HIS-450 Topic 2 The Golden and Mystical 1950s Worksheet (1) - Copy PDF

Title HIS-450 Topic 2 The Golden and Mystical 1950s Worksheet (1) - Copy
Author J Platz
Course U.S. History Since 1945
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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Download HIS-450 Topic 2 The Golden and Mystical 1950s Worksheet (1) - Copy PDF


Jessica Platz 09/15/2019 HIS-450

HIS-450 Topic 2 The Golden and Mystical 1950s Worksheet Instructions: In 200-300 words, respond to the following prompts. Each prompt should be supported with research. Each response is worth 7 points.

1. What specific effects did Urban Sprawl have on U.S. society? Explain. There were many effects of Urban Sprawl on U.S. society. The Urban Sprawl changed the way Americans lived. There was an increase of federally funded highway construction that connected central cities with the surrounding suburbs. The developers wiped out the forests, fields, orchards, and grazing lands that used to surround the cities and began building these suburbs. Suburban shopping centers started popping up across the nation changing the way Americans shopped. The suburbs housed people with the same economic and social views. They made everyone the same with their shared style of consumption rather than people living in areas based on cultural background. The suburbs were racially separating whites from African American and Hispanic families in the city. The cities were left with shrunken tax bases, social services dwindled, and left minorities trapped in deteriorating inner cities. The American society became more child oriented and women stayed at home to all the needs of their families. Women who worked were looked at as feminist trying to be men.

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2. How did the advent of Rock and Roll and the “Teen Culture” impact U.S. society? Explain. With the popularity of Rock n’ Roll came a subculture that American society had never seen before. Teenagers were now identifying with their own peer culture instead of the culture their parents were privy to. This new culture intimidated the adults with its rebellious attitude and different fashions and fads. The music had suggestive lyrics and normalized sexuality in teenagers. Teenagers were being told that these years were for their rebellion and for good times before becoming adults. For when they are adults they would have to settle down in suburbia and raise families. Popularity of Rock n’ Roll also had a rise in juvenile delinquency. The media did not help with the anxiety with its coverage of gang fights, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual offenses all associated with Rock n’ Roll and the teen culture.

3. How did “dynamic conservatism” affect the U.S. political landscape? Explain. President Eisenhower cut income taxes and federal spending by 10 percent. To diminish inflation, the increased interest rates and constricted credit. Congress

extended social security, increased minimum wage, and increased unemployment insurance. There were new programs for the people like department of Health, Education and Welfare to organize the social programs the government put in place. Eisenhower cut back in spending and went forward in social programs to help the people. The government no longer had disagreement where the left and the right were against each other on fundamental issues.

4. What was “Politics of Consensus”? How does this compare with the current political discourse in the U.S. today? Which of these two views of perpetuating democratic government are better? Explain. Politics of consensus is where politically both parties agree. Traditional political allegiances decreased in the 1950s and the independent voter was born. The voters were supporting a man or an issue and not sowing favoritism to a party. The two political parties were now equal. This government is the opposite of the government we have today where the left and the right are fighting about everything. It is hard for either side to get anything to pass because of this. Everyone is about their own agenda and not as an America as a whole. I think that the politics of consensus is better because the vote should be about the issues at hand and not loyalty to a certain party.

5. What effect did Sputnik have on U.S. society? Be sure to discuss its effects on both foreign and domestic policy. The Soviets launched the first space satellite called Sputnik. This increased fear in Americans that the Soviet rocket science was ahead of America’s. This put the pressure on America to catch up. Eisenhower knew that America’s missile development and nuclear weapons were at an advantage, but he could not tell the American people to ease their worrying because he gained this information because of the top-secret U-2 flight. Eisenhower knew that the increased spending was unnecessary for space exploration and missile building but because of the uneasiness of the Americans he directed an Army team to develop Explorer 1. Everyone blamed American public school for the Soviets advantage and not putting the effort into math and science. This became an issue of national security. This put in play the National Education Act that funded high school math, language, and science programs.

References Ches t erPac h.2004.“ ‘ Roc k“ n”Rol l I sHer et oSt ay ’ :Usi ngPopul arMus i ct oTeac haboutDat i ngand Yout hCul t ur ef r om El v i st ot heBeat l es . ”OAHMagaz i neofHi s t or y18( 4) :44.ht t ps : / / s ear c hebs cohos t c om. l opes . i dm. oc l c . or g/ l ogi n. as px ?di r ect =t r ue&db=eds j sr &AN=eds j s r . 25163702&si t e=eds l i v e&s cope=s i t e.

Moss, George, and Evan P. Thomas. Moving On: The American People Since 1945. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Perason Education...

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