Group 1- The Coffee house - INS2023 PDF

Title Group 1- The Coffee house - INS2023
Author Việt Duy
Course Quản Trị Chất Lượng
Institution Van Lang University
Pages 19
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1THE PROJECT REPORTAboutOPERATION MANAGEMENTCOMPANY: THE COFFEE HOUSE● Lecturer: Ph. Tran Cong Thanh ● Name group: Group 1 ● Project name: The operation management of The Coffee houseHa Noi, June 9, 20212ASSIGNMENT EVALUATIONNo. Task Task distribution contribution % of1● Create powerpoint slide ● Ma...




● Lecturer: Ph.D. Tran Cong Thanh ● Name group: Group 1 ● Project name: The operation management of The Coffee house

Ha Noi, June 9, 2021






Task distribution

● Create powerpoint slide ● Make outline and brainstorm ideas

All group members

% of contribution


2 ● Executive summary ● What is the operation management of the coffee house?

3 ● Operation management objective

Vương Duy Việt (Team member)

Vũ Thành Trung (Team leader)



4 ● Action management issues ● Conclusion

Nguyễn Ngọc Hương Mai


(Team member)

5 ● Inventory management

Ngô Việt Trường


(Team member)



Table of Contents Executive summary ....................................................................................................... 4


II. What is the operation management of the coffee house? .......................................... 5 1.

The input .................................................................................................................... 5


The process ................................................................................................................. 6


The output .................................................................................................................. 8

III. Operation management objective ................................................................................ 8 1.

Coffee quality ............................................................................................................. 8


Time ............................................................................................................................ 9

IV. Inventory management ................................................................................................. 9 1.

Definition .................................................................................................................... 9


Step for the coffee house to manage inventory ....................................................... 9


Recommendation ..................................................................................................... 10

V. Action management issues .......................................................................................... 10 1.

Supply chain management of The Coffee House .................................................. 10


Total quality management ...................................................................................... 11


Just in time (JIT) ..................................................................................................... 13


Forecasting ............................................................................................................... 15

VII. Reference ...................................................................................................................... 17 APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................... 18 LINK POWERPOINT: va 19




Executive summary Operations management is a field of management concerned with the design and

control of production processes and the redesign of business operations in the production of goods or services. Related to the management of the entire production system is the process of converting inputs (in the form of raw materials, labor and energy) into outputs (in the form of goods and/or services), as an asset or providing a product or service. Product manufacturing, quality control, and service creation. This report, our group wants to analyze the operation management of The Coffee house by using the knowledge we have studied in the subject: Operations management.




What is the operation management of the coffee house?

● Analysis of The Coffee House Operations There are three main steps of the sales management structure in the coffee house: input, process and output. 1. The input The input of the Coffee house includes customers and the ingredients for making drinks and food. The ingredients must be strictly controlled to choose high quality, providing the best beverage experience for customers. In the coffee house, from the first stores, they have started a partnership with Cau Dat Farm to grow coffee according to our own standards. Through a strict roasting process under the hands of leading coffee experts in Vietnam, coffee beans with uniform quality, rich aroma and the inherent balanced taste of Cau Dat coffee beans will be brought to all stores on The Coffee House system to serve the customers.

The customer comes to the Coffee house to enjoy the drinks and food. Moreover, this is the place that they can connect to their friend, college or another relationship.



2. The process The process of serving drinks and food at The Coffee House includes making coffee for customers and customer’s care when they wait for their drinks. " Before - In - After. " Customers with a need to use store drinks will be welcomed by the employees, who are instructed to choose suitable beverages for the taste. After receiving the customer's drink, the employee will have the duty to make the right drink the guest asks for and bring that drink to the table to enjoy it. If the customer has any other requirements, the staff at the store will come to service so that the guests' experience is always good.

The employees will instruct customers to enter the cashier's counter to order the drinks, the cashier will guide the guests to choose the beverages according to the customer's needs, based on the menu placed immediately, and the small menu is placed on the menu table. In addition to some exceptional cases at the store, when new beverages, seasonal drinks, combo, different promotions. At the cashier's shop, will they need to ask whether they want to try that drink? Not only that, but the stores have snacks like salty cakes. If combined with the guest's drinks, it adds to guests' meals. Payment will occur after the order is completed, at the Coffee house's payments including cash, online banking, card, momo. Since the coffee house uses both mobile apps 6


on both IOS & Android platforms in which the customer's information will be stored and other offers membership, the cashier also needs to ask customers to help customers with the shopping. The payment is complete; the employee will give his client the invoice and some table based on the ordinal number on the invoice and not forget to the customer who used his service. After ordering and paying, customers will be instructed to sit and wait for their drinks. Customers will be served water and enjoy the music. In addition to the invoices that the cashier gave customers, there would be a copy of the employee bill that would keep sending the bartender. From here, the bartender would sort the bill in order and start making things. The implementation of the drink must comply with the formula and complete within a given time for each invoice, except when there are too many drinks at the time, the cashier will have to ask for a client's permission to produce later (from 10 to 15 minutes). After the bartender completes his part, he will send a drink for his staff to do the rest. From here on, the staff will finish the drink following what has been specified from the top of (with a hot drink such as coffee, chocolate, mathe coffee houses will be left with a long spoon and a paper pipe that is placed) side, which a paper pipe will accompany. When it has finished, the staff will arrange a drink again and put it on the tray simultaneously, arranging the proper invoices for that drink and ready to go. The staff will go to every corner to find suitable tables for the drinks and deliver them to the guests. When the delivery has been done, the employee won't forget to say, " enjoy your meal " to customers. From here, customers will use their drinks if any problems occur such as drinks, space, etc. Customers can call their employees directly to help if they are uncomfortable, and the customer can still resubmit their experience at the store through an existing app. After each app transaction appears a review table for the customer at several stars from 1 - 5, depending on the customer satisfaction level after making the evaluation table, it will directly be sent to the store manager if there are a low number of issues or issues that have complained. It's best to make customers experience when using the store at best.



3. The output After enjoying the service and quality of the coffee, customers will have the assessment of the products that determine their brand loyalty. At The Coffee house, they have designed an app for the customers to respond to their feelings or not be satisfied about the products or staff. Get feedback on the spot, if there is a problem, they will handle it immediately, avoiding a crisis. For example, the writer once wrote a review through the app about the coffee cup with some powder on the bottom, less than 5 minutes later the manager came and asked for permission to make a new cup. Moreover, when customers order online: for every 10,000 VND, they will get 1 point and 50 points corresponding to 500,000 VND, you will receive a drink of their choice. Customers have voluntarily updated their information and they have more motivation to come to The Coffee House and get the promotion. III.

Operation management objective 1. Coffee quality To achieve success today, the last seven years The Coffee House continuously

pursued actual coffee value, "non-season." It's like a religion, in a belief and grit aspect. Do the right thing; it may not see the short term immediately, but in the long run, you will surely reap the sweet because it is the right way to go. The coffee house recognizes that Vietnam ranks second in export but is raw coffee, used as raw materials for extracting components such as caffeine. We also have high-quality coffee but no brand and hidden source. That proves that Vietnam can grow good coffee but depends on buyers, world markets. It’s time to build a reputation for high-quality Vietnamese coffee. The coffee house began the journey of self-producing, providing raw materials, and giving natural coffee to the customers. From the farm at its land bridge: production according to modern processes to improve the value of Robusta and arabica of Vietnam. Conservation of typical, yellow cat of local and imported varieties of coffee from Costa Rica. Testing preparation methods from the world's famous coffee countries with future goals will bring Vietnamese coffee abroad with a new mentality. "From farm to cup" – “từ nông trại đến ly cà phê” is the whole process from the time the enterprise incubation, the harvest control, the preparation, and roasting in the counter. 8


Behind the journey a drop of coffee was carried to the customer's hand, the collective effort of many people. To enjoy a cup of coffee usually only takes 30 minutes, but to take care of the coffee tree that yields fruit takes three years. And it takes two more years to get the best quality coffee. The coffee house silently incubates the first coffee trees from three years ago, as soon as the dream of "THE COFFEE HOUSE" is hatching, and it will undoubtedly need more "three years" such as this exciting journey. 2. Time While quality is what customers focus on the most, preparing a drink will affect the customer's mood to enjoy the drink. Customers do not require drinks to be served perfunctorily, but they do not want to wait too long for their drinks. Beverages are required to meet the expected 5 – 10 minute maximum wait time. When managing such a professional and reputable brewing process, the baristas will not spend too much time making drinks and cause trouble to customers. IV.

Inventory management

1. Definition Inventory management includes aspects such as controlling and overseeing purchases — from suppliers as well as customers — maintaining the storage of stock, controlling the amount of product for sale, and order fulfillment. 2. Step for the coffee house to manage inventory ● Step 1: Statistics of numbers This is one of the key factors influencing the budget. THE COFFEE HOUSE will take

measures to limit fluctuations in the supply of food in its warehouse. This is also the

most likely stage of the loss. THC used to get this job done. Make a list of: Raw material: is a raw material that is sold or kept for production in the future, sent for processing and bought on the way home: sugar ice, coffee beans, math coffee house, ice cream ... Finished product: is the finished product after the product process.Such as :cakes, bread, etc. ● Step 2: Use the treatment system 9


If you want to manage in detail and accurately the import and export situation of raw materials, The coffee house uses the software. The recipe declaration of the software products will take up a lot of time at the coffee house, Include the goods declaration, raw materials list, then set quantity for each item. With a list of about 100 product it will take about an afternoon to sell. You need to input raw materials every day in the software with the recipe available: Net balance = Beginning Stock + Import - Export ● Step 3: Check inventory regularly to minimize errors Warehouse management is not easy, there will be a lot of problems around import and export you have no control, such as the employee forgot Do not enter the receipt of goods into the software, the staff enter the warehouse wrong number, sales staff did not enter the software, sold the wrong product, the formula was much wrong. This makes the data on the software skewed with reality and only inventory that you know. 3. Recommendation The solution for inventory management is that the company should apply the FIFO Method (First In – First Out), this is an important principle in inventory management. First in - First out means that the items you first entered need to be used first, which is especially necessary if you are selling perishable products. Therefore, firms make sure that products are not left in stock too long. Materials imported first will be processed first, material imported later will be processed later. So the quality of the drink will be guaranteed. V. 1.

Action management issues Supply chain management of The Coffee House First of all, The Coffee House has their own supplier which is Cau Dat farm. There,

they provide the finest and aromatic Arabica coffee beans in Vietnam. The Coffee House also has producers which bring packages and cups. Under the control of the management team, the quality of these products is guaranteed. The beans after harvest will be roasted, grinded and stored in cold storage. In every store, the manager of the store orders the use of term-type orders filled which include coffee beans, milk, takeaway cups, straws, etc, ordering volume = demand – inventory. 10


Secondly, about the inventory file, everyday before work, the manager must check and calculate the inventory of raw materials. Suppliers will deliver materials to each store. Thirdly, it is about distribution planning, staff in the store receive and prepare orders to serve customers at the table. The Coffee House also takes orders via the app, then the staff prepares, packs and ships the drink to the customer. Finally, about customer service, THE COFFEE HOUSE welcomes any questions, comments, feedback and looks forward to receiving your information. Those comments help them strive to provide the best customer experience possible. Customers can leave comments on their fanpage or customers can review on the app THE COFFEEHOUSE and they will try to reply to you as soon as possible. ● Issues There are a large number of issues in supply chain management but I will share some main issues which affected a lot. The first one is cost pressure. Labour costs continue to rise and a lack of local materials. The cost of preserving raw materials is also high. The product that comes to customers must be the freshest. Secondly, there is a decline in the profit of stores. Determining the areas that supply chains are impacted by controlling by local policies. This led to disruptions and bottlenecks due to strict inspection on food safety. ● Recommendation Communication and collaboration between supply chain control teams, building business operations, purchasing, logistics, etc. are essential to reducing individual work and risk throughout the chain. They are taking advantage of the latest developments in automation to increase productivity and reduce costs, improve storage capacity and consolidate manufacturing and distribution operations, and maximize service levels, system flexibility and operational resilience. Firms should try to simplify and improve the supply chain to increase efficiency and profitability. 2. Total quality management The total quality management that the coffee house wants to focus on is the quality of the Vietnamese coffee. Customers experience the best cup of coffee. “People define good coffee as bitter and smooth. For the past 5 years, our regular customers say that the coffee is as watery as tea. I travel to many parts of the world, but I have found that they do not add additives like coffee in Vietnam, that brings me down 11


compared to the world. The cultural things are preserved, and what makes us set back should change. My coffee culture is coffee filter, not marinade coffee” - The CEO of the coffee house said. The Coffee House Blend is a unique blend of coffee at The Coffee House chain. The principle is always put on top to ensure pure taste is sent to customers. The coffee beans are strictly selected from the ripe fruit of the latest season, are harvested entirely by hand, reaching the ripe fruit rate accounting for more than 95% of the harvest. The roasting and blending recipe of Arabica and Robusta beans of The Coffee House creates a balanced overall bitter, sweet and sour taste, helping coffee to be bold and fragrant. The Coffee House wants to bring the best service to the customer. In term of Staff, All staff must experience a severe training course to make sure the unique flavor and therefore the quality of nutrition for his or her drink consistent with the group’s standards.

● Issues The issue of processing drinks of The Coffee House is that when we receive customer complaints about the quality of the drink, we will have to review all the parts of operation from importing the ingredients to the processing staff and how to preserve the materials. Moreover, the attitude of the staff is sometimes unpleasant.



● Recommendation For the drink, The Coffee House ought to verify the quality of products that suppliers have provided. When using a machine, every day, we must clean all of the machinery a...

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