Gilgamesh Study Questions and Answers PDF

Title Gilgamesh Study Questions and Answers
Course Ancient History of the Western World
Institution Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Pages 3
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Instructor: Dr. Harrington Becker.
Study questions and answers regarding Quiz on "Epic Gilgamesh"...


When did Gilgamesh live? 2800-2500 BCE/ 2700-2500 BCE Where did he live (name of his city)? Uruk Why is everyone in that city mad at him? Gilgamesh was tyrannical and lustful. He was depicted as a tyrannical and oppressive ruler. He exploited the men and women of the city Uruk. In “Epic Gilgamesh”, Gilgamesh took the virginity of women and daughters. Gilgamesh also took young men and exploited them in wars and forced labour. Who is Enkidu? Describe him. Enkidu is the wild man created by the goddess Aruru. Enkidu was created to be Gilgamesh’s equal. He was strong and tall. He also has long hair like those of the goddess Nisaba, and his body is covered with matted hair as well. How and why was Enkidu created? Enkidu was created by the goddess Aruru by pinching of clay in water, after which Enkidu was dropped into the wilderness. Enkidu was created as the equal to Gilgamesh after the people cried out to the gods about Gilgamesh’s cruelty. How and why was Enkidu civilized? Enkidu was civilized after interacting with a harlot, brought by a trapper under the advice of Gilgamesh. Enkidu became civilized after being seduced by and sleeping with the harlot. The trapper was frustrated at Enkidu as Enkidu kept on releasing trapped animals from the trapper’s traps. Describe the initial encounter between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Enkidu heard of Gilgamesh’s intentions to sleep with a newly wedded bride, before her husband sleeps with her and decided to stop Gilgamesh. They met on a street in Uruk and wrestled. Gilgamesh defeated Enkidu in the wrestling match, but they became good friends in that encounter. Why is Enkidu fated to die? Gilgamesh and Enkidu killed “the bull from heaven” which was released by the goddess Ishtar after Gilgamesh rejected Ishtar’s request for him to be her lover. The gods heard about the killing of the bull and were outraged. They were also angry at the killing of the giant, Humbaba. They decreed that one out of the two friends must die, and they chose Enkidu. Describe Enkidu's dream of the Underworld. Enkidu dreamt that he was facing a man-bird creature who turned Enkidu’s arms into feathered wings. The man-bird creature then led Enkidu to palace of Irkala, the queen of darkness. In the palace, Enkidu saw people sitting in darkness eating dust as food; and clay as meat, who were also dressed like birds. Enkidu saw former kings and rulers as servants in the palace, fetching water and meat. Enkidu also saw a number of gods and goddesses in the palace, like Samuqan and Ereshkigal. He also saw a being named Belit-Sheri squatting in front of Ereshkigal who was the gods’ recorder.

When Belit-Sheri looked up at Enkidu and asked who brought Enkidu here, that is the moment when Enkidu woke up. How does Gilgamesh respond to Ishtar's advances? Gilgamesh responded by listing out the examples of how Ishtar was being a scornful lover, about how Ishtar punished those who she claimed to love. What does Gilgamesh decide to do because of the death of Enkidu? Gilgamesh became aware of his own mortality and started to fear dead. He decided to seek for a way to escape death. Gilgamesh decided to seek out Uthnapishtim, who was granted eternal life by the gods after the great flood. Gilgamesh hoped Uthnapishtim can help him to escape death. Why does Gilgamesh seek Utnapishtim? Gilgamesh decided to seek out Uthnapishtim, who was granted eternal life by the gods after the great flood. Gilgamesh hoped Uthnapishtim can help him to escape death. How does Utnapishtim's wife help Gilgamesh? Utnapishtim’s wife helped Gilgamesh by telling Utnapishtim he should let Gilgamesh go back to his home country with something, which Utnapishtim agreed. Utnapishtim then told Gilgamesh about a rose-like plant under the sea, which can restore youth for a man. Describe the reaction of the gods to the Flood. The gods were terrified by the flood. All the gods of heaven and hell raced up to highest heaven where Anu lived to escaped the flood. How would you characterize the nature of the gods in the story of the Flood? The gods in the story of the flood displayed human nature, or actions like human. For example, they showed fear at the flood and they are attracted to the sweet smell of the sacrifices from the humans after they survived the flood. What test does Utnapishtim give to Gilgamesh? Does he pass it? The test is Gilgamesh must stay awake for 6 days and 7 nights. Gilgamesh did not pass the test. Who intercedes on Gilgamesh's behalf? What secret is revealed to Gilgamesh? Utnapishtim’s wife interceded on Gilgamesh’s behalf by suggesting to her husband that he should touch Gilgamesh to wake him up in order for Gilgamesh to pass his “6 days-7 nights no sleep” test. Utnapishtim refused to do so. Utnapishtim’s wife interceded on Gilgamesh’s behalf for the second time by suggesting to her husband that he should not let Gilgamesh go home empty handed. Which made Utnapishtim revealed to Gilgamesh a secret that is the rose-like plant under the sea which will restore and old man’s youth. What happens to Gilgamesh's "prize"? Snatched by a serpent when the serpent smelt the sweetness of the flower while Gilgamesh is bathing in a pool.

How does the story end? Gilgamesh died at the end of the story. After his death, his people were deeply saddened as they brought offerings to him. Gilgamesh’s people lamented that how great a ruler he was. Before his death, Gilgamesh came to terms with his own mortality. He learned that the most important thing is his legacy, which will continue to live on after he dies....

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