Funda PP40 - notes PDF

Title Funda PP40 - notes
Author Hailey Lawson
Course Fundamentals Of Nursing
Institution Middle Georgia State University
Pages 4
File Size 88.5 KB
File Type PDF
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4/16/18 Did not ge tot this, check PP 

¡ Sexuality Chapter 40 Kassi Hill, MSN, RN

¡ Sexual development middle adulthood (40-65 years)

¡ Decreased hormone production

¡ Menopause in women between 40-55 years

¡ Climacteric occurs gradually in men

¡ Quality rather than number of occurrences becomes important

¡ Individuals establish independent moral and ethical standards

¡ Sexual development late adulthood (65 years and older)

¡ Interest in sexual activity continues but may be less frequent

¡ Women Vaginal secretions diminish

Breasts atrophy ¡ Men Produce fewer sperm Need more time to achieve erection and ejaculate 

¡ Sexual health

¡ WHO (1975) definition: In terms of physical, emotional, psychological, and social well-being

¡ Characteristics of sexual health

¡ Knowledge about sexuality and sexual behavior

¡ Ability to express one’s full sexual potential

¡ Ability to make autonomous decisions about one’s sexual life

¡ Experience of sexual pleasure as a source of physical, psychologic, cognitive,

4/16/18 Did not ge tot this, check PP and spiritual well-being 

¡ Capability to express sexuality through communication, touch, emotional expression, and love

¡ Right to make reproductive choice

¡ Ability to access sexual health care

¡ Assessment interview

¡ Are you currently sexually active? With men, women, or both?

¡ With more than one partner?

¡ Describe positive and negative aspects of your sexual functioning

¡ Do you have difficulty with sexual desire: Arousal? Orgasm? Satisfaction?

¡ Do you experience any pain with sexual interaction?

¡ If there are problems, how have they influenced how you feel about yourself? How have they affected your partner? How have they affected your relationship?

¡ Do you expect your sexual functioning to be altered because of your illness?

¡ What are your partner’s concerns about your future sexual functioning?

¡ Do you have any other sexual questions or concerns that I have not addressed?

¡ Nanda nursing diagnosis

¡ Diagnoses relating specifically to sexuality: Ineffective Sexuality Pattern Sexual Dysfunction

¡ Sexual problems as etiology of other diagnoses: Deficient Knowledge Pain Anxiety

4/16/18 Did not ge tot this, check PP Fear Disturbed Body Image 

¡ Nursing interventions

¡ Provide privacy during intimate body care

¡ Give attention to the client’s appearance and dress

¡ Give clients privacy to meet their sexual needs alone or with a partner within physically safe limits

¡ Health promotion teaching

¡ Sex Education

¡ Teaching Self Examinations Self-breast examination (BSE) Testicular self-examination (TSE)

¡ Responsible Sexual Behavior Prevention of sexually transmitted infections- STIs can cause women to develop pelvic inflammatory disease resulting in damage to the reproductive tract and possible infertility. Aids can also be acquired through sexual transmission and currently has no cure. o

 Prevention of unwanted pregnancies


 Avoidance of sexual harassment or abuse

¡ Dealing with inappropriate sexual behavior

¡ Communicate the behavior is not acceptable

¡ Tell the client how the behavior makes you feel

¡ Identify the behavior you suspect

¡ Set firm limits

¡ Try and re focus clients from the inappropriate behavior to their real concerns and fears

4/16/18 Did not ge tot this, check PP 

¡ Report the incidence to the charge nurse

¡ Evaluation

¡ The goal established during the planning phase are evaluated according to specific outcomes

¡ If any outcomes have not been achieved, the nurse should explore the reasons...

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