HIS-144.T-4.Development of the American Economy PDF

Title HIS-144.T-4.Development of the American Economy
Course U.S. History Themes
Institution Grand Canyon University
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College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Name: Jayme M Hughes HIS-144: The Development of the American Economy Worksheet 1. Explain Henry Clay’s American System. How did this promote a spirit of nationalism in America? (200-300 words) Henry Clay’s American System was put in place to help the government have the power in economics in businesses. The American System balanced things out to make everything equal and it protect the ones involved in the economic development. “This "System" consisted of three mutually reinforcing parts: a tariff to protect and promote American industry; a national bank to foster commerce; and federal subsidies for roads, canals, and other "internal improvements" to develop profitable markets for agriculture.” ( Byrd, 2019 Sentence 3). In todays society, the American System is used in business and in Congress. This promoted the spirit of nationalism by having a common ground for the government and the business to work together and not against each other. having a high price to pay for shipping, the American System helps to lower the cost of shipping. The shipping process is supported in the transpiration by having access to the train cars to travel across America to deliver the products to other companies. Having train cars to help deliver products to other companies, really helped the companies grow and succeed in the business. The American System protected the companies when they are dealing with the shipping and from the government’s power. With the government, the American system protected the government to have an equal ground with others in the system/government.

Reference(s) Byrd, R. C. (2019, October 21). Classic senate speeches. Retrieved August 09, 2020, from https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/common/generic/Speeches_ClayAmerican System.htm


2. Discuss America’s transportation revolution in the first half of the 1800s. What role did government play in the development of roads, canals, railroads, and steamboats? (200300 words) America’s transportation revolution for the first half of the 1800s really changed on how things were being transported and the government’s involvement in the transpiration. The government started to tax the people for having the access to roads, canals, railroads, and steamboats. The big part that the government played is allowing the canals to be used for transportation goods across the water. The roads are used for transporting smaller items to the near by towns, whereas the railroads are used to transport larger items. The railroads are faster to transport items and it did not rely on certain weather conditions like the steamboats. Steamboats are used to travel across the water in the canal to transport items. These transporting systems really helped America in great way because it really opened many possible ways to transport anything in America. When traveling to another area in America, the time would be shorter and cost less. With all the different ways of transportation really helps America to be more financially stable with all the business blooming. “Recognizing the importance of speedy transportation, in the years after 1800 some states began internal improvements.” (Schulz, 2018 page 178). The government uses the transportation for a gain when it comes into getting goods from all over the world.

Reference(s) Schulz, K. (2018). HIST 5 (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth. https://www.gcumedia.com/digitalresources/cengage/2018/hist5_5e.php


3. Identify three major industries (not including the railroad) of America’s Industrial Revolution after the Civil War? What made the men who controlled them so successful? (200-300 words)

The major industries from the America’s Industrial Revolution after the Civil War are agricultural, automobiles, and the oil industry. There is lot that changed during the Industrial Revolution after the Civil War. Most of the big factories had closed to provide education for the children and many people have lost their jobs. Farmers would grow crops to feed their families and help the economy when the big factories closed. The automobiles would help many people travel to places without having the hassle of a horse and carriage. The oil industry helped people that needed oil for automobiles or the steamboats so they can travel. Many people would use automobiles daily for everyday activities and they would need oil to do that. “The peak years of industrial society, from 1945 to 1990, saw the development in many countries of an unusually stable form of regulated capitalism closely aligned with the state.” (Mead, 2018 page 14). This made the men very successful by monopolizing the other companies and working their employees at a very low pay rate. The men would expand their companies to all over America and run a worldwide business. this made the men very rich and they thought they could have all the power and money in their hands.

Reference(s) Mead, W. R. (2018). The big shift. Foreign Affairs, 97(3), 10–19 https://web-b-ebscohostcom.lopes.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=0a73d594-cbcd-41cf-b0b46cc2c5a69573%40sessionmgr101&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl# db=bth&AN=128950330


4. Explain the importance of the transcontinental railroad. In what ways did the transcontinental railroad change America? (200-300 words)

The transcontinental railroads changed America by having trains that would go faster than any steamboat. The railroads were built by the Chinese labors and the railroads would go through tunnels. Everyone wanted to have a train car to travel on the railroads because it was very popular and exciting to travel across America. Knowing that the railroads went all over the United States, many companies would use the railroads as a delivery system. It was a new way for transportation to come along and the people that came up with the idea were very proud that it was popular. With all the train cars, it could fit many people on board and carry loads of supply across the railroads into another state. The South really like having the railroads because it made it easier for them to receive supplies and the people could travel to the North. “The transcontinental railroad joining the eastern and western halves of the country has been lauded as one of the greatest displays of American engineering and innovation, yet it could not have been completed without the help of thousands of Chinese laborers.” (Chiu, & Kirk, 2014 page 507). This really changed how America transported goods and people and it worked well as a delivery system.

Reference(s) Chiu, H. B., & Kirk, A. T. (2014). “Unlimited American Power”: How Four California Newspapers Covered Chinese Labor and the Building of the Transcontinental Railroad, 1865– 1869. American Journalism, 31(4), 507–524. https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1080/08821127.2014.969673


5. Explain the origins and growth of early labor unions in the United States. In what way did they change America? (200-300 words)

The early labors unions happened when the working conditions were terrible for the workers n. Many businesses would pay their employees very low wages and work them long hours. The laborers would get very tired of the long hours and the poor working conditions would cause many health problems for the laborers. “Modern industry evolves these organizations out of the existing conditions where there are two classes in society, one incessantly striving to obtain the labor of the other class for as little as possible, and to obtain the largest amount or number of hours of labor; and the members of the other class, being as individuals utterly helpless in a contest with their employers, naturally resort to combinations to improve their condition, and, in fact, they are forced by the conditions which surround them to organize for selfprotection.”( Mintz, 2020 line 2). With all the unions in place many things changed such as the working conditions for the workers in America today. People would have to work to eight hours with a decent pay, but there some workers that have to work many hours in day. The unions really had an impact of what a business should have for their employees and to have a reasonable pay.


Mintz, S. (2020). Digital History. Retrieved August 10, 2020, from http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/teachers/historyonline/gompers_amfedlabor.cfm


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