HEALT1113 Case Study - Grade: Distinction PDF

Title HEALT1113 Case Study - Grade: Distinction
Course Communication for Health Professionals
Institution Federation University Australia
Pages 8
File Size 114 KB
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Case study on patient, first year nursing...


Nicos is an elderly male of 65 years of an Australian and Greek ethnicity, who is a retired farmer. Displaying the appropriate form of communication with the client allows for the health professional to develop the rapport with the client in which makes the visit comfortable for the client, as well as the health professional. Understanding differences in communication allow for effective communication strategies to be implemented, in saying that, it allows the health professional to invest time in understanding the patient and his needs. Conversely, barriers to effective communication can be seen between the client and health professional. Barriers such as differences in language and culture can affect the counseling session, as it can weaken through misunderstandings of communication. Nicos coming from a Greek background can be considered a communication barrier due to language and cultural differences. Health professionals must take ethical considerations into account. Respecting Nico’s consent and privacy is fundamental. No information should be shared unless Nicos has provided consent. Sharing information can include passing on information to other health professionals. As Nicos is developing depression, as a counsellor, I may need to discuss Nicos’ treatment of depression with other health professionals such as pharmacists for medication, doctors, psychologists or therapists.

Developing the appropriate form of communication is a vital component in ensuring effective communication is performed with the client. As a counsellor, I believe the interactive model of communication is the most appropriate for client Nicos. The interactive model has the receiver responding to the message being sent. This model allows for an exchange of ideas and thoughts between the health professional and client, in which allows for feedback in the communication process (O’toole, 2012). Not only does this model give the healthcare professional an indication of


whether the message has been understood, however it allows the health professional to gain a deeper understanding of the client’s needs (O’toole, 2012). Promoting the interactive model of communication allows for myself to gain a clear understanding of Nicos’ depression in which allows me to work towards improving his development of depression that is taking over him. This model can be achieved by taking care of his needs from the information he communicates to me. In addition, developing a rapport creates a sense of value and trust between the client and health professional and their relationship. (O’toole, 2012). In order to develop a rapport with Nicos, I would firstly, follow the model guide to practice. Following the model allows me to initially, create the therapeutic relationship with Nicos, in doing so, this creates a positive connection. Actively listening to Nicos’ needs will lead to trust and comfort, in which can improve intervention outcomes (Federation University, 2017). Nicos has expressed he is feeling awkward about visiting the counsellor. After building the therapeutic relationship, I would develop rapport by demonstrating a sense of perception and appreciation of the similarities there is with Nicos. Developing a rapport will promote a positive connection with Nicos; in which can ease awkward and uncomfortable feelings he is experiencing while visiting me.

Incorporating effective communication with clients and health professionals in regards to the client’s health is a critical establishment in providing effective health care. (Arnold & Boggs, 2016). As a counsellor, I would be willing to implement effective strategies when communicating with my patient from another culture to understand differences. As Nicos has a Greek background, if needed, I would organise an interpreter to help with any language barriers there may be. I would ensure to provide sequential interpretation, where the interpreter would recite a small portion of


information, (O’toole, 2012) and the interpreter will interpret what I have said for Nicos to understand the communication clearly. I would implement effective communication by investing my time to understand my patients’ needs from the session, with which will lead to effective outcomes throughout the communication process. In order for effective communication, not only would I ensure I am selfaware, but I would ensure I am other-aware too. I would employ to establish an environment that values mutual exchange between communicating and actively listen to what Nicos is saying. Conversely, barriers in effective communication create difficulty in understanding the patient and their needs and can lead to miscommunication (O’toole, 2012). Barriers such as language differences and culture and ethnicity contribute to ineffective communication (Schyve, 2007). Nicos having a Greek heritage, differences in language can be a barrier to effective communication. Language barriers put difficulty on not only the client but also health professionals. To overcome the language barrier, as stated, perhaps schedule an interpreter from Nicos linguistic background. This can help to overcome the language difficulty and prevent misunderstanding. Since having lived on a farm his whole life, Nicos’ life and identity, was built around the farm. Moving closer to the city, over 6 hours away from the farm, lifestyle changes including socio-cultural factors. Having such a lifestyle change, Nicos may feel out of place with feeling more isolated in his new city. Nicos may find living closer to the city overwhelming in comparison to the farm. In order to overcome these barriers, as a counsellor, I would actively listen to Nicos, and become familiar with his needs. Since Nicos’ activity levels have dropped, I would encourage him to join community groups in areas that interest him. I would encourage Nicos to get to know his community by gradually implementing short daily walks around his community. This allows for him to get to know his community, and become familiar


and comfortable in his new hometown. As Nicos feels isolation in his marriage, I would suggest Nicos to communicate with his wife, Barbara. I would suggest them to undertake activities together, such as walks, in order for them to work together and communicate with one another, strengthening their relationship. If isolation worsens, I would suggest Nicos and Barbara relationship counselling.

Health professionals must display appropriate behaviours when communicating with patients. Ethical considerations include abiding the appropriate code of conduct, following the rules and regulations of ethical communication, in respect to the patient, respecting the clients regardless of their differences and being considerate of the clients consent and privacy (O’toole, 2012). In relation to the case scenario, Nicos must firstly agree to treatment before undertaking it. No information should be shared with others unless the client has given informed consent. Consent involves communicating between the health professional and client, discussing the health of the patient. It involves keeping the patients information private. (Confidentiality and Privacy in Healthcare, 2015). Health professionals must not disclose patient information without consent. Ethically, consent constitutes individual’s rights to make decisions about themselves and healthcare. (State of Queensland, 2017). It is important to provide the patient with all information they need in order for them to make the right decisions. Remaining the confidentiality of a patient is vital and is an ethical consideration. Health professionals must remain patients’ health information private away from public access unless given informed consent by the patient. Furthermore, boundaries are an important ethical factor to consider. It is important the health professional keeps an inter-professional communication between client and themselves (O’toole, 2012). As a counsellor, I will ensure to be attentive on self-


disclosure. I am a health professional, not a friend of Nicos. Sharing my experiences may create a sense of rapport, however, self-disclosure should not obstruct with myself as a health professional and personal relationship with Nicos. Health professionals play a specific role in treatment process and it is important that I practice within my limits and skills of scope of practice. As a counsellor, I work within my profession and therefore I am not able to provide all the assistance possible that Nicos may need. Other health professionals I believe I will work cohesively with are pharmacists, doctors, psychologist, and therapists, in which are able to further assist Nicos with his needs, such as medication from the pharmacist, if consent was given. With valid consent from Nicos, I am able to speak to other health professionals such as the doctor to prescribe antidepressants, alongside the pharmacist. I could organise weekly therapy meetings for Nicos, to improve his depression and feelings of isolation.

65-year-old Nicos has moved from his farm where his life and identity was built, to moving closer to the city, over 6 hours away from the farm. Since having lived on a farm his whole life, his lifestyle has changed, and socio-cultural factors change. This has caused him to develop depression and feel isolated. As Nicos has visited me, as his counsellor, it is important, as a health professional, displaying professional communication with the client is valued. Having appropriate communication means the health professional is able to develop rapport with the client for a comfortable, positive experience. Implementing effective communication is essential in providing appropriate health care. Investing time for my client indicates effective communication. It allows for me as a counsellor, to gain an understanding of the needs of Nicos, and work within the differences there may be. Although displaying


professional communication is critical, there can be barriers to effective communication. Barriers such as language and cultural differences can prevent effective communication between the health professional and client. Nicos having a Greek/Australian heritage, Nicos may need an interpreter to have a clear understanding of the communication process for it to be effective communication. Whilst effective communication is essential, health professionals must furthermore respect the consent and privacy of a client. As Nicos is developing depression, as a counsellor, I may need to discuss Nicos’ treatment of depression with other health professionals such as pharmacists for medication, doctors, psychologists or therapists. Fundamentally, in essence, taking into consideration no information should be shared unless Nicos has provided consent.


Referencing List:

O’Toole, G. (2012). Communication: Core interpersonal skills for health professionals, 2nd ed. Chatswood, Australia: Elsevier.

Lawrence, J., Perrin. C., & Kiernan. E. (2015). Building Professional Nursing Communication. Port Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press.

Arnold, E.C., & Boggs, K.U. (2016). Interpersonal Relationships. Missouri, United States of America: Elsevier

Schyve, P.M. (2007). Language Differences as a Barrier to Quality and Safety in Health Care: The Joint Commission Perspective. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 22 (2), 360-361. DOI: 10.1007/s11606-007-0365-3

Michael, P. (2016). Health Communication for Health Care Professionals. New York, United States of America: Springer Publishing Company.

Betterhealth.vic.gov.au. Confidentiality and Privacy in Healthcare. (2015). Retrieved May 10, 2017 from https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/servicesandsupport/confidentiality-andprivacy-in-healthcare


State of Queensland. (Queensland Health). (2017). Guide to Informed Decisionmaking in Health Care, 2nd Ed. Retrieved May 10, 2017 from https://www.health.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/143074/ic-guide.pdf

Howell, J. (2017, April 23). Ethical Communication. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdyZF7WSXjI&feature=youtu.be

Shakeshaft, R. (2017, February 21). Interpersonal Awareness: Effective Listening. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pATCiQQkhCg


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