Global Issues Spring 2019 Section 012 PDF

Title Global Issues Spring 2019 Section 012
Author Huibin Zhang
Course Global Issues
Institution Georgia State University
Pages 6
File Size 141.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 88
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Download Global Issues Spring 2019 Section 012 PDF


Political Science 2401 – Global Issues (Section 012, CRN 10575) Georgia State University, Spring 2019 Aderhold Learning Center 430, MW 11.00AM – 12.15PM Instructor: Dr. Onur Sen Office: Langdale Hall 856 Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday 12.30pm-01.30pm or by appointment E-mail: [email protected]

Course Content This course is designed to introduce students to the issues that the international society is facing today. The course covers topics as diverse as globalization, theories of international politics, conflict and peacebuilding, international organizations, human rights and environment. Although the course will be taught in a lecture format, your informed participation will make it more interesting and beneficial. Therefore, you are expected to come to the class having read the assigned readings. Since the topics are related to daily events happening in the world, you are also expected to follow international news from various media outlets. Course Objectives By the end of the course the students should be able to: -understand and analyze several key global issues -identify key structural features of the international system -analyze and articulate positions on international policies -identify the major international bodies and their functions -display knowledge of the diversity of living standards in the world -identify the major issues and parties involved in international conflicts

Requirements Grade distribution is as follows: Realizeit Quizzes – 25% Common Assessment – 5% Midterm – 30% Final – 40%


Realizeit Quizzes: This class includes 11 adaptive learning online modules inside the Realizeit courseware, as well as three map quizzes also incorporated into Realizeit. The adaptive learning modules include lessons using sections from Snarr and Snarr “Introducing Global Issues”, the Robinson Country Intelligence Index (which reinforces course concepts and strengthens global, data, and digital literacy), and other materials (such as videos or additional readings). These lessons are designed to help you learn the material, prepare for exams, and gain a deeper appreciation of the topics covered. Most weeks a module will be due no later than 11:59pm on Sunday. You can go back and revise any lesson in a Realizeit assignment to improve your score, as long as you redo it prior to the due date set out in the course schedule below. To try and improve your score, select Revise and then complete the lesson again (both content and questions). After the due date, you can continue to access past modules in Realizeit to study for tests, but your grade for that module will have been submitted. Note, you may also move forward to the next modules within a section of the course prior to the weeks they are assigned Map Quizzes: The three short map quizzes (10-minute limit, 2 attempts, you must get all correct on a map to get credit for that map) each cover two regions of the world: A) Middle East/Former Soviet Union B) Asia/Latin America C) Africa/Europe. Knowing the basic geography of the places we’re covering is central to getting the most out of this course. You will be given a list of possible countries to be identified on each quiz; a selection of these countries will be covered on the actual quiz. Combined, the map quizzes count as the equivalent of one adaptive learning module in your overall grade tied to Realizeit (or 1/12 of the 25%). The map quizzes open the first day of the course (01/14) and close on April 28th, 11:59pm. Common Assessment: This is an assessment for all sections of this class to compare teaching standards. You will have access to this assessment through iCollege towards the end of the semester. Midterm Exam: It will consist of several multiple choice questions about the material covered prior to the midterm. Final Exam: It will consist of several multiple choice questions. Material covered will only include readings and in-class lectures presented after the Midterm Exam.


Course Policies Grading Scales: Grades will be assigned on the following bases: A+ A AB+ B B-

98-100 94-97 90-93 88-89 84-87 80-83


78-79 74-77 70-73 60-69 0-59

Attendance: Although I will not take attendance on a regular basis, you are required to come to every class on time having read the assigned readings and daily international news. Make-up policy: I will only let a student take a make-up exam when he/she provides an excuse with a letter from a doctor, the university, or another appropriate source. Laptop Policy: Laptops and tablets are allowed and encouraged only if they are used for appropriate note taking purposes. Disabilities: Those of you with disabilities should inform me of any special needs you may have. Academic Honesty: You are expected to know university policies on academic dishonesty and disruptive behavior and act accordingly in this class. Plagiarism and cheating will result in an “F” on the assignment. Policy on Incompletes: For GSU policy on incompletes, please see: (if this link not available, check here: and for GSU policy on hardship withdrawals, please see: Policy on Withdrawals: Please note that the semester’s midpoint is March 05, 2018. By this date, students can withdraw from the class and receive a “W”. Changes to the Syllabus: The course syllabus provides a general plan for the course; deviations may be necessary.


Required Materials Realizeit Adaptive Learning Courseware—this courseware embeds a text (Snarr and Snarr, “Introducing Global Issues”, 6th ed.), the RCII, and other learning materials. Subscription information: a. If you are enrolled in the course in iCollege, you are automatically enrolled into Realizeit, which is integrated into iCollege. b. You have three weeks (until February 3rd) from the start of the course to purchase access from Realizeit. To purchase access, go to You will receive an email with your purchased access code. Please copy your access code and follow the steps below to redeem: i. Log into Global Issues on iCollege ii. Click on any Realizeit link within the course iii. Select an activity to work on within Realizeit iv. When the Access key window pops up, enter your access code v. Click “Activate” c. If you fail to purchase the access code within three weeks, your Realizeit access will be disabled. The system will retain your work. Once you complete the purchase, your access will be reenabled. Please contact Realizeit if you drop the course prior to September 10; there will be no refunds for the courseware after September 10. d. Questions concerning the Realizeit courseware should be directed to: 1-888-210 6097 and [email protected]. This is 24/7 support. e.

Questions specific to the RCII should be directed to [email protected] and 404-413-7129.

Note: You are also required to follow international news on a daily basis as they will be a part of the class discussions.


Course Outline Week 1

01.14 / 01.16 Class Introduction / Introduction to World Politics -

Week 2

01.21 / 01. 23 MLK Day (No Class both days) -

Week 3

Module 4 (Due 02.17, 11.59 pm)

02.18 / 02.20 Revision for Midterm Exam / Midterm Exam -

Week 7

Module 3 (Due 02.10, 11.59 pm)

02.11 / 09.13 Global Security Challenges: Weapons Proliferation -

Week 6

Module 2 (Due 02.03, 11.59 pm)

02.04 / 02.06 Global Security: Old Issues, New Realities -

Week 5

Module 1 (Due 01.27, 11.59 pm)

01.28 / 01.30 Our Globalized World / Key Actors and Ideas on the World Stage -

Week 4

No Reading / Module

No Reading / Module

02.25 / 02.27 Global Political Economy -

Module 5 (Due 03.03, 11.59 pm)

03.05 Midpoint (Last day to withdraw) Week 8

03.04 / 03.06 The Free Trade Debate -

Week 9

03.11 / 03.13 Dimensions and Strategies of Development -

Week 10

No Reading / Module

03.25 / 03.27 The Quest for Universal Human Rights -

Week 12

Module 7 (Due 03.17, 11.59 pm)

03.18 / 03.20 Spring Break (No Class) -

Week 11

Module 6 (Due 03.10, 11.59 pm)

Module 8 (Due 03.31, 11.59 pm)

04.01 / 04.03 Challenges of Population Growth and Migration 5

Week 13

Module 9 (Due 04.07, 11.59 pm)

04.08 / 04.10 Achieving Sustainable Development / Confronting Climate Change - Module 10 / 11 (Due 04.14, 11.59 pm)

Week 14

04.15 / 04.17 Politics of Regions -

Week 15

04.22 / 04.24 Revision for the Final Exam / No Class -

Week 16

No Module

04.28 All map quizzes are due

05.01 Final Exam 10.45am - 01.15pm


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