 14 the/this 19 the 20

6 that/the 7 the 8 the the 11 the 12 that 13 the 15 – 16 – 17 – 18 – the

4 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 B 9 A

10 B

test 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 C 7 B 8 A 9 C 10 A 11 B 12 A 13 B 14 C 15 A 16 A 17 C 18 C 19 A 20 B

Module 2 Unit 6 1 1 Tess’s husband works at Microsoft’s head office in California. 2 Mark and Sarah’s children are staying at their grandparents’. 3 In the UK, you can usually buy women’s perfumes at a chemist’s. 4 What’s the Prime Minister’s wife’s name? I’ve forgotten. 5 The country’s economic situation may lead to a reduction in people’s salaries.

2 1 school bus 2 identity card 3 address book 4 shower curtain 5 computer keyboard

3 1 Charles’ or Charles’s 2 Lou’s car 3 London’s Soho district 4 the idea of the restaurant 5 variety of the food 6 garlic lover 7 size of the bill

4 1 Nick’s father’s business

2 four weeks’ holiday


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3 doctor’s waiting room 4 children’s hospital 5 job of the government/government’s job 6 time of (the) night

Unit 7 1 1 yours 2 mine is 3 Olivia’s 4 hers 5 ours 6 that yours 7 hers

8 my

2 1 his her 2 3 4 5 6

the his (ankle) the mine mine her hers of them theirs. it’s the cat’s/his/hers.

3 1 uncle of mine 2 their villa 3 Your yoghurt 4 of my own 5 friend of Laura’s

Unit 8 1 1 one 2 one 3 a later one 4 one 5 others/ other ones 6 white 7 this/this one, the other/ the other one 8 the others 2 shopper I’d like an apple pie, please. one assistant Certainly, would you like a small pie or a large pie one? shopper Oh, just a small pie one, I think. assistant These pies ones are fresh from the oven; they’re still warm. shopper Mmm, they smell good. I think I’ll have a cherry pie too, please. Can I have that pie one? assistant Of course. Anything else? shopper Yes, I’d like some bread. assistant Brown bread or white? shopper Do you have bread rolls? assistant Yes, we have brown and white rolls ones. shopper I’ll have two brown rolls ones, please. assistant Here you are. That’s £4.40.

3 1 Can I try a smaller one? 2 3 4 5 6

I’ll have the egg ones/the cheese ones. I prefer the other one/the second one. I’d like one with a bath/one with a shower. Let’s watch the other one. I’d like one with Internet access/without Internet access.

Unit 9 1 1 Children under twelve can’t see the film by themselves. 2 If you don’t wear a hard hat, you may hurt/injure yourself. 3 In this restaurant, we have to get the food ourselves. 4 All the supporters must behave themselves.

2 1 C 2 A 3 F 4 E 5 B 3 1 you 2 themselves 3 them 4 each other 5 by 6 himself

7 they 8 yourself

Unit 10 1 1 all 2 some 3 any 4 none 5 some 6 any 2 1 All of them 2 3 4 5 6 7

any some no any none any Some Any I’ve got any I haven’t got any didn’t enjoy enjoyed

8 Most Most of the

3 1 Arnaud likes most music. 2 Fran has some designer clothes. 3 John has read all of Shakespeare’s plays. 4 Ellen hasn’t visited any foreign countries.

4 Model answers 1 2 3 4

I like some music. I haven’t got any designer clothes. I’ve read some of Shakespeare’s plays. I’ve visited some foreign countries.

Unit 11 1 1 everywhere 2 nowhere 3 something 4 everything 5 nothing 6 anything 7 somebody 8 everyone

2 1 Anything 2 Somewhere 3 nowhere 4 Nothing

3 1 No one/Nobody 2 nothing 3 anyone/ anybody 4 everywhere 5 something/anything cold 6 something/anything cheaper 7 someone/ somebody else 8 something to read

Unit 12 1 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A 2 1 many 2 a lot of 3 Very few 4 aren’t enough 5 too many 6 much 7 little 8 a little

3 1 a lot 2 not much 3 much 4 very few 5 a little 6 many

Unit 13 1 1 Neither of the meals is vegetarian. 2 Both meals contain vegetables. 3 Neither picture shows the whole meal. 4 Both (of) the meals include French fries.

2 1 either 2 both 3 neither 4 neither 5 whole 6 every 7 all

8 either

3 1 both (of) 2 the whole 3 Neither restaurant 4 All (of) the 5 didn’t see

Review 1 1 friend of mine 2 city centre 3 James’/ James’s 4 children’s 5 school director/director of the school 6 the history of Prague/Prague’s history 7 Eliska’s house 8 hers 9 week’s holiday 10 an apartment of my own

2 1 Jimmy and Ben like each other. 2 There’s nowhere to sit (in the hall). 3 Some of the students are staying with us and the others are staying in the hostel. 4 Alexei hurt/injured himself badly when he fell down the stairs. 5 They are always digging the road up! 6 Did you go to the cinema by yourself? 7 I’d like a banana but I don’t want that green one. 8 The letter was sent to everyone in this district.

3 1 both his numbers 2 too much homework 3 every day 4 all the travel documents 5 a few students 6 much petrol 7 any station 8 very few seats

4 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 A

5 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 G 5 D 6 B


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6 1 Both children have dark hair.

3 1 at 2 for 3 during 4 at 5 until/till

2 3 4 5

Carol has some bags/a few bags of crisps. The adults are talking to each other. Dennis is Alicia’s son. The children aren’t behaving themselves. / Neither child is behaving himself. / Neither of the children are behaving themselves. 6 They’ve eaten some of/a little of the cake. 7 They’ve eaten some/most of the sandwiches. 8 Both of the children are wearing red T-shirts.

7 1 I 2 K 3 B 4 J 5 L 6 H 7 A 8 D 8 1 their 2 a 3 ones 4 Most/Many 5 anyone 6 of 7 one

8 other 9 Both

10 little

test 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 A 9 C 10 B 11 C 12 C 13 C 14 A 15 C 16 B 17 A 18 B 19 C 20 B

6 by 7 –/for

8 –

Unit 17 1 1 besides 2 by 3 on 4 by 5 by 6 apart 7 of 8 with

2 1 A lot of people hate travelling by plane. 2 3 4 5

My uncle worked as a teacher for twenty years. My mobile phone looks like an iPod. You can use this computer as a DVD player. The centre is open every day except (for)/apart from New Year’s Day.

3 1 on ship by ship 2 3 4 5 6

by detergent with detergent apart for apart from with crocodile skin from/of crocodile skin with cheque by cheque to crushing for crushing

4 + Model answers

Module 3 Unit 14 1 1 at (time) 2 out of (movement) 3 for (time) 4 away from (movement) 5 by (means) 6 for (purpose) 7 with (instrument) 8 by (means)

2 1 Derek waited at the bus stop for hours. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I left my coat in the car last night. The cat often slept under the duvet. They lived above the greengrocer’s. Lori lived opposite the greengrocer’s. We parked our car in front of the cinema. The girls had a picnic among the pine trees. Jacob always sat between the two girls.

1 by email I prefer to keep in touch with my friends by phone. 2 with my husband I usually go on holiday with my parents. 3 by credit card I usually pay for things by credit card.

Unit 18 1 1 in 2 by 3 out of 4 in 5 for 6 In 7 – 8 on

2 1 C 2 H 3 D 4 F 5 E 6 G 7 A 8 I Have you and Ines finished that project you 3 cal tanya

3 1a Ella 1b Jane 1c Jack 2a Anna 2b Len 2c Steph 3a Nils

3b Marga 3c Vince

4 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 A 5 Model answers 1 2 3 4 5

There are some books next to my bed. There are shoes and boots under the bed. There’s a clock and some pictures on the walls. There isn’t anything on top of the wardrobe. There’s another house opposite the bedroom window.

Unit 15 1 1 to 2 along 3 across 4 past 5 into 6 onto 2 1 across over 2 3 4 5 6

onto into  through across/over to at along past

3 1 across/over, along 2 past, over, through 3 over, past, through, to 4 along, across/over, past, through, into

Unit 16 1 1 in 2 on 3 at 4 in 5 during 6 at 7 at 8 – 9 –

10 in

2 1 in the afternoon 2 in/within four days 3 during the summer 4 from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. 5 (for) fifteen minutes 6 until/till/to four o’clock 7 in/within two hours 8 this evening

cal tanya cal

tanya cal tanya

were working on? Yes, we finished it at the end in the end. It took such a long time. We had to finish it by last Friday in the latest at the latest, and we sent it on Wednesday. Talking of Ines, have you heard the news? No, what news? She’s going back to the Spanish office. She says she’s leaving London to good for good. No! I know she came here in business on business at the beginning of her stay, but I thought she loved London. How long has she been here? At last At least three years – maybe longer. So why’s she going back? Well, she thinks it’s too expensive here, and she misses her family. But it isn’t off the question out of the question that she might come back for short visits.

Review 1 1 across 2 at 3 through 4 out of 5 next to 6 past 7 in front of 8 over 9 by 11 opposite 12 above

10 between

2 1 F 2 G 3 D 4 C 5 E 6 B 3 1 during 2 on 3 out of 4 into 5 through 6 along 7 until

8 by

4 1 least 2 time 3 pen 4 work 5 here 6 plane 7 email

5 1 on fire 2 from eight until/till/to ten 3 in charge of 4 except for

5 in front of Jim

6 out of date 7 at the latest

8 on foot


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3 We only have four working elephants here at

1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 B 8 C 9 C 10 C 11 A 12 A 13 C 14 A 15 C 16 C 17 A 18 B 19 C 20 A

Module 4 Unit 19 1 1 Is that bird alive? 2 Our new neighbours seem friendly. 3 Are your guests awake? 4 The weather was hot and sunny. 5 Are you getting a new car? 6 It was a long and difficult test. 7 We’ve got yellow and orange/orange and yellow wallpaper. 8 My aunt lives in a big old house.

2 1 shocking 2 exciting 3 broken 4 confusing 5 painted

6 missing

3 Do you think zoos are bored boring and unnatural? Do you prefer to see beautiful and wild beautiful wild animals in their natural environment? Jarrold’s Nature Park is an excited exciting new way of seeing animals. We know our animals are sensitive lived living creatures so we keep them in enclosures that are large, open large and open. There are no ugly cages or high fences. We have animals beautiful beautiful animals from all parts of the world. Your children will love the amazed amazing tropical forest with its birds and monkeys. From enormous terrified terrifying spiders to cute panda bears. Jarrold’s has them all. Jarrold’s Nature Park. It’s much more than a zoo ordinary an ordinary zoo!

Unit 20 1 1 pleasant little stone (cottage) 2 big new wooden (chest of drawers) 3 pretty blue silk (dress) 4 nice big living (room) 5 small round silver (picture frame) 6 famous seventeenth-century Dutch (artist) 7 expensive German washing (machines) 8 horrible red cotton (T-shirt)

2 1 slightly 2 very 3 more violent than 4 a few minutes 5 better than

6 very

3 1 nice tourist 2 lovely large 3 quite old 4 old wooden 5 big red expensive 8 pretty late

6 very

7 rather

Unit 21 1 1 This towel is drier than that one. 2 Magazines are more interesting than newspapers. OR Magazines are less interesting than newspapers. 3 My spelling is worse than Lucy’s. 4 The airport is further/farther than the railway station. 5 Paris is more beautiful than Berlin. OR Paris is less beautiful than Berlin. 6 Steak is better than lamb.

Songklan so it is more small smaller than the other elephant farms in the area. The largest elephant farm of in this part of Thailand has 30 elephants! The four elephants here have different backgrounds and personalities. Mao-Mao travelled the most far furthest; he came from Chaing Rai in the north of the country. Changra is the goodest best worker, he loves lifting wood. But he’s very greedy. He eats a lot more than the others! Selma is the most bad worst worker, she’s very lazy. She’s only eighteen years old but each year she gets lazier and more lazier lazier! Tanan is friendlyer friendlier than the other elephants; she really loves people.

4 1 Mao-Mao is the heaviest of the elephants. 2 3 4 5 6

Changra is younger than Mao-Mao. Selma is older than Tanan. Tanan is the youngest elephant. Changra is greedier than the others. Tanan is the friendliest of the elephants.

Unit 22 1 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 B 2 Television viewers are sometimes surprised to learn lot

that natural history programmes are often a more popular than soap operas or films. One of the most famous presenters is David Attenborough. He has been making programmes about nature since the 1960s. In those days Jacques Cousteau was by far the most famous TV presenter of nature programmes. Although Cousteau only made programmes about life in the sea, his style of presenting was similar to Attenborough’s – they both seem like friendly uncles who really love nature. Of course, today’s programmes are different from those of fifty years ago. In those days cameras were not nearly as small and light as they are now. Today the technology is much more advanced and there are digital special effects which can help us understand the complexity of the natural world.

3 1 is older than me. 2 quite as big as 3 is almost the same as 4 are different from 5 by far the most expensive 6 a bit higher than

Unit 23 1 happily






2 1 early 2 well 3 happily 4 hard 5 usually 6 fast

3 1 very 2 quite interesting 3 computer games a lot 4 extremely 5 happily 6 fairly easy 7 in a silly way 8 rather 9 perfectly 10 really

4 1 quite well 2 extremely fast 3 really slowly 4 very carefully 5 quite often 6 very much 7 rather hard 8 a little

2 1 Mario is the oldest student in my class. 2 3 4 5 6

Selima is the tallest of the athletes. New York is the biggest city in North America. That is the most beautiful tree in the garden. Harry is the most experienced of the workers. Mine is the nicest of the rooms.


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Unit 24 1 1 I’ve never seen a dolphin.


2 We rarely go to the theatre. 3 Christine didn’t go to work this week. / This week Christine didn’t go to work. 4 I’d like to speak French fluently. 5 When did you live there? 6 The bus is frequently late. 7 The traffic is always bad in London. / In London the traffic is always bad. 8 Answer the questions carefully. 2 1 A 2 I 3 D 4 F 5 L 6 G 7 B 8 J

feeling this morning


How are you this morning feeling?


Not fantastic. You know I feel hardly ever hardly ever feel great at this time of day.


How about a cup of tea? Always that always makes you feel more good better. OK. That would be nice.

susie nurse


3 1 She occasionally is on the same train as me . 2 I don’t like in the evenings eating a heavy meal . 3 Always We


Well, it usually is is usually Doctor Marshall on Wednesdays.


I don’t like her. She a bit annoys me annoys me a bit. Why’s that?

buy organic food.

4 I this morning received an interesting email . 5 Danny


has often fruit for breakfast.

6 My sister and I during the daytime watch TV . 7 It’s snowing so everyone is slowly driving 8 You should

9 We here hardly ever have lunch . 10 Samantha well sang

at the concert on Friday.

Unit 25 1 1 the highest 2 more frequently 3 the best 4 the fastest 5 more slowly 7 more carefully 8 later

6 the longest

2 1 work as fast as 2 sang the best 3 more fluently than 4 was the worst player



wash your hands always before a meal.

5 as frequently as

3 1 as well as 2 further than 3 as easily as 4 as

The doctor says that if you go slowly fairly fairly slowly, you tod...

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