HIS-144.T-4.Development of the American Economy PDF

Title HIS-144.T-4.Development of the American Economy
Author Jessica Walters
Course U.S. History Themes
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Name: HIS-144: The Development of the American Economy Worksheet 1. Explain Henry Clay’s American System. How did this promote a spirit of nationalism in America? (200-300 words) Following the War of 1812, Henry Clay would develop the American System. To this day the American System is one of the most significant examples of a Government-sponsored program to harmonize and balance the nation’s agriculture, commerce, and industry. The American System was developed to better the economy of this country and to continue to help the growth of America. (United States Senate) For the system to work, it was built with three different parts. 1. Protective taxes to help protect business and also generate revenue for the federal government. 2. A National Bank that would blend the currency and economy. 3. A system for federal subsidies for things such as roads, canals, and other internal improvements that would benefit the agriculture market. Clay stated that the funds for these systems would come from sales and taxes of public land. Henry Clay developed this system to get out of the old British System. Between 1816 and 1828, Congress would make a law that would support the American System. The American System was a time of nationalism in America. This system would help establish America as a nation. By having a National Bank, everyone would be using the same currency. Picture being in this time frame, you want to trade with someone but they use a different currency then you, this could make it difficult to buy, sell, and/or trade. By having funds that go into your road, canals, or other travel paths, would allow easier travel. This could result in a lot of different things. Not only would this be linking many of different regions together but it would also be opening up new opportunities for people. This also resulted in lower shipping cost, which again with help with the trade. The American System truly made our country into one nation.

Reference(s) Byrd, Robert C. (1994) Henry Clay In Defense of the American System Retrieved From: http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/Speeches_ClayAmericanSystem .htm 2. Discuss America’s transportation revolution in the first half of the 1800s. What role did government play in the development of roads, canals, railroads, and steamboats? (200300 words) In the early 1800’s there seemed to be more opportunities in the West. So many people were making the move from the East and traveling west. But these individuals had an 1

easier time traveling compared to the past. Construction of roads, canals, and railroads made the travel a lot easier and safer. In order for roads, canals, and railroads to become a reality, they required funding from the government. This goes back to the American System that Henry Clay had developed. Because of these new developments, such as the railroad lines, steamships, roads, etc, this era was known as the Transportation Revolution. One of the most important pieces of this era was the construction of the Cumberland Road. This was a national highway that was routed from Maryland to Illinois. This made the route to the West much easier for new settlers. Another important piece of traveling was the steamboats and Canals. The Erie Canal linked to the Hudson River. This allowed travel to New York City, the Great Lakes, Mississippi River Valley, and the Atlantic seaboard. Another piece of travel was the Railroad lines. Traveling along the railroad lines, was a lot faster. On average a train would travel twenty miles per hour. This allowed for shorter travel, which resulted in less time to receive goods or to travel to your destination. The Government played a huge role in the development of transportation. The funds to construct all of these new transportation methods, came from funds that were through the government. We can say that the Transportation Revolution was a huge part in changing people’s lives and how they lived them. This made it easier for people to travel, move across the country for new lives, run a business, trade, travel to work, etc. The construction of these travel paths also again assisted in helping America become a nation.

Reference(s) On The Move: The Transportation Revolution (n.d) Retrieved from: http://pressbooksdev.oer.hawaii.edu/ushistory/chapter/on-the-move-the-transportation-revolution/ The Transportation Revoltion (n.d.) Retrieved from: https://www.apstudynotes.org/ushistory/topics/the-transportation-revolution/


3. Identify three major industries (not including the railroad) of America’s Industrial Revolution after the Civil War? What made the men who controlled them so successful? (200-300 words) The Industrial Revolution started before the Civil War, but did not reach its full potential under after the Civil War had ended. During this time the United States overtook the United Kingdom as greatest manufacturing power in the world. Many old industries expanded and many new ones emerged. Some of the new industries included, Petroleum refining, steel manufacturing, and electrical power. During the industrial revolution, it opened new doors on the use of petroleum. Petroleum based fuel was developed and in high demand. Machines that were ran by Steam Engines were running too slow and at a high cost. Petroleum based fueled was a cheaper more effective way to run the machinery. Many of those who used power, received their power from water and steam. However many did not have access to steam power. During the industrial revolution a man names Michael Faraday began to study electricity, as he sees a need for more power needed. He made electricity by moving a magnet through coil wires. This began a whole new way of receiving electricity and also led to things such as a lightbulb and telephones. The steel and iron industry would quickly grow during the Industrial Revolution. Prior to the Revolution many a lot of manufacturing was done in peoples home with basic tools and/or machines. But during the Industrial Revolution it called for more job specific machinery and factories due to mass production. With the availability of cheaper iron and steel it helped grow several industries. Due to the growth and demand of the iron and steel it also opened up many job opportunities for people. Which also helped our nation grow. The men who controlled these major industries during the revolution, were making more money than they could imagine. Business was success, they had a high demand for their products, and they were making money.

Reference(s) Petroleum (n.d.) Retrieved from: https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/petroleum/#:~:text=The%20Industrial %20Revolution%20created%20a,further%20increased%20demand%20for%20petroleum. Faraday’s Electric Generator (n.d.) Retrieved from: https://ageofrevolution.org/200object/faradays-electric-generator/ Mead, Walters Russell (2018) The Big Shift How American Democracy Fails Its Way to Success Retrieved from: https://web-b-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? vid=1&sid=3ad3f697-c9e9-4e66-9bd6-39700fba3803%40pdc-v-sessmgr01

4. Explain the importance of the transcontinental railroad. In what ways did the transcontinental railroad change America? (200-300 words) The transcontinental Railroad made many changes that were important to America. Before the transcontinental railroad, travel would include a stagecoach. The stagecoach would cost around $1000 and it took several months to get to your destination. You also had to travel through mountains and deserts. It was a long and sometimes unhealthy way of traveling. When the transcontinental railroad came around, it would cost you 3

around $150 and your trip would only take a few days. The transcontinental railroad was not only a cheaper way to travel, but it was faster and safer. It was important for several reasons. So many jobs were created to build the railroad tracks. It brought the West into America. By having the transcontinental Railroad it made the West connected to the rest of the country. By 1880 the transcontinental railroad was transporting $50 million worth of freight a year. They also transported western food crops and raw materials to the east coast and east coast goods to the west. Americans were thrilled with the transcontinental railroad. It provided cheaper travel for all. By having other means of travel, Americans were able to move. Some were stuck in certain areas with little work and poor living conditions, but with no good means of travel, they felt stuck. The transcontinental railroad gave Americans a different view on our land. This built up confidence in our nation. Which lead to more people wanting to take on more. It was a moving and growing time in our nation.

Reference(s) Kiger, Patrick J (n.d.) 10 Ways the Transcontinental Railroad Changed America Retrieved from: https://www.history.com/news/transcontinental-railroad-changed-america#:~:text=The %20transcontinental%20railroad%20had%20a,on%20even%20more%20ambitious%20quests. Building the Transcontinental Railroad (n.d.) Retrieved from: https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/disp_textbook.cfm?smtID=2&psid=3147 5. Explain the origins and growth of early labor unions in the United States. In what way did they change America? (200-300 words) Labor Unions were created for protection for the workers. It became a part of the American culture. The first worker strike that is recorded happened in 1768. Journeymen tailors were on strike for a wage reduction. This developed a union named, Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers. This was a union that started to make a difference in our nation. During the Industrial Revolution, workers were demanding a shorter work day. Thus creating The National Labor Union in 1866. Their goal was to limit the hours for federal employees to eight hours a work day. In 1881, The Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions was founded. Five years later the American Federation of Labor was founded and they worked together to come to Congress. With the two Labor Unions working together, Congress created the U.S. Department of Labor Law in 1913. During the time of the Civil War and World War I, Labor unions were growing due to the popular demand for factory workers. However Labor Unions grew to power under President Franklin Roosevelt. President Roosevelt had a New Deal Policies. Heading into the 20th century Labor Unions started to loose numbers. New laws were being passed, such as, child labor laws, mandating equal pay for equal work regardless of gender and/or race. Individuals were able to rely on these new federal laws, that they didn’t all need labor unions. Between 1975 and 1985, Union Memberships dropped by 5 million. Labor Unions are still hard at work today. Many bigger factories and companies rely on unions to negotiate with their mass number of employees. Labor Unions have changed the way American’s work. Workers have more rights. No one has to worry about 4

discrimination. Without the use of Labor Unions, we could potently be little fish in a pond working for the big fish with no rights.

Reference(s) Cussen, Mark P (2020) The History of Unions in the United States Retrieved from: https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0113/the-history-of-unions-in-the-unitedstates.aspx Domhoff, William G (2013) The Rise and Fall of Labor Unions in the U.S. Retrieved from: https://whorulesamerica.ucsc.edu/power/history_of_labor_unions.html


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