Grow Management Consultants PDF

Title Grow Management Consultants
Author rida zulquarnain
Course Leadership And Team Dynamics
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 6
File Size 197.9 KB
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assignment for the students, containing briefing report...



NTM002665 BSBSUS501

Grow Management Consultants Sustainability Policy and Procedures Briefing Report Introduction: The purpose of the briefing report is to provide relevant sustainability information, including legislation, and seek input for developing the policy and procedures. Grow Management Consultants provides a healthy and safe work environment and take care of the environment. We need to minimise our footprint and conduct an excellent workplace environment.

Sustainability facts and figures: The below is the list of some crucial sustainability facts and figures: 

13% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions result from Transport and significant air pollution.

On average in Victoria, cars produces four tonnes of greenhouse gas yearly.

Recycling a tonne of cardboard and paper saves 13 trees.

Using recycled paper results in 99% less water usage and 50% less energy used.

Using chlorine-free, three cubic metres of landfill space, 100% recycled paper will be saved per ton of paper.

In a typical office, heating and cooling account for 39% of the energy use. Therefore, to avoid this, in summer, close shades to keep the cool air in and in winter, open them to let the sunlight in.

On powering computers, $250 billion is spent yearly worldwide, out of which only about 15% is utilised, the rest is wasted idling.

Paper is the enormous cost associated with a photocopier and has the most impact on the environment.

You can reduce your 98-99% energy use by selecting an efficient laptop or computer and operating it efficiently,

Efficient lighting design can reduce lighting bills by 40% and 80%.

Lighting covers more than 60% of an average office's energy costs.

Sustainability benefits: 

Improved brand image and competitive advantage

Increase productivity and reduce cost

Increase business ability to comply with regulation MOHAMMED YOUSUF



NTM002665 BSBSUS501

Attract employees and investors

Reduce waste

Make shareholder happily

Business planning, opportunities and sustainability: Sustainability can inform business opportunities to reflect the organisation's commitment to it and build it into business planning. 

Evaluate and review daily operations and current practices

Review strategic plan

Identify the best suitable activities that deliver benefits.

Example sustainability policies and procedures: Energy usage 

Replacing old bulb lights with led ones.

Remind all staff to turn the lights off

Waste management 

Use different bins for dry waste, wet waste or recyclable products to recycle as much as possible

To avoid buying new products often, purchase better quality products

Buy recycled raw products or eco-friendly products

Remind the staff to print only in critical situations

Toxic wastes-e.g. Chemicals 

Replace cleaning company with a new one using at least X% of bio-chemicals

Think twice before buying for example, is it easy to recycle this product

Reducing gas emissions 

Request the staff to use carpool or public transports instead of coming by car.

Promote using Ebook more than hard support books

Recyclable materials 

Replace papers from non recycle base with paper from recycling ones MOHAMMED YOUSUF




BSBSUS501 Instead of plastic cups, use paper cups

Buy products with maximum recycled parts and without too much packaging.

Life cycle mapping: 

The following diagram is the life cycle stages in the production of books by Grow Management Consultants.

Paper Dyes for inks Wood chips for cardboard (Hardbound books)

Production Choose a publisher n Choose which books to publish Editing Printing Case Binding



Storage Marketing Transport

Purchase Disposal Transport

Packaging Transport Paper waste

The following diagram is the life cycle mapping where an external entity related to the product can be identified. Extraction of raw materials

Recycling of materials and components

Design and production


Packaging and distribution

Use and maintenance

Production of the books MOHAMMED YOUSUF



NTM002665 BSBSUS501



Raw materials

Production manufacturing

and 

Sale and distribution


End of Life


Wood chips/paperbark, Destruction of natural ink, glue thread habitats, tree logging, etc Printing



Energy in printing and packaging

Plastic uses for packaging

Non-recyclable paper

Gas emissions




More printing marketing?

Transport 

Gas emission

Gas emission

Non-recycle products







Legal requirements concerning workplace sustainability: 

Resource-department of environment and climate change (DECC)

Discuss risks of non-compliance, loss of permit/licence

Australian federal laws of environmental compliance and sustainability

Example sustainability actions to inform action plan: 

Studying the publishing process

Organise an internal audit of energy consumption

Purchase policy

Use of company car MOHAMMED YOUSUF



BSBSUS501 Lowering carbon footprint and gas emissions

Strict recycling policy


Performance Indicators: 

Monitoring daily work activities' energy usage


Records of purchases – invoices, receipts

Waste levels

Emissions to air (includes fuel gas)

Recycled waste

Supplied water

Plastic waste

Products and services


Options for strategies to ensure continuous improvement of resource efficiency: 

Staff incentives

Consistent review of the policies and procedures

Maintain communication with stakeholders.

Monitoring processes, implementation and conduct internal audits monthly

Effectively set or allocate budgets

Policy options: 

Expected to be effective since there were no proper processes and existing procedures in place

Effectively set or allocate budgets

Timelines of each policy implementation; can be short term actions and long-term actions

Focus on efficiency, productivity, and sustainability

Proposed Scope of the policy:




NTM002665 BSBSUS501 Purpose Statement: The policy includes the purpose of implementing these directives, which is to reduce energy use, waste reduction, and purchase green products.

Scope of Policy: This policy has its Scope to develop materials to inform and educate everyone involved, like employees, staff partners, and consumers, regarding sustainable activities and encourage participation in practices and activities that lead to better environmental outcomes.

Policy Principles: Principles that are primarily based on the commitment of the company to go green and Government legislation to adhere to sustainable practices.

Procedures: It outlines the steps and actions towards sustainability. It has all the details of maintaining a green environment and the consequences of not following and obeying these policies.



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