Happy assignment PDF

Title Happy assignment
Course Educational Psychology
Institution University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
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Good Deed Assignment ...


EDS Psychology Section: Online Course Good Deed Assignment: Option Three: Happy People

While doing the Good Deed Assignment I learned quite a few things about people and what makes them happy. I choose to interview people of all ages to get a wide range of what actually creates happiness in lives and how people perceive that happiness. While doing this research, I discovered that people’s happiness had a similar theme; this was that the things that make them happiest are the people around them. This includes mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, and significant others. But what makes this the people we love the factor that leads to our happiness? From my findings, it seems that as people grow older, material goods and money tend to dissipate in importance, while the little things in life and family tend to be more important factors in finding true happiness. I first interviewed my little cousin, Bella, who is six years old and in First Grade. When I asked her what makes her happy she told me about her kitchen sets, Frozen dolls Anna and Elsa, and all of her favorite types of candy. However, as she sat there she started talking about people that make her happy. She said that her mommy and daddy make her really happy and so do her friends at school. After talking to Bella, I interviewed my other cousin Dominique who is thirteen years old. When I asked her what makes her happy I noticed a pattern relating to that of the six year old. She first said material things such as video games and the sports she plays but later saying that family and friends make her the most happy. With this I came to the conclusion that children and teenagers are more materialistic with their happiness, but still believe that a great deal of happiness comes from loved ones as well.

I then moved on to interview some people who might have a different perspective on what makes them happy. First I interviewed my boyfriend, Brandon who is twenty-three years old. A new pattern had occurred; this was that the first things that came to his mind that give him happiness was his family and friends; while the later things he listed were more materialistic such as his phone and Xbox One. This is in opposition to that of the younger people that I interviewed. Here I discovered a switch in what really makes people happy; this being that material things are becoming less apparent while love and family are becoming more significant. Lastly, I interviewed my mother, Sheryl, whom is fifty-eight years old. When I asked her what makes her happy she told me the love she gives and receives from her family and close friends. This was similar to the other things that I heard from my other interviews; however, one thing was different. This was the fact that in none of her responses did she state that material things make her happy. The things that lead to her to being truly happy are the people that are close to her in her life. I believe the reason why the people we are close to give us more happiness then the material things in life is due to the fact that people can give us the thing we desire and crave the most in life. This phenomenon is love; I don’t know exactly why people seek this so much, but whatever the case, material things cannot fulfill these needs the same ways people do. I believe this is the reason why all of my interviewees said that their family and friends made them the happiest. Thorough out all of the interviews the thing that makes all of these people happy are friends and family. I found that there were correlations with these findings and the video that I had watched. In the video, I noticed that the people, especially the poorer people, seem to be very happy with their lives. This isn’t due to their wealth and income but rather the people in

their lives that make them happy. For example, one of the first families in the video lived in a shack and had a job totting people in little carts. And even though this may seem unhappy and undesirable to some people; this lifestyle made the man in the video happy because he was surrounded by his loved ones. After interviewing and learning about what makes people happy I decided to do a good deed for some one that makes me happy in my life. I woke up early on a Saturday morning and made my mother her favorite kind of eggs, two pancakes, and of course some delicious bacon. I brought it to her bed and woke her up to give her the breakfast in bed. The look on her face was priceless, and she kept saying thank you over and over again. In fact, her happiness gave me happiness in return; it was such a nice warm feeling that made the entire work worth it. Later, we spent the day together and went to see the new hunger games movie. In the end, it was a wonderful day and I hope that I can do something like that again in the near future. Ultimately, I learned quite a bit about the happiness people achieve in their life, how happiness is perceived through the different stages of age, and even learned a little bit about my own happiness. True happiness does not come from materials and money, but rather from the people we love and the experiences we get from these people that make life worth living....

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